King's Business - 1955-02

Christian’s duty toward established au­ thority. He should be a good citizen. He owes obedience to “ the higher powers” (v. 1). But more important than this he owes a debt of love toward all men. This debt never becomes discharged but is a continuing thing. As long as God loves, so His followers should continue to love. He who loves his fellow men will treat them right and thus there will be a spir­ itual fulfilling of the law. Suffering of the Christian 1 Pet. 4 :1 2 -1 6 The suffering here referred to has in mind a definite contact with the world of ungodly men. In the Christian’s con­ tact with the world, if he suffers for a faithful witness that is borne, he should not be unduly surprised. The Lord Jesus Christ had to suffer. His followers should count it a privilege to suffer for His sake. Such suffering should not be considered as an end in itself, but only as a means of glorifying God. One must be sure that he does not suffer unworthily, but only because of his identification with Christ. Neither should one invite perse­ cution like some of the early Christians such as Ignatius did. But if forced to suffer for Christ, the Christian should he glad for the privilege. Helps for the Children Living as Christian Friends Matthew 5 :1 3 -1 6 ; Luke 1 0 :2 9 -3 7 MEMORY VERSE: " . . . Let us love one another: for love is of God" (1 John 4 :7). One day the Lord Jesus was asked by a lawyer, “Who is my neighbour?” To answer this question, the Saviour told the story of the Good Samaritan. The Jews hated the Samaritans and refused to have any dealings with them. One day a man was wounded and left half dead by a band of thieves. A priest and a Levite, both religious leaders of the Jews, both passed by the wounded man without do­ ing anything to help him in his need. A hated Samaritan found the wounded man, cared for his wounds, took him up on his own donkey to an inn, and paid the inn keeper to care for the sick man. As the Samaritan left the inn he promised to pay the keeper any additional money that would be needed. The Lord Jesus finished the story then asked the lawyer, “Which now of these three thinkest thou was neighbour to him that fell among the thieves?” When the lawyer answered, “ He that showed mercy on him,” Jesus replied, “ Go, and do thou likewise.” Even among Christians we find many people who are unkind to those of other races or to those whose clothing and home is not as expensive as theirs. Just as the religious priest and Levite failed to show their love for God by their lives, so these Christians have no testimony among oth­ ers for they fail to love those whom God loves. True Christian living causes God’s children to be friendly and help­ ful to everyone without expecting the friendliness returned necessarily. W e are told often in God’s Word to love others as much as God loves us. What a dif­ ference there would be in our churches and in our homes if each Christian obeyed this command of his Lord. END.

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