King's Business - 1937-03

Part of the group in attendance

at the Torrey Memorial Conference at the Bible Institute



Ten Cash P R IZ E S * LIBERAL CO M M IS S IO N S First Pr ize for largest number of annual subscriptions (above 200) Second Prize for next largest number * of annual subscriptions $ (above 100) Third Prize FIVE PRIZES OF $10.00 each for next largest number of annual subscriptions above 25. TW O PRIZES OF $5.00 each for next largest number of annual subscriptions above 15. In the event that two winning clubs are found to be o f the same number, prizes of equal value will be given to each contestant. Re­ member, a liberal commission is allowed on each subscription. Thus each contestant is well paid for his or her work. ’"The amount offered in prizes is N O T in excess o f K IN G 'S BUSI­ N E SS needs. It is, rather, a sum obtained through an economy in mailing, and it has been voted that this saving shall be shared with K IN G 'S BU S IN E S S friends who co­ operate in building the magazine's circulation during this contest. Ten cash prizes totaling $235. for next largest number ^ of annual subscriptions 4P (above 50)

Begins March 1— Ends June 3 0 , 19 37

D O you long to earn money for your church in a way that will truly exalt the Lord Jesus and the Word of God? Have you been pray­ ing that the business of the King of Kings may be advanced greatly in your own church and community? Through the pages of TH E K IN G ’S BUSI­ NESS, God is blessing His own truth to unsaved readers and to mature Christians. W ith this issue, TH E K IN G ’S BUSINESS announces a subscription contest that is designed, by the grace of God, to extend the influence of this Bible Family Magazine into many new homes and, through its help to Christian workers, to a still larger circle. Beginning as of March 1, 1937, TH E K IN G ’S BUSINESS announces a prize contest in which more than $200.00 will be given to churches, church societies, Bible classes, and in­ dividual organizers who will partici­ pate. Everybody is welcome, with good commissions and valuable prizes as­ sured. H O W THE PRIZES ARE PROVIDED It has been the custom of TH E K IN G ’S BUSINESS to give wide

publicity, by circulars and by advertis­ ing in other periodicals, to its subscrip­ tion campaigns. In the present instance, only the advertising columns of this magazine will be used, and only a lim­ ited number of circulars will be mailed, and the saving thus effected will be de­ voted to meeting the expenses of this contest. Thus numerous Christian or­ ganizations will benefit by this saving in expense. Remember, this is a contest in which no one can lose. You will receive a commission, whether you win a prize or not. You can work alone, or you can organize the workers of your church, church society, or Bible class, in a steady and profitable subscription campaign. A church congregation can secure a most desirable reward by working for and winning the $100 First Prize, and, further, by pooling the commis­ sions and applying the whole sum to church, Bible class,' or church society work. Thus working together and securing 200 subscriptions (provided the church in question wins the first prize of $100) and by applying the $1.00 commission on each subscription toward church work, the group would find their gross returns to be $300, enough to aid materially in the church income. Lesser returns would produce proportionate results to prize winners.




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Of course its not certain that the club totals in the first column of the above table will be sufficient to win the prize shown, but the commissions in the third column are assured in every case, and the prizes will be added to the winners only. P A S T C A M P A I G N S SUCCESSFUL There are several things about THE KING ’S BUSINESS which make it easy to sell. Beautiful appearance, careful edit­ ing, valuable articles, and helpful de­ partments are of use both to general readers and to active church workers and missionaries. The great CIub-of-Ten campaign which began on November 1, 19Ì36, and has just closed, produced over 16,000 subscriptions to January 30, 1937. The campaign’s outcome shows that our hundreds of organizers made a good re­ turn running into the thousands of dollars

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March, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



In a time-worn copy of Tbe King’s Business one of Biola’s friends found this pithy advice on wills:

scatter does much more harm than good. The following appeared a while ago in the Backbone Briefs o f the Church of the Open Door Calendar: A Steward Story Two Christian friends were talking about giving their money so that at their death it might count the most in the Lord’s work. One said, “My relatives will expect me to remember them liber­ ally.” The other asked, “Did your rela­ tives ever die for you?” This made her think deeply. She was one o f God’s stew­ ards. She began to think of treasures in heaven and of how wise it would be to lay up treasures, while she could. The Bible says, “ Let no man take they crown.”—T.C.H.

It has come to our notice several times that some of our most earnest friends had fully decided to name the B.I.O.L.A. in their Will, but in at least three in­ stances recently, the making o f the Will was put off till too late. The law pro­ vides that in making bequests to reli­ gious organizations at least thirty days must elapse between the making of a Will and the death o f the testator. Com­ paratively few know this, but it seems sad that some would-be helpers have their wishes frustrated, and the organiza­ tion to be benefited loses also. LAY­ ING UP “TREASURES IN HEAVEN” IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY­ THING WE CAN HOPE FOR ON EARTH, and many times money left to

The form to be used in your will should read as follows:

L E G A L F O R M O F B E Q U E S T I give and bequeath to THE BIBLE INSTITUTE O F LOS ANGELES, IN C O R ­ PORATED under the laws of the State of California.............................. ................................ .......... ...................................................... Dollars, and I direct that the release of the President of the Board of Trustees of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, shall be a sufficient

discharge to my executors in the premises. ( S E A L ) ...... ........ .............. .. . . . . . , . . . , , , .


