C+S Summer 2024 Vol. 10 Issue 2 (web)

Kevin Galvez, SE

Senior Structural Engineer

Firm: BASE Location: Honolulu, HI

Education: • Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa • Masters of Science in Civil Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa Accomplishments/Projects: • BHC’s Summer Internship Program and College Hawaii State Hospital, New Patient Facility – Project Manager • Camp Blaz, multiple projects • Career & Technology High School (Samoa) – Project Manager Professional/Public Service: • Structural Engineers Associate of Hawaii(SEAOH), member • ASCE

Kevin Galvez was born and raised in American Samoa and earned his BSCE and MSCE from the University of Hawaii. Kevin has a varied skill set that is mandatory for managing projects in such diverse places. Unlike in many places that may have one extreme natural phenomenon to overcome, Kevin’s challenges include designing buildings to resist many forces that include super typhoons and hurricanes, large earth - quakes and tsunamis, and corrosive tropical environments. Within his broad range of project types, Kevin has developed an expertise in large public-sector projects, especially with the DoD and USACE.



Summer 2024

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