State of the City


As legislators, Beachwood City Council’s main responsibilities are to enact laws and authorize expenditures of public funds. Our entire agenda packet is posted online well in advance of our meetings which are open to the public and livestreamed on the city’s website. We invite you to attend and engage with your city government.

Council President Alec Isaacson

A t the beginning of 2022, Council worked to fill the vacant council seat created when Councilmember Justin Berns took office as the Mayor. We received more than 15 applications and interviewed every applicant, before unanimously choosing Danielle Shoykhet as our newest member. Council also appointed Indy Dhillon to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Dhillon is an electrical engineer and project manager who has lived in Beachwood for 21 years. As part of our financial oversight duties, Council and the administration worked to create and approve several economic development projects, including a job creation incentive grant which brings new jobs in the bio-sciences, and several tax incentives to jump-start potential redevelopment in Commerce Park and along Park East. We also reviewed and approved the city’s 2023 audit plan to ensure that your tax dollars are being spent as intended. We worked with the administration to improve public safety by approving the purchase of; automated license plate readers to assist law enforcement, a traffic light preemption system to further improve our emergency service’s response time, along with the development of a management program to reduce the impact of deer in our city.

In an effort to help reduce flooding in our residential neighborhoods, Council approved the budgets for storm sewer projects at Bryden and Green, Glenhill Road, and along Beachwood Boulevard. In response to concerns caused by short-term rentals, Council changed the law to require that short-term rentals be licensed, inspected, and owners held accountable for the activities of their tenants. We also passed a stricter noise ordinance to address residential concerns. Several recreation and infrastructure projects were moved forward, including a recreation expansion project which will add pickleball and volleyball courts and provide a permanent home for our community gardens. We also started work with the administration to ensure that we replace the basketball courts that were located close to City Hall. Finally, we undertook our most important task, reviewing and approving the city’s 2023 annual budget. The budget we passed is forecast to run a $2.5 million surplus. Beyond our standard operating expenses, we ensured that the budget included funds to start the Bryden Road improvement project, funds to repair roads that are at the end of their life, and funds to ensure our city’s buildings and other facilities are well maintained and last for their intended lifetime.

Council V.P. Eric Synenberg

Mike Burkons

Barbara Bellin Janovitz

Joshua Mintz

Danielle Shoykhet


Typically, meetings are the first and third Monday of each month at 7 p.m. See the calendar online at

June Taylor

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