King's Business - 1955-02

in v. 4? How does this figure suggest the importance of each member of the body of Christ? 8. List the seven “ gifts” of w . 6-8, and discuss each one in terms of Christian service today. 9. What does it mean to let love be without “ d is sim u la tio n ” (hypocrisy) ? (v. 9.) 10. What should be the believer’s atti­ tude toward every other believer? (v. 10.) Is this true of you? 11. List the 13 things stated in w . 11- 16 and discuss each of them. Mar. 2 7 , 1955 A Visit with Christ's DAILY READINGS Mar. 21 — Called to Disclpleshlp M att. 4 :1 8 -2 2 Mar. 22 — Doubting Thomas John 2 0 :2 4 -2 9 Mar. 23 — Peter Reveals Christ M ark 8:27 -33 Mar. 2 4 — Jud as, the Betrayer M att. 2 6 :2 5 , 47-49 Mar. 25 — John, the Beloved John 13 (2 3, 2 5 ; 1 9 :2 6 , 27 Mar. 2 6 — Filled with the Holy Ghost- A cts 2:1-4 HEART OF THE LESSON This topic could be expanded into a Followers Matt. 2 5 :1 4 -3 0

Mar. 19 —

book of many pages, and some have taken in hand to do this very thing. We cannot, of course, devote so much time to the subject, but will try to touch on some of the central truths taught by our blessed Saviour during His earthly ministry. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. What is the central truth of this paragraph that forms our text today? 2. What is meant by the term “ king­ dom of heaven?” (v. 14.) Does not this term evidently apply to the visible church today, that is, the whole of Christendom? 3. Into what “ far country” has the Saviour gone to sojourn during this dis­ pensation? (v. 14.) (cp. Acts 1:9-11.) 4. List some of the goods that our Saviour has given to His disciples during this age. 5. What is the meaning of the various distributions of the talents in v. 15? 6. How did each of the recipients of the talents use his gifts? (w . 16-18.) 7. What does the phrase after a long time indicate as to the duration of the dispensation of the church? (v. 19.) How long has it been thus far? 8. What was the lord’s commendation of his servants in w . 20-23? 9. What does this teach about the be­ liever’s enjoyment of the coming age? (cp. 1 Cor. 3:11-15.) 10. What is the plight of the lazy servant? (w . 24-30.) 11. What great spiritual truth is taught in v. 29? END.

Exhortation to Praise God

Psalm 100

HEART OF THE LESSON The Word of God is always practical. The Bible is designed to tell us what we are to believe and how we are to live. God’s Word is the absolute standard of truth: to deviate from it means sin and punishment; to follow it means life and peace. Today we study together one of the favorite chapters of the Bible, and the chapter that is called our Christian Endeavor chapter. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. Note that this chapter deals with the various relationships of the believer, first, to God (w . 1,2), second, to Christian service (w . 3-8), third, to our brethren (w . 9-16) and finally, to unbelievers (vv. 17-21). 2. What great plea does Paul make in v. 1? Why does he ask for the body of the believer to be devoted to God? What is the basis of this plea? 3. What second plea does Paul make in v. 2? 4. What does it mean to be “ conformed to this world?” What does it mean to be “ transformed?” How is this transforma­ tion to be effected? (v. 2.) 5. What is the goal in view in this transformation? (v. 2b.) Discuss the three­ fold character of the will of God. 6. What danger is to be avoided by the Christian according to v. 3a? 7. What figure is used for the church

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