Hot air system
Part number
Distributor Y-unit plastic, black Da = 55, with remote control flap valve
1319224 1320352 1319214 1320926
Da = 60
Da = 80, with remote control flap valve
Da = 90
Distributor Y-unit plastic, black Da = 55
1319416 1319212
Da = 80
Distributor Y-unit plastic, black Da = 60
1320814 1320470
Da = 90
Air outlet 45° rotatable plastic, black D1a = 80, D2a = 55
1320753 1320471 1320375
D1a = 80, D2a = 60 D1a = 90, D2a = 80
Air outlet D2a = 100, L = 63, black, plastic, lockable, with wall feed through, use for secondary flow only D1a = 55
1320812 1319946
D1a = 70
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