King's Business - 1955-02

teen objections treated go to the very heart of both amillennial and post- millennial arguments. These three volumes deserve a place on the book­ shelf of every Bible student. 207 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans’ Pub­ lishing Company, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.00. This excellent double biography of John and Charles Wesley comes from the pen of an experienced biographer born and educated in Great Britain. Tlie brothers are seen as complement­ ing each other in talents, energy and interests, while perhaps favoring Charles. The book is popular, was not written for scholars, and contains no documentation — although many quotations have been included from the sources. The work supplies an excellent introduction to the two sons of Susanna Wesley who guided the interests and destinies of the peo­ ple who after their deaths became an independent denomination — the Methodist Church. This is a book not easily laid aside once one has dipped into its pages. 301 pages; cloth; Oxford University Press, New York; $4.00. This is not just another premillen- nial volume—it is an excellent piece of work in defense of the premillen- narian view, making use of eschatol­ ogical material in Daniel’s prophecy not usually stressed in this connec­ tion. The first half of the book is devoted to a definition of the premillennial view and events connected therewith. The second half deals with the appli­ cation of the book of Daniel to pre­ millennial truth. The futurity of the seventieth week of Daniel’s prophecy (9:24-27) and its bearing upon the question at issue is well worth care­ ful study. Appendixes on the time and extent of the coming world dissolution and interpretations of the millennium fol­ low the text. An extended bibliog­ raphy, including works from various points of view concludes the book. 221 pages; cloth; Fleming H . Revell Com­ pany, Westwood, N. J.; $2:50. Book Brevities WILL THERE BE A MILLENNIUM? by E. Buckhurst Pinch. 17 pages; paper; Advent Testimony and Preparation Movement, Lon­ don, England; 6 pence. A brief review of the Scripture evidence for a coming Kingdom Age. THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST by Fred­ erick A. Tatford. 16 pages; paper; Advent Testimony and Preparation Movement, London, England; 6 pence. A discussion of the bear­ ing of the Christian life upon future rewards. END. A Tale of Tw o B ro th e rs By Mabel Richmond Brailsford Daniel and the l a t t e r B a ys By Robert D. Culver

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