King's Business - 1955-02

MARTHA S. HOOKER, Editor Associate Professor of Christian Education, Biola Bible College

The children were so kind to him and kept his cage so clean that bye and bye Nutsy began to like his new life. Sometimes Susie let him run around the house and he learned to sit on Rodger’s shoulder. He would sit there and chatter away. Susie often looked at him in a puzzled way. “What on earth are you trying to say? I wish I could understand chipmunk language so I could tell what you mean!” Of course, Nutsy was talking about his old home under the maple tree . . . and maybe he was saying too, “You can sure get into trouble by talking too much!” * * * ' . * Boys and girls, the Bible contains many verses that tell us about our speech, our tongues and our lips. One that I like very much is this in Psalm 141:3: “ Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.” Now a watch is a guard or a policeman. God will be that to our lips, if we will pray this prayer with David. END.

Hearts February is the month of hearts, for it is the month that gives us Valentine’s Day, and Valentine’s Day always means hearts. God’s Word tells of many kinds of hearts, some of which are listed here. Enjoy a matching game. Match the heart with the Scripture verse by placing in the parentheses in front of the words, the number of the corresponding verse. ( ) pure heart 1. Prov. 25:20 ( ) broken heart 2. Luke 8:15 ■XAn merry heart 3. Isa. 38:3 ( ! | proud heart 4. Matt. 11:29 C ■) new heart 5. Prov. 17:22 ( i good heart 6. 1 Ki. 3:9 ( (■ . Ï )• true heart dectmful heart 7. Prov. 28:25 8. Ezek. 18:31

breath, he made it just in the nick of time, but not before Willie got a big mouthful of his tail hairs. He lay panting, not daring to move. Nutsy Hears Human Voices But there were more troubles to come! All at once he heard human voices. He did not dare show his head. Then at the opening at one end two beautiful brown eyes looked into his shiny black ones. A little girl called out, “ Oh, Rodger, come quick!” A boy’s blue eyes looked in the other end. “Why, it’s a chipmunk, Susie!” He reached in and pulled Nutsy out of the pipe. “And it’s a baby one!” said the boy. “ Oh-h-h!” cooed the dark-eyed, brown-haired Susie,.. ¡“ Do you think Mommy would let us keep ihim?” “We can ask her,” replied the blonde, bright-eyed boy, “ Listen to him, trying to talk to us!” For Noisy Nutsy, frightened as he was, still chattered away. So Susie and Rodger took Nutsy home, and this was Mamma’s ver­ dict: “ If you will take care of him yourselves, and pick berries for him, and water him regularly, you can put him in Goldie’s old cage.” Goldie, their canary, had died the week be­ fore. The children promised faithfully to do this, and I am glad to report that they kept their part of the bar­ gain. Sometimes children say they will take care of pets, if only they are allowed to have them, but they • forget to do it, and Mother has to do all the work, while the children have the fun. That is one reason why mothers often do not want to have animals around; they like them well enough but they make them so much work. At first Nutsy was very sad. H e; missed his father and mother and brothers and sisters and the warm burrow. But, more than that, he knew it was his own fault that he had landed in a cage. He just talked too much! It made him so cross that once he bit little Susie when she brought him some food. How could she know that beechnuts, not pea­ nuts, was his favorite food? Rodger scolded him hard for this.

( 1 understanding heart

9. Psa. 34:18 10. Heb. 10:22

( ( (

) stony heart

) heavy heart 11. Ezek. 11:19 ) perfect heart 12. Jer. 17:9

13. Matt. 5:8

( ' ) lowly heart

Î # 5 ? le to c h u t '

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