“As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Pet. 4:10

March, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


What Every Jew

Should Know • Here is a fresh Gospel ap­ proach to the Jew. It is de­ signed to enable you to reach the Jew personally. There are now nine separate leaflets in our new series, “What Every Jew Should Know.” They are brief, mostly four pages; they are attractively printed, with a tten tion -getting titles, and written with a God-giving,na­ tive understanding of the Jew­ ish mind. • The subjects will interest you:— 1. What is a Christian? 2. Was Abraham a Jew? 3. Don’t Go to Jerusalem. 4. Son, Remember. 5. How Many Times Have You Been Born? 6. A Modern Jew Looks at Jesus. 7. The Riddle of the Changed Calendar. 8. An Open Letter to a Rabbi. 9. Thirty-three Prophecies Ful­ filled in One Day. • Already, reports come of the Lord’s rich blessings upon these tracts. Over 150,000 have so far been printed. • They are yours for the ask­ ing, in the Lord. Just say how many of each. You will of course promise the Lord to give them out faithfully. All are to he had in English, or in Yiddish as you wish. • If you wish to pay cost, or postage, or both, you, may fig­ ure about $2.00 the hundred, assorted. Or, if you feel led of the Lord to help us in the larger printing and circulation of these economical and effec­ tive tracts, your gift will be put to work immediately, and will be received as of His provision. AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO TH E JEW S, Inc., 31 T hroop A ve., B rooklyn, N ew Y ork. Dear Friends: I want to help in your great Gospel litera­ ture program for the Jews. Here is $ _________ May the Lord bless your testimony. Nante .... ____________*_____ .______________ __... Street ......._____________.......____....___________ ___ City ... ----------- .......____ _____ State...*.*.*..* ______

© f t e B i b l e T a m i l # T t a j ^ i n e Motto: “ Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood .”— R ev . 1 :5.


March, 1937

Number 3


In the cover picture (first row, right-hand side of cross) are four persons who are mentioned in this issue: Mrs. R. G. Le Tourneau and R. G. Le Tourneau (see page 8 8 ); Paul W . Rood (see page 85), and Mrs. Lyman Stewart (see page 89).

Basic Principles of Justification —Herbert Lockyer . . . .


Around the King’s Table—Paw/ W . Rood .

. .

. .

. 85

Christ’s Resurrection— W . B. R i l e y .............................................. 86 He Lives!— Arthur H e d l e y ............................................................................87 Laymen, Wake Up!— R. G. L e T o u r n e a u ...................................... 88 Remembering— Mrs. Lyman S tew art ...................................... 89 Where Fundamentalists Stand ............................................................ 90 Junior King’s Business— Martha S. H o o k e r ............................................. 91 International Lesson C om m e n ta ry ............................................................ 93 Notes on Christian Endeavor— Mary G. Goodner . . . 105 Daily Devotional Readings . 110 Bible Institute Family C i r c l e .................................................................. 117 Girls’ Query Corner— M yrtle E. Scott . ...................................... 118




TERMS: Single Copies.____ _____ ;___ __________15c Annual Subscription______ . . . __ . . . . . __ ______$1.50 Two-year subscription or two annual subscriptions 2.50 Five annual subscriptions______ . . . __________1 5.00 Eleven annual subscriptions.________■____ _____10.00 Subscriptions in countries outside of Û. S. require 25c extra. REMITTANCE: Should be made by Bank Draft, Ex­ press or P. O. Money Order, payable to “ Thé King's' Business." Receipts will not be 'sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please send both old and new address at least one month previous to date of desired change.

ADVERTISING: Ft>r information with reference to advertising in THE KING'S BUSINESS, address the ADVERTISING MANAGER, 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., or our eastern representative. Religious Press Association, 325 North 13tli Street, Philadelphia, Pa., or 333 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17. 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided fen* in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING'S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration.

POLICY (*) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith “ «1 believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To act as the official organ of the Bible Institute erf Los Angeles, Incorporated, (e) To magnify God our leather and the person, work, and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: and to teach the transforming power of the Holy 3pirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith.


55 8 South Hope Street

Los Angeles, California

of Justification

Basic Principles

By HERBERT LOCKYER Liverpool, England

m .

