King's Business - 1955-02

never-fading quality of love (vv. 8-13). 2. Of what good is eloquence without love? (v. 1.) 3. Of what value is the prophetic gift of spiritual understanding without love? (v. 2.) 4. Of what good is philanthropy with­ out love? (v. 3.) 5. List the 14 things said about love in w . 4-7 and briefly discuss each of these. 6. How does Paul show the temporary character of life? (w . 8,9.) 7. What does he mean by “ prophecies” in v. 8? We can know that he is not making reference to the Word of God as we have it in the Bible for the Word of God is eternal (Psa. 119:89). This word has reference to those utterances of spir­ itual leaders before the Word of God was given in its final and absolute form. 8. In what sense did Paul “ become a man,” developing from childhood with its immaturity into maturity? Does not Gal. 4:1-7 answer this question? 9. Does not Paul mean, then, that all preaching apart from the Word of God, all speaking in tongues, all special in­ sight into spiritual matters apart from the Word— that all these are childish matters now forever done away with when the believer enters into maturity? 10. With the passing of the temporary gifts three things remain: what are these? (v. 13.) And which is the greatest of these? Why is this so? 11. What is the source of love? (1 John 4:7.) 12. What is the proof that a man has been born of God? (v. 7.) 13. How can a man know that he really is acquainted with God? (v. 8.) 14. How has God proved His love for us? (w . 9,10.) 15. What ought to be the believer’s attitude toward others, especially his brethren in the Lord in the light of God’s love for him? (v. 11.) 16. What is one of the great benefits of love? (v. 18.) 17. What is the meaning of v. 19? Mar. 2 0 , 1955 Our Christian Endeavor Chapter Romans 12 DAILY READINGS Mar. 14 — Concern for Salvation Phil. 2 :1 2 , 13 Mar. 15 — Knowing God's W ill Eph. 1:18-23 Mar. 16 — Influence of the Spirit Luke 4 :1 8 , 19 Mar. 17 — Peter's Second Sermon A cts 3 :1 2 -2 6 Mar. 18 — Vengeance Belongeth to God Heb. 1 0 :3 0 , 31

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Lord’s teaching in this verse? (v. 5.) 5. What does the Saviour mean in His words, “ They have their reward?” (v. 5.) 6. What does the Lord Jesus mean by entering into our “ closet” to pray? (v. 6.) 7. Is not secret and private prayer the real test of the reality of the Christian experience? 8. What is the promise given to the one who prays in secret? (v. 6.) 9. What is meant by vain repetitions? H 7.) 10. Can you think of any illustrations you have heard from missionaries of the kind of prayer mentioned in v. 7? 11. Is it possible for us to pray like this, too? 12. How can we avoid making this mistake in prayer? 13^ How is the absolute knowledge and the great concern of God for His children shown in v. 8? 14. What relationship must exist be­ tween the one who prays and God if his prayer is to be heard and answered? (v. 9.) 15. Note the three petitions with re­ gard to God and discuss the meaning and application of each one (w . 9,10.) 16. When will the prayer be answered regarding the will of God being done on earth? Is it not when the Lord Jesus re­ turns to establish His kingdom? 17. What are the three petitions with regard to man? (w . 11-13.) 18. What is the importance of a for­ giving spirit in connection with prayer? (vv. 14,15.) Mar. 13, 1955 The Centrality of

Helps for Christian Endeavor and Other Young People's Groups

By Chester J. Padgett, D.D. Assistant Professor of English Bible Talbot Theological Seminary Mar. 6, 1955 The LorcTs Prayer Matt. 6 :5 -1 8


Seeking and Finding

M att. 6 :3 3 , 34

Mar. 1 —

Knocking and Opening

M att. 7 :7

Mar. 2 —

Asking and Receiving

Jam es 1:5-7

Mar. 3 —

Temptations Rejected

Luke 4 :1 -1 3

Mar. 4 —

A Parable on Prayer

Luke 18:9-14

Christian Love 1 Cor. 1 3; 1 John 4 :7-21

Mar. 5 —

The Effectual Prayer

Jam es 5 :1 3 -1 6

HEART OF THE LESSON This matchless passage has often been called “ The Lord’s Prayer,” and in a sense it is because the Lord taught it. A more accurate title, however, it seems to many of us, would be “ The Disciple’s Prayer” because it is a prayer for the disciple of Christ to pray. The real “ Lord’s Prayer” is found in John 17—only Christ could pray this prayer. The prayer we study today is not intended to be the only prayer to be used by Christians, but is a model prayer in that it con­ tains all the elements of true prayer. We study these things today. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. How do hypocrites love to pray? (v . 5.) 2. Why do they thus pray? (v. 5.) 3. Does this mean that no Christian is to pray in public? 4. What is the real meaning of our


Considering Others

Phil. 2 :1 -5

Mar. 8 —

Love is Fa ir Play

Luke 6 :2 7 -3 8

Mar. 9 —

A G reat Decision

Ruth 1:16-18

Mar. 10 —

Servant of the Lord

2 T im . 2 :2 4 -2 6

Mar. 11 —

Th e Image of God

2 Cor. 3 :1 8

Mar. 12 —

God's Love to Us

Romans 5 :6 -1 0

HEART OF THE LESSON The Scripture we study today tells us that love is the greatest thing in the world, even greater than faith and hope! STUDY QUESTIONS 1. As you read through 1 Cor. 13 you discover that there are three main lines of thought: 1) the need for love (vv. 1-3), 2) the nature of love (w . 4-7) and 3) the



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