NIBuilder 34-1 Feb-Mar


Three new companies have committed to Buildhealth NI’s campaign to improve the health of Northern Ireland’s construction workforce: NuLine Utilities, Mivan Ltd and The McAvoy Group. The leading construction firms put their weight behind the cause and have signed up to develop or use existing employee consultation arrangements to implement an action plan for health. They have also agreed to address health risks at all stages of construction from design to commissioning, with the aim of implementing appropriate and effective controls. They will work towards achieving best practice in the management and rehabilitation of ill workers and continually enhance the knowledge of all involved in health and empower them to take appropriate action. Contact Buildhealth Administrator, Nicola McCracken for more information on: +44 (0)7966 019575 or email: NEW SIGN- UPS TO BUILDHEALTH NI MEMBERSHIP

Pictured left to right are: Damien McAnespie, Area Fundraising Manager at Air Ambulance NI; Rhona Quinn, Managing Director of QMAC Construction; Shauna Keyes, daughter of Chris Keyes; and Angela Keyes, widow of Chris Keyes.


QMAC Construction handed over a cheque to Air Ambulance NI recently, totalling an impressive £2,145. A 5km walk took place in Dungannon Park in November in memory of Chris Keyes and Arthur Campbell. They were two long-serving staff members of QMAC Construction who sadly passed away in 2021 and 2020, respectively. Money was also donated from QMAC Construction as well as from staff, clients, and supply

chain members over the last few months. Commenting on the donation, Rhona Quinn, Managing Director of QMAC Construction, said, “This is a tremendous achievement to raise such an amount. We support a charity each year; this year we decided to support Air Ambulance NI and raise funds to help mark the passing of Chris and Arthur. We would very much like to thank everyone involved, including Chris and Arthur’s families for their cooperation.”

Demand for social and affordable housing in Newtownbutler and the surrounding area is being researched by the Housing Executive and the Rural Housing Association. Housing Executive Rural and Regeneration Manager Tim Gilpin said, “This Rural Housing Needs Test gives an opportunity for people in the Newtownbutler area to be consulted about their housing needs and to get advice on housing options. TEST FOR SOCIAL AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNDERWAY IN NEWTOWNBUTLER

Conleth Greene, Director, NuLine Utilities.

“If we find there is demand for new homes, then we can engage with a housing association to examine the potential for a new-build scheme in the area. “Quite often, especially when we have very few social homes in an area, people don’t see the value of coming forward to put their name on the waiting list. But we use the local waiting list to determine housing need and to support housing associations in developing new homes, so it’s vitally important that people tell us there is a demand.”

Jonathan Dougherty, SHEQ Manager, Mivan Ltd.

Charlotte Booth (Housing Executive), Ruth Buchanan (Rural Housing Association), Joe Walsh and Eoin McKinney (Housing Executive) urge local people to register their interest in social housing in the Newtownbutler area.

Ryan Gillett, SHEQ Systems Manager, The McAvoy Group.



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