S EEING that we live in a day in which men are being taught to do the best they can, and work out thereby a salvation of character by effort, it is fitting that we should consider the evangelical theme of Justification. Upon the need of justification we shall not linger. In the first three chapters of Romans, Paul proves that there is no hope in human merit. By inherent righteousness, whether in Jew or Gentile, can no man be justified in God’é sight. The Law declares the condition of all men to be sinful, guilty, and condemned; and the conscience of man is the concurrent witness that such a hopeless state is true. Every mouth is stopped, for the whole world is guilty of sin. And it is man’s despair that opens up the way for Paul to proclaim God’s gospel-plan of saving sinners. Man’s true rela­ tion Avith God had been forfeited by sin, and the result has been guilt, condemnation, and separation. Justification involves the restora­ tion of this relationship, through the removal of guilt by righteousness, of condemnation by forgiveness, of separation by fellowship. Such, we take it, is Paul’s gospel. T h e M e a n in g of J u stifica tion The term “ justification” occurs three times in the New Testament: Romans 4:25 and 5:16 and 18, while its cognates are found about fifty times, and nearly always with the same significance. The dictionary explains the word “ justify” as meaning “to prove or show to be just or right.” In law the term means an accused person’s proving his innocence and obtaining a verdict of “ not guilty.” It is an authorita­ tive declaration of a righteous standing before the law of the land. In theology it implies the clearing of the sinner from guilt and the re­ establishing of him in the favor of God. It is a divine act affecting man’s standing in the sight of God. s God’s justification, however, is not exactly parallel with man’s justification in a law court. The duty of a judge is to condemn the guilty and acquit the innocent, but in God’s justifica­ tion the sinner, although actually guilty, is ad­ judged to be righteous (cf. Rom. 4 :5 ). If there is no wrongdoing, then justification is simply the declaration of innocency. If wrong has been committed, then justification presup­ poses the putting right of the wrong before the verdict of clearance is pronounced. Before the legal bar of man, the righteous­ ness on account of which a man is justified or counted righteous, is his own; and before that bar pardon would be scorned by one who was innocent, and therefore, justified.

Further, an acquittal before men is not al­ ways accompanied with justification, but the sinner pardoned by and before God is always justified also. The justified man is not only acquitted as innocent, but regarded as having perfectly obeyed the law in the person of his Substitute, Jesus Christ. This New Testament justification is asso­ ciated with the royal prerogative of mercy, see­ ing that God pardons those who have been found guilty by the sentence of the law. It is a gift, and the Pauline phrase “ justified freely,” or gift-wise (Rom. 3 :24) brings out the gratui­ tousness of such a divine gift. It is interesting to note that the word “ freely” is the same word as that used in the phrase in John 15:25, where we are told that Jesus was hated “ with­ out cause.” “ Dorean” is the Greek term used in both cases. As gratuitous as was man’s hatred, so gratuitous is God’s love justifying sinners through Christ. Man had every cause to love, yet he hated God! God had every cause given by man to hate, yet He loves him. Further, pardon merely allows a criminal to go free, but divine justification indicates that the culprit’s position has been completely re­ versed and advanced to the honors and privi­ leges entitled by perfect obedience. And, as we shall see, such a position as this is not inherent or attained— it is transferred to us. Neither


, I y | H

does “ justification” mean that we are made righteous in life, it simply means that we are declared righteous. It is a status rather than a state, seeing that it concerns our judicial and not our spiritual condition (cf. Deut. 25 :1 ), “ Justification” as used by Paul, and only by him, ex­ presses an imputation rather than an infusion. It signifies a change in man’s legal rela­ tionship Godward and not a change in his. character. It is no more an infusion of righteousness than condem­ nation, its opposite, is an in­ fusion of wickedness. Per­ haps, at this point, it may be fitting to observe a three­ fold imputation Scripture emphasizes. 1. The Imputation of Adam's Sin to All His Pos- tertty. In Romans 5:12-21— “ a [ Continued on page 104]



March, 1937


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Around the King's Table


Christianity C. K. Lee, a native Christian leader China, was in. this country a few years Christendom aS°- One Sunday he spoke in a modern­ istic church in California. A t the con­ clusion of the message, a young college student propounded this question: “ Why should we export Christianity to China when you have Confucianism in your Country ?” “ There are three reasons,” was the rejoinder. “ First of all, Confucius was a teacher and Christ is a Saviour. China needs a Saviour more than she needs a teacher. In the second place, Confucius is dead and Christ is alive. China needs a living Saviour. In the third place, Confucius is some day going to stand before Christ to be judged by Him. China needs to know Christ as Saviour before she meets Him as Judge.” This statement by our Chinese brother is a classic. It admirably sums up the case for Christ and His living power. Is it not sad that regarding the A B C of Christianity, an educated American has to be instructed by a native of the country to which we send missionaries? Is it possible that the candlestick will be removed from our beloved country and that, eventually, so-called heathen nations will have to send missionaries over here? Once there existed great churches in Northern Egypt, Northern Africa, Asia Minor, and Eastern Europe. These churches became apostate and lost their message and their power. The hordes of Arabia wiped out the apostate Christian civilization, and Mohammedanism became the dominant religion. W ill history repeat itself? Modernism in the church, evolution in the schools, and materialism in the nation have weakened our moral fiber so that we, as a nation, have no power to resist communistic influences. What a challenge to the remnant to “ be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain” and await the com­ ing of the Bridegroom! must be the supreme object of faith in China. But the principal reason that M r. Lee’s statement is quoted in the Easter issue of T h e K in g ’ s B usiness is to emphasize the fact that we worship a living Saviour. Confucius, Buddha, Mohammed, and other religious leaders of bygone days are all dead. They were human beings, and their followers are following a human leader who is dead. The Christian is trusting, worshiping, and following the Saviour who died but rose from the grave and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. He is the Son of God and the Son of Man, the God-Man. He took something with Him back to heaven at His ascension that He did not have when He left heaven to be born as a babe in Bethlehem, namely, a human body. He is “ the man Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 2 :5 ), but He is also Deity. He was “ declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead” (Rom. 1 :4 ). Paul declares that the two facts, “ Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures” and “ rose again the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Cor. 15:3, 4 ) are the Versus Christ Is 1° the preceding section we have spoken of the Chinese Christian’s ex­ planation of why the Lord Jesus Christ ^ jjve

