King's Business - 1955-02

; S U N D A Y S C H O O L continued friends in the town of Ephesus. He had lived with them as their minister and friend, and many of them had come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour through his preaching and through his godly life. When Paul was ready to leave Ephesus he called the elders of the church together and told them of his work among them and that persecutions | awaited him soon. He told them they I would never see him again in this life. After Paul had finished talking with these beloved friends, he knelt down and prayed with them. Tears of sorrow flowed down their cheeks as they kissed him and then followed him to his ship. Several years later Paul wrote a letter to these Christians which is the book of Ephesians in our New Testament. Frequently Christian boys and girls be- j lieve that only men and women can be a good or a bad example to others. God’s Word tells us that “ even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.” In a home where either parent is unsaved the godly life of a Christian boy or girl may be the only testimony that will cause the mother or father to know the Lord Jesus. Perhaps the clean language and good grades of a Christian boy or I girl in the school will cause a teacher to desire to know the Saviour. Pray that your life will be a testimony to others. Mar. 2 7 , 1955 The Christian and There have always been those who have thought that the surest way to holi­ ness is to run away from the world and live in seclusion. In the early centuries and during the middle ages multitudes fled to the monasteries to achieve holiness. This idea is not totally dead in our day though it may manifest itself in different ways. But such an attitude is clearly at variance with the Scriptures which set | forth Christianity as a life to be lived before the world, not a treasure to be hid­ den away for selfish satisfaction. Metaphors of the Christian Matt. 5 :1 3 -1 6 The Christian’s responsibility to the world about him is graphically suggested in the metaphors set forth in this brief passage. The Christian is to be as salt in the earth. Everyone recognizes the im­ portance of this element in holding back corruption, in seasoning and making food j appetizing and in fertilization. It is easy I to see how the Christian answers to this metaphor. Who else can compare with a Christ-filled life in resisting the sin that is in the world, in giving meaning and attractiveness to life, and producing development in righteousness. Moreover, the Christian is to be as a light in the world. Light reveals. It warms. It heals. It inspires hope. The Christian is left in the world for like purposes. Obligation of the Christian Rom. 1 3 :8 -1 0 Romans 13 is a great chapter on the the Social Order Matt. 5 :1 3 -1 6 ; Rom. 1 3 :8 -1 0 ; 1 Pet. 4 :1 2 -1 6 Pointers on the Lesson

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