GET BACK IN THE RUNNING Theknee is themostcomplexpartof thebody.As a hinge joint, it is responsible for bearing weight and limitingmovementtoaback-and-forthmotion. The bones that make up the knee include the tibia (shin bone), the femur (thigh bone), and the patella(kneecap).Theseareallheld inplacebythe knee jointandsurroundedby ligaments, tendons, muscles, and menisci. Because of the complexities of the knee, sports WHY DOES MY KNEE HURT? There are several knee injuries that can result fromrunning.Someof themostcommon include: become more frequent and severe, interfering with daily activities. You can prevent patellar tendinopathy by strengthening your thigh musclesand improvingyourrunning technique with the help of a physical therapist. K I C K O F F 2 0 2 0 W I T H A N E W R U N N E R ’ S H I G H !
• Hamstring Strain. Hamstring strains are common in athletes and can cause pain around the thigh or knee. Your hamstring is a group of three muscles that run along the back of your thigh and help in allowing you to bend your knee. One or more of these muscles can become strained, or even torn, through excessive use or injury. You can avoid hamstring tears by doing strengthening exercisesofboth thehamstringsandglutes,as they work together to bear weight. Stretching yourhamstringsandquadriceps (themuscles at the front of the thigh) and doing warm-up exercises before a run will help in keeping them warm and loose, thus decreasing your risk of straining them. • Meniscus Tear . A meniscus tear is one of the most common knee injuries. It occurs when the knee is twisted or rotated in a way that it shouldn’t be, especially when your full weight isputon it.Bothkneeshave twomenisci,which are C-shaped pieces of cartilage that cushion your tibiaand femur.Whenameniscus is torn, the surrounding areas can become painful, swollen, or stiff. The movement in your knee may also be limited, making it difficult to bend or extend the knee. • Patellar Tendinopathy. This injury specifically affects the tendon that connects your patella to your tibia. That tendon is known as the “patellar tendon.”Thepatellar tendonworks together with your quadriceps to allow you to run, jump, and kick. However, when the tendonexperiencesexcessiveoveruse, itcan become torn and inflamed, resulting in patellar tendinopathy.Thosewithpatellar tendinopathy typically experience pain between the patella and tibia. You may only notice the pain while
• Iliotibial Band Syndrome. Iliotibial (IT) band syndrome occurs frequently in runners, since it is caused by an excessive repetitive bending of the knee. The IT band is made up of a thick clump of fibers that run from the outside of the thigh, down the knee, and to the top of the tibia. IT band syndrome occurs when the IT band becomes too tight, making it difficult to glide smoothly over the knee, and resulting in pain and swelling. IT band syndrome can be avoided by doing thorough stretches before a run, preventing the band from becoming too tight. If you are suffering from any of these conditions, or you are experiencing knee pain in general, it is important to schedule a consultation with a physical therapist. We will conduct a thorough physical evaluation to create a diagnosis and determine where your pain is stemming from. Afterward,wewillcreateacustomized treatment plan based on the needs of your diagnosis and the severity of your symptoms. Our treatmentplanswill incorporatebothpassive and active therapies for treating pain. Passive therapies are aimed at pain relief and healing, includingspecialized treatmentssuchasmanual therapy, ice and heat therapies, ultrasound, or electrical stimulation. Active therapies are aimed at increasingstrength,flexibility,rangeofmotion, and overall function. These include condition- specific exercises and stretches that will target the affected area and any areas that may be contributing to the pain. We will also provide a slow-motion video analysis of your running form alongwithrestorative tipsand techniques toavoid further injuries. For more information about how RX Physical Therapy can help you, call us at 269.769.6108 or visit
and recreational activities(especially
running!) can create a higher risk of injury.
running or working out at first, but over time it can
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