substance of the gospel. Paul emphasized the resurrection of Christ in all his preaching and writing. He had met the living Saviour on the way to Damascus. Paul became, through that meeting, a new creation, and his whole out­ look and career were revolutionized. Instead of a per­ secutor, he became an exponent of Christianity; and he lived, worked, prayed, suffered, sacrificed, and died a martyr’s death that Christ might be revealed, proclaimed, and accepted. It was his vision of a living Christ that transformed him and enabled him to burn out for, God and for lost souls. recipient had to leave immediately to lead a student prayer meeting. The Lord led him to convey the burden on his heart to the student body. In a few moments the whole company was kneeling, and one after another led in prayer. The time came to close, but the power of the Holy Spirit was; upon us and we had to continue. A ll classes were dismissed, and the prayer meeting continued until the stu­ dents had to go to their places of employment. W e were broken down before the Lord. Tears were flowing down the cheeks of many, and one person after another stood up to confess sins. Nothing had been said about confession, but the Spirit of God was working, leading individuals to come first to the Lord for forgiveness and then to confess to those whom they had wronged. It was found necessary to continue this prayer meeting, and accordingly we gath­ ered again on Wednesday night at 9:15 and continued until 12:45. The same spirit of humility and heart search­ ing characterized this service. One after another, as in the previous meeting, confessed that there had been sin in his life and asked teachers and fellow students for forgiveness. Many who were present testified that they had never before witnessed such a demonstration of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. It was a God-given revival. The Lord has laid the burden of Biola on the hearts of the students in such a way that they are not only crying to God for deliverance for our beloved school in her hour of need, but they are sacrificing and giving of their own limited income for the support of the school. Certainly God who has seen the weeping and has heard the heart cry of His people at Biola will reveal His miracle-working power in this place to His glory and our joy. Praise God for victory, and pray that the revival may continue and spread! Revival at One morning a communication came to Biola that was a crushing blow to the, school. After reading the letter, the g|0j a

The Moody Centennial

The one-hundredth anniversary of the birth of Dwight Lyman Moody is being celebrated this year throughout the world.

It is fitting that Christians everywhere should honor, the memory of this Christian leader because few men have ac­ complished as much for God as did Moody. The presence and power of the Holy Spirit were manifested mightily in Moody’s service. It has been estimated that a million souls were won for the Lord through the campaigns he con- \Continued on -page 119]

March, 1937


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Christ's Resurrection

By W . B. RILEY Minneapolis, Minnesota

statements stand and gather to them­ selves an ever-increasing company who consent that they have made good their right to a place in the catalog of his­ torical facts, why should we not appeal to them in discussing the very subject that gave them their existence? According to the Scriptures there are many lines of argument for the resur­ rection. Let me make mention of four. T h e C h a l l en g e of t h e E m p t y T om b There is the argument of the empty tomb. “ In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day

H E is risen, as he said” (Matt. 28 :6 ). Apostle Paul reasons, with a logic that cannot be gainsaid, that “ if Christ be not risen, . . . your faith is also vain” (1 Cor. 15:14). If Jesus Christ is not alive, the dead have perished and the living are without hope. But the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is in itself not sufficient. The resurrection without the ascension would prove nothing more than a reanimation, a Lazarus and not a Lord. On the other hand, an ascension with­ out a resurrection would demonstrate nothing better than translation— a prophet Elijah, perhaps, but not the Son of God with whom is all power. It will be conceded, I think, that the central argument, of all the arguments presented in the name of Christ, rests with this question: Did He rise from the dead and ascend into heaven? In answer to that issue, I bring you first of all these texts from the Scripture, and in elaboration of these I would suggest some thoughts for solemn reflection. It is not begging the question to appeal to the Bible for arguments of the resurrection. Even infidels concede that the Old Testament Scriptures were in the hands of men when Jesus of Nazareth walked the earth; and very few intellectually honest men question that the New Testament was born within a century after His reputed ascension. If, therefore, the Scriptures are not trustworthy, skepticism has already enjoyed two thousand years of opportunity to disprove their statements. If, at the end of this time, the [For the past forty years Dr. Riley has been the pastor of the First Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minn. He is also President of the Northwestern Bible Training School and Executive Secre­ tary of the World’s Christian Fundamentals Association .— E ditor .] The subject proposed for this discussion in­ volves the very citadel of Christianity. The

of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. And, behold, there was a great earth­ quake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his rai­ ment white as snow: And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men. And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay” (Matt. 28:1 -6 ). That statement is either true or false. If false, why did not the enemies of Christ expose the deception? That He had enemies, not even infidels question. That He was hunted to the cross, no one now disputes. That He was buried is as certain as the execution of Roman law. What became of the body? This was the very thing His enemies had feared. They had reminded Pilate of Christ’s proph­ ecy, “ After three days I will rise again,” and had asked that the sepulcher be made sure until the third day. And Pilate had said to them: “ Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can. So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch” (Matt. 27:65, 66). But when the resurrection was ac­ complished, “ some of the watch came into the city, and showed unto the chief priests all the things that were done. And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers, say­ ing, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept. And if this come to the governor’s ears, we will persuade him, and secure you. So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day” (Matt. 28:11-15).


