
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN FLAK FIRED AT LEROUX OVER VIDEO A Facebook video for Pierre Leroux’s campaign as Liberal candidate for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell put him in hot water instead. Leroux posted an animated “get to know me” video on his Facebook page, .BZ BCPVUIJNTFMGBTBGPSNFSSFTJEFOU of Vanier. He removed it, later that same day, after a storm of complaints from both people living in that Ottawa neighbou- rhood and also his political opponents. The focus of the complaints is the video’s depiction of Vanier as a crime- ridden slum area. Leroux defended the animated video, at first, as a humourous attempt at introducing himself to poten- UJBMWPUFSTJOUIFQBSUPGUIF(13XIJDI borders on Ottawa area ridings. Leroux grew up in Vanier and explained to media that his home had been broken into twice. He said that the area has changed a lot since he lived there but that anyone who grew up in Vanier and has a sense of humour would laugh at the video. 3JEFBV7BOJFS$PVODJMMPS.BUIJFV'MFV - SZBOE$POTFSWBUJWF.11-JTB.BD-FPE PG/FQFBO$BSMFUPOCPUIDSJUJDJ[FEUIF animated video, calling it unfair in how it portrays the Vanier community. The video was later removed and replaced with another, more positive video about the Vanier area, and Leroux posted a brief statement on his Facebook page. «It has come to my attention that some persons have misconstrued a portion of my video as an attack on the SFTJEFOUTPG7BOJFSuIFTUBUFEi/PUIJOH could be further from the truth. I take full responsibility for the video — which has now been taken down.» Un vidéo animé au sujet de Pierre Leroux et son enfance à Vanier a créé une certaine controverse.

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Bonnie Jean-Louis a été confirmée, le 9 mai, en tant que candidate néo-démocrate de Glengarry- Prescott-Russell. Les questions de santé et de soins de la famille sont des points clés de sa campagne. —photo fournie

Bonnie Jean-Louis was confirmed, May 9, as the NDP candidate for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell. Jean-Louis, a long-time community volunteer, declared her belief, in an email, “in the power of politics to make local changes in my community.” This is Jean-Louis’ second time as a QSPWJODJBM/%1DBOEJEBUF4IFSBOGPSUIF (13TFBUJOUIFQSPWJODJBMFMFDUJPO  BOEXBTBMTPUIF/%1DBOEJEBUFJOUIF federal election. %VSJOHBOJOUFSWJFXPO.BZ +FBO-PVJT noted that being presently on maternity leave from her position as Hawkesbury’s recrea- tion, culture and community coordinator, made it easier for her to agree to stand BHBJOGPSUIF/%1JOUIF+VOFQSPWJODJBM election. Being a mother to three children, ranging in age from newborn to teenager, is part of the reason for her focus on health and family care issues as key planks in her campaign platform. i1PMJUJDTGPSNFJTBUPPM uTIFTUBUFE iUP make the changes needed to work towards having a healthier community.” 4IFDJUFEUIF/%1T/FX.PN(VBSBOUFF in its campaign policy as an important part of her own election platform on health and GBNJMZDBSFOFFET5IF/%1IBTQSPNJTFE to increase access to midwife services in the province as an option for all expectant mothers who want to consider home birth. 5IF /%1 BMTP HVBSBOUFFE HPWFSONFOU support for women’s health facilities and maternal and newborn care services. “To have a healthy community, we have to start at the source, at the beginning,” said +FBO-PVJTi5IBUTXIZ*MPWFUIF/FX.PN Guarantee. In a rural community, such as ours, it is really needed.” Jean-Louis also listed improved access to dental care and prescription medicine for both seniors and families, and affordable daycare service for working parents as part of her campaign goals. She described the /%1QPMJDZQSPQPTBMGPSBBEBZEBZDBSF supplement, as essential for working parents to expand their options for childcare.

Jean-Louis also listed increased funding for public education at the district level as one of her priorities. “Fix our public schools by funding schools properly,” she stated, listing smaller class sizes, better support for special needs students, and more teaching

staff to provide more one-on-one attention to student learning. i1FPQMFIBWFBMTPCFFOBTLJOHNFBCPVU jobs,” Jean-Louis noted, adding many have also expressed concerns about the increa- sing cost for essential services like hydro.



ont été touchées, ce qui lui fait a croire que « c’était une attaque ciblée ». Il a déclaré la TJUVBUJPOÆMB1PMJDFQSPWJODJBMFEFM0OUBSJP .-FSPVYTFEÊTPMFEFDFUUFTJUVBUJPO  particulièrement lorsqu’il pense aux béné- voles qui se sont engagés pour que ces pancartes voient le jour. « La partie triste de tout cela, c’est que ces pancartes ont été payées avec les dons des gens et installées par des bénévoles qui ont pris du temps de leur horaire chargé pour le faire. » Cette histoire a réussi à démoraliser .-FSPVY NBJTÉBOFMVJGFSBQBTQFSESF TBNPUJWBUJPOjø/PVTGSBQQPOTBVYQPSUFT aujourd’hui. J’ai connu quelques heures démoralisantes, mais je suis de retour main- tenant et nous sommes prêts à continuer ! » Il espère pouvoir remplacer les pancartes électorales volées, mais comme il y a un coût associé, tant monétaire qu’au niveau du temps des bénévoles, il croit que ce sera QMVTEJGàDJMFÆGBJSFjø.BJTKBJVOFCPOOF équipe, donc je suis certain que nous allons les remettre » a-t-il exprimé. Avec la collaboration d’Alexia Marsillo

Le candidat libéral dans la circonscrip- tion de Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, Pierre Leroux, rapporte que 75 % de ses pancartes électorales, installées dans la municipalité de Russell, ont été volées. « Je me suis réveillé dimanche matin et quand j›ai regardé mon téléphone, j›ai vu que quelqu›un m›avait envoyé un mes- sage accompagné d’une photo, disant que l’enseigne sur son terrain avait disparu », BUJMFYQMJRVÊÆ&"1"VEÊCVU .-FSPVY croyait que c’était un cas isolé, que c’était des jeunes qui avaient décidé de jouer un mauvais coup. « Après avoir conduit autour (de la municipalité), j’ai réalisé que 75 % de mes pancartes avaient disparu. Si ça avait été des enfants, ils auraient juste brisé les pancartes ou les auraient déplacées, mais MÆ DÊUBJUQMVTRVFÉBøv BUJMEÊDMBSÊ. Leroux a remarqué que seules ses pancartes

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

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Liberal candidate for GPR, Pierre Leroux, reports that 75 per cent of his electoral signs in the Township of Russell, were stolen. Leroux reported the theft to the Ontario Provincial Police. —photo François Legault

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