C+S Summer 2024 Vol. 10 Issue 2 (web)

The role of asset management in water security Asset management is a coordinated set of business practices that cover the whole lifecycle of an asset, from design and acquisition through operation and maintenance to decommissioning and disposition. Utilities and their engineers of record view asset management as a cost-effective strategy for achieving exceptional control and oversight of plant and network assets so that every ounce of value is extracted from those assets before they are replaced. It includes the tactical efforts of careful monitoring and optimizing assets, and it delivers valuable benefits to resiliency, sustainability and economy. As funds flow to water utilities from the Inflation Reduction Act, many municipalities are investing in advanced technologies and upgrading their systems in ways that have never been possible. A smart way to protect and enhance those investments is with asset management, which helps utilities make risk-based decisions and derive maximum value from assets. Resiliency: Getting back online more quickly after a disaster When a utility is ravaged by destructive weather, its first mission is to maintain or reestablish service. Not doing so can result in the major cost of delivering bottled water to communities, the immediate public health danger of residents ingesting contaminated water and the extended public health threat of not having access to water for drinking, cooking and bathing. Without a comprehensive understanding of all system assets, it can take days or even weeks just to assess damage. Asset management strengthens resiliency by providing a fast, accurate and updated assessment of the location, status and condition of material assets. With this data, plant operators can more quickly repair, rebuild and restore service. This also can speed up the process of requesting FEMA and other emergency public funding. Asset management improves resiliency by keeping operators informed of the condition of associated assets in a system so that they don’t get so close to failure that capacity is affected in challenging weather events. Strategically, the information from asset management can be used to drive decisions and secure public funding. For example, with qualitative data showing that a water tower has been lost repeatedly to hurricanes in recent years, engineers can more successfully make the case that a new design is warranted. Sustainability: Reducing emissions by slashing construction and energy waste Assets that are well managed offer greater reliability, longevity and energy efficiency—all of which have implications for sustainability. Because asset management can extend the life of an asset through better monitoring and maintenance, large capital projects can be deferred, avoiding all the emissions associated with manufacturing and installing new equipment and disposing of the old equipment. Most pointedly, this includes the avoidance of concrete that is often required during site construction and equipment installation. Cement is among the most

carbon-intensive products on the planet, accounting for nine percent of worldwide CO2 emissions every year, and companies seeking greater sustainability are advised to minimize their use of concrete. Asset management also helps utilities minimize emissions associated with plant operations. An asset that is not operating at peak efficiency can be an energy drain, and if that wasted energy creates an emission either directly (gas powered) or indirectly (electricity from a power plant that is powered by a fossil fuel), then the asset is generating avoidable carbon emissions. With asset management, asset performance is monitored so that drops in efficiency are identified early, allowing operators to correct problems and reestablish energy efficiency. Economy: Expanding budgets by getting the most from the assets you have Asset management helps utilities identify the best time to replace equipment and avoid unnecessary capital expenses. By knowing exactly how much life is left in an asset—rather than replacing it out of fear that it will unexpectedly fail—utilities can defer replacement, thereby stretching their budgets. While it sounds simple, maintaining detailed and accurate information on all assets is a task that commonly eludes water treatment plants and systems. And yet it’s one of the most effective ways to save money and personnel time. Among other types of data, good asset management includes nameplate data, which is the manufacturer, purchase date, size, maintenance records, warranty remaining, and other information for every asset. This data is critical in asset decision making and helps operators and engineers leverage greater support from vendors over facility budgets and staff time. Case studies: Water systems using asset management to improve resiliency, sustainability and economy Australian First Nations are building resiliency to respond to cyclone damage To build resilience among the First Nations indigenous communities in Cape York, Australia, local councils have begun implementing asset management in community water systems, helping First Nations take advantage of digitalization that will help reduce the impact of cyclones. These communities are working with UNGANCO, an indigenous- owned engineering consulting firm. In 2022, UNGANCO began partnering with MentorAPM to establish a digitally supported asset management program for First Nations communities located in remote coastal regions across Far North Queensland—an area historically marked by severe flooding associated with tropical cyclones. By taking systems online, the initiative can reduce the amount of time indigenous communities can recover from natural disasters and help them better prepare for tropical cyclones. When natural disasters destroy critical infrastructure assets, it is often hard to identify the assets that existed before the disaster, especially for smaller and more rural water systems. Information about the assets


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