King's Business - 1952-02

knew Christ. We are not told what kind of people Lydia entertained before she was saved, and quite probably this was the first time Christians had ever been in her home. She was wise in choosing her friends from those who also knew Christ and could help her grow spirit­ ually. It is not enough to know Christ; we must show this fact to others.

read, “When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also” (2 Tim. 1:5). Many very fine things are said in the Bible about Timothy. In Philippians 2:19,20 Paul said of him: “ But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timotheus shortly unto you, that I also may be of good comfort, when I know your state. For I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care for your state.” When thinking of the fine qualities in Timothy, we need to remember that he had godly guidance from his mother and grandmother. Object: A piece of paper 8 Y 2 x 11 inches. (Fold each end to within % inch of the middle, leaving a gap of % inch. In this space print the word “ LYDIA.” Open the paper and, using the letters in the word “ LYDIA,” print the following words, “ LISTENED, YIELDED, BAP­ TIZED, ENTERTAINED, CHRIS­ TIANS” ) I Lesson: Today our lesson deals with the subject of knowing and showing the Christian life. Some people say that they know Christ as Saviour, but they never show the new Christian life to the world by the way they live. On this piece of paper is the name o f . a woman in the New Testament who not only knew Christ, but who let this fact show in her life. Her name was Lydia. If we open the paper, we will find two ways of knowing, and three ways of showing that Christ had changed her life. The first word is “ LISTENED.” Acts 16:14 tells us, “ She attended [listened] unto the things which were spoken of Paul.” All people must listen to the gospel before they can know Christ. The second word is “YIELDED.” “Whose heart the Lord opened” (Acts 16:14). The Lord opens only the hearts that are yielded to Him. One of the first things Lydia did to show that she was a Christian was to be baptized. She had received the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, and then she was baptized gladly. None who know Christ should refuse to be baptized. The last two words are “ ENTER­ TAINED CHRISTIANS.” This is a very important way of showing she L isten ^ Y ielded ^ apt / ze D E njerta I ned christi A ns Mar. 23, 1952 F a i t h f u l a n d F r u i t f u l


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Mar. 30, 1952 A D o c t o r a n d a D u t y

Objects: A phonograph record and a cardboard parrot, colored with crayons. (A real parrot could be used if avail­ able.) Lesson: These two objects I brought this morning both talk, but they talk very differently. They are like people. By his speech you can tell what a per­ son is like. A parrot will often talk a great deal, but you are never sure what he may say. As a rule he says, “ Hello,” “ Polly wants a cracker,” and many other dis­ connected phrases. Parrots are interest­ ing, but you can never trust them to deliver an important message. They may either forget the message or not feel like talking when it should be delivered. The phonograph record is unlike the parrot. You can depend on it to deliver just the message that has been given to it. If we were to play this record, we would hear a beautiful piece of music. Every note would be sounded just as the musician played it for the recording. The record would give all the rests in the music. The accented notes would be the same as when they came from the hand of the master. The people of God are either “ par­ rots” or “ records.” Some say just what they feel like saying; and others say only and all that God wants them to say. The record reminds me of Luke, the man who wrote the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. In Luke 1:3,4, we read, “ It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus. That thou mightest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed.” Luke was a doctor, and the greatest duty he ever performed was when he took his pen in hand and wrote the things he knew about the Lord Jesus Christ. You and I can be used of God in causing others to hear His message. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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