King's Business - 1955-02

By Donald G. Davis.. Ph.D. Prof, of Church History, Talbot Theological Seminary

would result, which may be of some disadvantage to b e g i nne r s whose thinking still has to be stimulated. It would serve excellently, however, the broader purpose of general orienta­ tion. In Christian Realism Dr. Young- holds a balanced position, pointing out the need for a synthesis of the objective and the subjective in which the total personality becomes in­ volved. While on the one hand he sees the dangers of extreme existen­ tialism, on the other he also sees the deficiencies of pure rational coher­ ence- systems. Christianity is on a par with secu­ lar coherence systems only for the Christian himself who accepts the basic postulate of revelation. And the experiential element, so important in an empirical age, is not neglected: the reality of the initial experience of God in Christ through His Spirit is the foundation stone of Christian philosophy. The book can be highly recommended to students in Christian schools. The author is Professor of the Philosophy of Religion at North­ ern Baptist Theological Seminary. 252 pages; cloth; Van Kampen Press Wheaton, 111.; $4.00. Reviewed by Timothy Fetler, Ph.D. The Seven Taws o f Teaching By John Milton Gregory This classic book on teaching was written in 1884 by the first Regent and organizer of the University of Illinois. Revised by William C. Bag- ley and Warren K. Layton, the 1917 edition has been widely used in Sun­ day school teacher training programs. Those who received their first intro­ duction to p e d a g o g i c a l methods through this book will never forget the thrill. It is still useful. 129 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rap­ ids, Mich.; $1.75. God’ s R em ed y By Donald Grey Barnhouse Here we have a third volume from the Editor of Eternity magazine based on the Epistle to the Romans. The en­ tire set carries the title, Expository Messages of the Whole Bible Taking the Epistle to the Romans as a Point of Departure. The present volume covers Romans 3:21 to 4:25. Thirty- seven messages are included upon the 36 verses of text covered. All reveal the author’s well-known insight into CONTINUED ►

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