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1937

It is a singular thing, yet a certain one, that people can never manufacture a falsehood the various parts of which can hang together. And when the Jewish leaders asked the watchers to testify that they had slept on duty until Jesus had been stolen away from His grave, they required the men to confess to a fault, of which Roman watchers dared not be guilty on the very peril of life itself; and yet, from that hour no better explanation of an empty tomb has been furnished the world. Within a century after these reputed events, the whole Roman Empire was per­ meated by the doctrines of Christ, and men by the thou­ sands and tens of thousands believed on Him as risen from the dead. The argument that entered into the conviction of the first century was that of the empty tomb. S k e ptic ism in S pite of t h e A ngel ’ s M essage There is the argument of the word of the angel to the women. When you get together a company of spiritual­ ists, every one expecting to see a spook, it is fairly easy to fool the crowd. Turn the lights low, secure a ventrilo­ quist, or even a good actor, and your purpose is accom­ plished. But when the skeptical are present, the perform­ ance is commonly balked. They are not looking for spooks, and they do not see them. These skeptics are valuable in uncovering fakes and pretenders. But Christ convinced skeptics in every instance. The women who went to His tomb were skeptics. As much as they loved Him, they never expected to see Him alive again. They went not for the purpose of anointing a risen Christ, but to embalm a dead One. They would not believe in the resurrection even on the authority of the testimony of heavenly witnesses. They were not even convinced when the “ two . . . men in shining garments” re­

He Lives! By ARTHUR HEDLEY Flitwiclc, Bedfordshire, England

I N many churches today, Christ is seen not as the 'radi­ ant, victorious Lord ascending in triumph into heaven, but as a pale, limp, exhausted and lifeless Christ. The crucifix which confronts one at wayside shrines and at crossroads on the Continent has become an object of worship and meditation. Traditional art, in presenting a weak, exhausted Christ who claims our compassion, has en­

tirely missed the teach­ ing and the spirit of the New Testament. It is certain that the apostles regarded the act of a crucifixion its e lf w ith horror and repu lsion . The image of a crucified Christ was the very last thing they would have allowed to be set up as an object of worship. T h e V a c a n t C ross a n d O u r H ig h P riest in G lory On the Cross, the L o r d Jesus ach ieved man’s salvation through H is sacrificial death, but H e trium phed over death and rose again for our justification. Had He remained on that cross, He could never have been our Saviour. In different terms the New Testament writers re c o rd the grea t re­ dem ptive sacrifice of Christ. In Paul’s great exposition of the resur­ re ction , he d e cla re s:

minded them of the p rophecy, “ T h e Son o f man must be delivered in to the hands o f sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again” (Lk. 24 :7 ), though it is distinctly de cla red that “ they remem- b e r e d h i s w o r d s ” (L k . 2 4 :8). Not un- til they had seen Him and heard His voice, were they con­ vinced. The apostles

THE RISEN K ING By E. MARGARET C LARK SON Lol Behold! Two forms all shining Standing at the entry-way Roll'd away the stone— and hearken! "H e is risen!" angels say! He is risen! Death is vanquished! Wonder you that glad hearts sing? He is risen! He is surely Born a King! One day shall the heavens be parted, Rent asunder at His word; Wrapp'd around Him clouds of splendor He shall come— all-glorious Lord! Come to reign— to reign forever, While the vaults of heaven ring! Man of Sorrows— Prince of Glory— Born a King!

“ Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.” Speaking of the same gloriqus truth, the Apostle Peter says: “ Christ . . . bare our sins in his own body on the tree.” In remembering Calvary these writers are con­ cerned with what Christ achieved by His suffering and death. The object of their worship was never a dead Christ, but the risen, ascended, and glorified Christ, for whose return they looked with eager expectancy. It was a risen, triumphant Saviour who filled their mind and vision. G uarded from D angerou s A ttitude s It would seem that the object of setting up the crucifix is that the worshiper might show sympathy and compas­ sion for Christ. But the constant meditation on a cruci­ fied Christ, rather than on a risen and radiant Saviour, tends to make certain people morbid and introspective. Christian psychologists have shown that persons who be­ lieve they have been badly treated and crave for pity from every one are attracted to the crucifix because they project [Continued on page 10+]

were skeptics every one. It is recorded that the words of these women “ seemed to them as idle tales, and they be­ lieved them not.” Peter and John went on a tour of personal investigation (John 2 0 :2 -8 ); and when Peter beheld “ the linen clothes laid by themselves” (Lk. 24:12), he was not convinced, but “ departed, wondering.” The two on the way to Emmaus were skeptics when Christ fell in with them, for He had to argue with them from the Scriptures that He was to be condemned to die and be crucified and raised again the third day (cf. Lk. 24:20, 26 ). Thomas would not even take the testimony of his [Continued on page 109]


