C+S Summer 2024 Vol. 10 Issue 2 (web)

Melanie Ray


Firm: Hord Coplan Macht Location: Baltimore, MD

Education: • Bachelor of Architecture, Pennsylvania State University Accomplishments/Projects: • Ladrey Apartments, Alexandria VA – Project Manager • Elms Fells Point– Project Architect • ROOST Baltimore – Project Designer Professional/Public Service: • National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA), Baltimore Chapter – founding member • AIA Equity and the Future of Architecture Committee • AIA Baltimore Board of Directors – NOMA Liaison

Throughout her career, Melanie Ray has been a fierce advo- cate for making the architecture field more inclusive, and has focused her efforts on achieving this goal. Based in Balti- more, Melanie discovered that, despite more than 70 percent of the population being non-white, it didn’t have a chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA). In 2017, she led the effort to form Bmore NOMA, the Balti- more chapter, and under her leadership as chapter president, has since grown the chapter to more than 75 membersMelanie has also worked with NOMA National to help more than 120 underrepresented architecture students with top firms across the country through the NOMA Future Faces Fellowship. Throughout her career at Hord Coplan Macht, Melanie has repeatedly demonstrated her leadership through significant volunteer work promoting diversity in architecture.


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