King's Business - 1952-02


Sixth In A Prophetic Series

By George T. B. Davis*

O NE day during our stay in Jeru­ salem we visited- the beautiful Scotch Church and its comfort­ able hospice. As we sat in the pleasant living room of that Christian home, we looked out on the southeastern wall of Jerusalem, which is the only part of the wall that is included at present in the Jewish State. The Jews no longer have access to their ancient Wailing Wall, with its huge stones which date back to the Second Temple. But God has promised that Jerusalem will be the place of Messiah’s Throne, where He shall reign over the Gentiles and over His regathered people Israel: “ At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord; and all the na­ tions shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the Lord, to Jerusalem” (Jer. 3:17). Jerusalem is now and will be “ a cup of trembling” and a “burdensome stone” to all people who gather against it (Zech. 12:2,3). The United Nations have long announced that they plan to internationalize the Old City—a num­ ber of nations to have jurisdiction over it. Dr. Weizmann, the President of the State of Israel, in an article in “ Israel and the Middle East” stated: “ We are agreeable that special arrangements he made for the Old City with its Holy Places. We would like to see this sacred zone beautified so that worshipers com­ ing from all parts of the world to Jeru­ salem will derive joy and inspiration from their pilgrimage. There is, how­ ever, no reason why special arrange­ ments for the Old City should extend

take another train for Tel Aviv. From Lydda to Haifa there was plenty of room, and we had interesting times talking with passengers and giving out New Testaments to various ones in our car. One of the passengers we met was an ex-captain of the Jewish army which defended Jerusalem during the Arab- Jewish conflict. He gladly received a Hebrew New Testament. The railway runs along the coast as it nears Haifa. Soon we passed the fisheries where the Jews are breeding fish to replenish the food supply in Israel. At last, after a pleasant four- hour journey of witnessing and giving out New Testaments to interested Jews, we reached Haifa. Our faithful friend met us at the station and took us to our former room on Mount Carmel. Again we rejoiced in the beautiful view of the thousands of twinkling lights of the harbor city and of its homes built along the mount. Above were the myr­ iads of brilliant stars like jewels, which caused Mrs. Davis to exclaim, “ The stars seem to shine more brightly in Israel than in any other part of the world!” That night in our pension we slept again in the bed which had been pur­ chased years ago from a wealthy Arab emir., The bed was the widest we had ever seen. It was over seven feet wide and six and three-quarters feet long. It took two sets of sheets and two sets of blankets to cover its width. When we saw it, after we first arrived from America and slept in it during our stay on Mount Carmel, we were reminded

also to the New City outside the walls. This new city has sprung up within the past hundred years essentially as a re­ sult of Jewish effort.” The stage is already set for future battles over the possession of Jerusalem. From a study of Zechariah 14, we gather that the ownership of the whole city will never be fully settled until the Lord Jesus Christ comes back to reign there. But many striking events will come to pass in Israel, according to God’s Word, before our Lord returns to rule and reign over all nations, as King of kings, and Lord of lords. We will hope to speak in more detail about these events later in this chapter. During our last twelve days in Jeru­ salem we were shown gracious hospital­ ity by Canadian and Swiss missionaries who invited us to be their guests in their apartment. We continued to have blessed times of witnessing to individual Jews and to groups of Jews who gath­ ered in homes to hear God’s Word. Our two months’ stay in Israel was rapidly drawing to a close and we had to go back to Haifa to embark for Europe, for the work that awaited us there. We bade good-bye to the many missionary friends in Jerusalem and the dear Hebrew Christians from Ger­ many, France, Hungary, Switzerland, Bulgaria and from other lands, and took the train for Haifa via Lydda. The train from Jerusalem to Lydda was crowded. As we drew near Lydda, we saw a few planes on the airfield, and a plane about to make a landing. At Lydda many of the passengers left to

*Executive Secretary of the M il lio n T e s t a m e n t s C a m p a ig n s . Reprinted from the hook, I srael R e tu r n s H om e A ccording to P r o ph e c y , obtainable at 1505 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. I I I ■~.......... ■ b-- • I K # fbiîiüi iSf ^11

Sheep in the Emek

Elite Chocolate factory in Ramai Gan

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