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1937

Laymen, Wake Up! By R. G. LE TOURNEAU (From an address stenographically reported)

nothing more. What would happen if he did not act upon what he believed? What would happen if he did not devote all his strength to making good his words? When we see men and women threatened by the awful flames of sin, too many of us merely dream along. W e say, “ Oh, there’s no hurry. I don’t think this fire will amount to much.” W e are not awake. But we ought to be. If God gave His Son to die on the cross that you and I, poor guilty sinners, might be made joint heirs with Jesus Christ, so that we may live and reign with Him throughout the endless ages of eternity, if that is so— and I believe it is— I ought to give twenty-four hours a day to Him for the telling forth of that marvelous message. And so should you! W e should make every moment count for eternity. Something is wrong if we don’t. If we Christians believe what we say we believe, we will give ourselves, our families, our homes, our cars— everything we possess— into the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ. Have we done that? Let me ask you: Does Jesus Christ manage your affairs? or do you? C onfidence in G od That leads me to another question: How much con­ fidence have we in God? He is our Father; we ought to trust Him. I hope my children aren’t worrying about whether I will take care of them or not. They ought to know that I will. I am their father. I love them. A ll that I have I would give in order to provide what is good for them. Oh, how the heart of the Lord must grieve when He sees that we have so little confidence in Him! A happy home is built on confidence. A successful busi­ ness is dependent upon confidence. Friends, the time has come for us laymen to wake up to our responsibility and privilege and show some confidence in God. If we would only fully trust Him, how it would lift the worry from our minds! U n io n W it h O n e W ho I s R ich Here is a couple, just married. The young bride says to her husband, “ Now dear, I want you to go back to [ Continued on page 119]

[ A t three sessions of the recent Torrey Memorial Con­ ference at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, R. G. Le Tourneau delivered powerful messages on the Christian layman s responsibility. Large numbers of California busi­ ness 'men were in the audiences. They came to hear what this dynamic, blunt-spoken manufacturing genius — the President of R. G. Le Tourneau, Inc., Peoria, III.— had to say. They found a man who heads an $18,000,000 business, manufacturing heavy grading equipment which is in demand in a dozen different countries, speaking of eternal issues with the same clarity and authority as are evidenced as he discusses welding and abstruse mechanical problems in which he is an expert. They found something more: that the practice, of this man is consistent with his message. A majority interest in his vast business ( valued today at more than $12,000,000) has been turned over by M r. L e Tourneau and his wife to the Le Tourneau Foundation, a non-profit organization, to be used in Christian work, with the stipulation that no part of the amount given shall ever revert to either of them. The letterhead of the Foundation bears this testimony: " Devoted to the cause of Christ." No wonder men hang on the words of Layman Le Tourneau !— E ditor .] I F TH E gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, the good news of our glorious salvation, really means anything to us poor sinners who have received Christ, we will act like it meant something. I wouldn’t give much for a religion that didn’t affect the whole life, including the pocketbook. W e Christians cannot discharge our obliga­ tions to God simply by putting money in the collection plate. But our habits of giving are a pretty good barometer to indicate our spiritual state. A re W e A w a k e ? Suppose a forest fire were sweeping the country. And suppose a trained forester should appear on the scene with his fire-fighting tools, should look over the situation quickly, and declare that by backfiring at a certain point, the spread of the fire could be checked. But suppose that, having made that observation, he folded his hands and did

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Three revolutionary new products in three distinct fields (along with a number of other new items) have been designed and built by R. G. Le Tourneau within the past year. Le Tournomatic lathe (left) has tripled output of a far more expensive machine in machining parts for Le Tourneau equipment. Expanding Carryall Scraper (center) increases earth-moving capacity fifty per cent with same tractor effort. Five-room steel house (right) with garage incorpo­

rated, 32 by 44 feet, weighing 41 tons, was built complete inside Peoria plant, the first of a large number for housing Le Tourneau employees. Reviewing the prefabricated house developments of the past five years, the editor of "Better Homes and Gardens" writes: "Your own technique arouses more enthusiasm among the members of our staff than anything that has been produced yet." Mr. LeTourneau's article explains why his plant is dedicated to Christ.

March, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



By MRS. LYMAN STEWART Los Angeles, California

lDuring the Torrey Memorial Conference at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, a memorial service honoring Lyman and Milton Stewart, T . C. Horton, and R. A. Torrey was, held on January 28, 1937, the eighty-first an­ niversary of T orrey s birth. With Dr. Rood presiding, the main addresses were given by Mrs. Lyman Stewart, Direc­ tor of the, Bible Women’s work of the Bible Institute, and W . E. Edmonds, Pastor of the Glendale Presbyterian Church, Glendale» Calif. Both speakers are members of the Institute’s Board of Trustees. I t is regretted that space in this issue precludes the printing of Dr. Edmonds’ excel­ lent address which portrayed the grace of God which was magnified in the Stewart brothers. And of Mrs. Stewart’s sympathetic and analytical remarks concerning Torrey and Horton, only a brief synopsis can be furnished here .— E ditor .] T HE words in Acts 11:24 concerning Barnabas are eminently applicable to both the men of God whom we are remembering at this hour. The first part of the verse, “ for he was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith,” is a true picture of the characters of these outstanding servants of the Lord. Thé latter part, “ and much people was added unto the Lord,” is a fitting description of the life work of both Dr. Torrey and Mr. Horton, which was thç outcome of one consuming pas­ sion— the salvation of lost souls. Mr. Horton came to Los Angeles through the instru­ mentality of Mr. Lyman Stewart in the early years of this century. Following the formation, by M r. and Mrs. Hor­ ton,^of two young people’s clubs, the Lyceum and Fisher­ men’s Clubs, the present Bible Institute was founded Feb­ ruary 25, 1908, M r. Stewart and M r. Horton being co­ founders. Several years later, Dr. Torrey was called to be the Dean of the Institute, and he assumed that position in January, 1912. In 1915, in addition to being Dean of the Institute, he became the first pastor of the Church of the Open Door, both of which positions he held until the summer of 1924. These three men complemented each other in a remark­ able way. Dr. Torrey’s name was world-famous; he stood high among the highest as a preacher and Bible teacher. Mr. Horton supplied the missionary zeal and vision. Mr. Stewart contributed his means and his wide business ex­ perience, together with a humble and charitable spirit which often acted as a check upon the sometimes over­ militant spirit of the others. In these three was the truth made abundantly clear that God endows His servants with varying gifts, using their combined service for His glory.

T orrey — G r ea t T each e r a n d E vangelist It was my own inestimable privilege to be a student at the Bible Institute in Dr. Torrey’s day. A man of culture, imposing physical appearance, he was clearly of the aristo­ cratic type. There is no doubt that he was one of the great Bible teachers of all time. As I recall our studies in Bible Doctrine, Dr. Torrey stands out in my mind as a veritable giant in the art of teaching. Often there would be an awed hush in the classroom as the lesson closed, and we students would leave quietly, not caring to stop and chatter, for we had received a vision of God Himself through His W ord and His servant. In the pulpit, Dr. Torrey was still the teacher; his morning sermons were usually doctrinal. His evangelistic efforts, in the United States and on a world tour, were marvelously blessed of G od : Christians were made strong in the faith, and un­ saved men and women in large numbers came to Christ. H orton — H um b l e S o u l -W in n e r Now for a little glimpse of Mr. Horton: He was very unlike Dr. Torrey in most respects, and yet they were one in their deep love for the Lord and their earnest endeavor to make Him known. M r. Horton was small, lithe, and active in his movements, and was the most approachable of men. His missionary spirit constantly urged him for­ ward, and one by one there were added to the Institute various evangelistic departments. Dr. Torrey gave to the students their strong doctrinal foundation, and “ Daddy Horton,” as he was affectionately known to the young peo­ ple, implanted the zeal for soul-winning in their hearts. M r. Horton was an untiring personal worker— the greatest I have ever known. M r, and Mrs. Horton ac­ companied M r. Stewart and me on a number of automo­ bile trips, and at each place at which we would stop, Mr. Horton would at once seek out his man, and in his simple, unaffected manner would begin to present the claims of the Lord. It was his deep love for his Lord that constrained him to tell others of Him. I have heard him tell, with tears in his eyes, of kneeling before his Lord at the begin­ ning of each day, and kissing His pierced feet. The Lord was so real to him that it seemed as though He were visibly present. As we, of the present, continue to build upon the strong foundation laid by these noble servants of Christ, may our service always be rendered in the same spirit of deep prayerfulness, eager devotion, and simple dependence upon the Holy Spirit, as was theirs.

March, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


TWhere Fundamentalists Stand Resolutions presented January 17, 1937, on the opening Sunday of the twentieth annual meeting of the World's Christian Fundamentals Association. By a rising vote of 2,000 delegates and other friends, the document was unanimously accepted.

Officers of the World's Christian Fundamentals Association P AU L W . ROOD, President Los Angeles, Calif. R. G. LE TOU RNEAU , Vice-President Peoria, 111. CHARLES G. TRUMBULL, Vice-President Philadelphia, Pa. CLAUDE A . WATSON , Vice-President Los Angeles, Calif. MRS. DA ISY P. WRIGHT, Vice-President Greenwood, Miss. W . B. RILEY, Executive Secretary Minneapolis, Minn. DIRECTORS ALW YN BALL, JR. New York. N . Y. PH ILIP A . BENSON Brooklyn, N. Y. J. OLIVER BUSWELL, JR. Wheaton, 111. HUGH EVANS Los Angeles, Calif. MRS. CARL GRAY Omaha, Nebr. CHARLES E. GREMMELS New York, N. Y. J. D. HEINZMAN Denver, Colo. CHARLES L. HUSTON Coatesville, Pa. H. A . TRONSTDE Chicago, 111. GUSTAF F. JOHNSON Minneapolis, Minn. HOWARD A. KELLY Baltimore, Md. I. H. LINTON Washington, D. C. J. D. LORD Woodland. Calif. MRS, FINLEY J. SHEPERD N ew York, N . Y. OSWALD J. SMITH Toronto, Ont., Can. MRS. LYMAN STEWART Los Angeles, Calif. W ILLIAM G. STUDER Chicago, 111. W ALTER L . W ILSON Kansas City, Mo. ADVISORY COUNCIL W . W . AYER N ew York, N . Y. GUY H. FISH Des Moines, Iowa ROBERT H A LL GLOVER Philadelphia, Pa. NORMAN B. HARRISON Minneapolis, Minn. W ILL H. HOUGHTON Chicago, 111. P AU L M. KANAMORI Tokyo, Japan ARIE KOK Peking, China MARK A. MATTHEWS Seattle, Wash. A . T. O’REAR Long Beach, Calif. CHRISTABEL PANKHURST London, Eng. M. D. PLUNKETT Chicago. III. W . H. ROGERS N ew York, N. Y. B . H. SHADDUCK East Liverpool, Ohio A . A . SMITH Tampa, Fla. CARL G. WESTERDAHL Rockford, 111. The above officers and directors and members o f the advisory council o f the W orld’s Christian Fundamentals Association were elected in Los Angeles, C alif., on January 22, at a session of the twentieth annual meeting o f the Association. 4*

W E, the officers and members of the World’s Christian Fundamentals Association, assembled in annual meeting in the Church of the Open Door. Los Angeles, California, do hereby express ourselves concerning the following matters: I. L iquor W e submit that the adoption of the Eighteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States and its partial execu­ tion through a period of years, produced a degree of sobriety theretofore unknown in our country, eventuating in moral and ethical conditions which brought the United States to a period of such prosperity as it had never known before, and such as per­ haps no other country had ever enjoyed. We also note, first, that the repeal ,\of the Eighteenth Amendment has been attended by country-wide drunkenness involving the expenditure of billions of dollars; second, that this wave of intemperance has in­ creased the number of the incapacitated, thereby loading the government with the care of additional persons unemployed; and third, that drunken driving has resulted in a mounting death toll. We note, further, that the promised improvement in citizen­ ship made by the advocates of repeal has not been realized. The wave of crime which was falsely attributed to bootlegging has not receded. That most fiendish of crimes, kidnapping, which formerly was perpetrated usually by persons who were sober enough to know that the accomplish­ ment of their purpose would depend upon the preservation of the lives of the kid­ napped, is now committed by men and women frenzied by drink; to them, life is cheap. In the light of these findings, we declare ourselves determined to contend against this dominance of drink, and we pledge ourselves to seek actively the restoration of the Eighteenth Amendment. II. T he S ocial G ospel We submit that the deluge of intemper­ ance and the wave of crime which are sweeping our country are in part a product of “ another gospel” which is no gospel. The social gospel, so called, has proved itself a poor substitute for the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. While it pleads for temporary advantages to be ac­ corded the unfortunate, at the same time it denies the divine inspiration of the Bible, the deity of. Jesus Christ, blood atonement, the necessity of regeneration, the personality of the Holy Spirit, and the promised return of the Lord Jesus Christ to earth as King. The consequence of this teaching has been a lowering of moral standards. If the Bible is not an inspired book, then sin may be condoned; crime may be assigned to mis­ taken steps, and final judgment upon in­ iquity may be denied. The acceptance of this view opens the floodgates of immorality,

bestiality, and sensualism. We therefore call the people of this nation to return to an understanding and acceptance of the plain teachings of the Word of God. We heartily commend those teachers in public schools, colleges, and universities who have remained loyal to Christ and to His Word, and those secular institutions that have respected the “ faith once de­ livered,” and those magazines that honor the Scriptures. We urge parents to send their boys and girls only to those schools where God’s existence is unquestioned, where the deity of His Son is accepted, and where the inspiration of the Bible is taught. We rejoice in the increasing popularity of Christian colleges, in the rise and growth of Bible training schools, and in the mount- ing .popularity of theological seminaries which are soundly orthodox. III. W orld P eace W e believe that war is contrary to divine will, and that it is indeed a world menace. We lament the selfishness which sets men at one another’s throats. W e deplore the destruction of life and property incident to civil, national, or world chaos. But we refuse the shibboleth of those proponents of peace whose philosophy, if logically carried out, would leave every city destitute of protection to be plundered by the criminal crowd and would put peace-loving countries at the mercy of the Moscow propagandists. IV . C ommunism We recognize in Communism bald atheism, with its rule by terror, its murder of innocent millions, and its gospel of hate. In spite of hold pretenses, it threatens the culture of ages, and even the existence of humanity itself. We discern that Com­ munism—God-denying and Christ-scorning —menaces America and the world. In their leadership against communistic inva­ sion we assure modern statesmen of our sympathy, cooperation, and support. As stu­ dents of Scripture, we find in Communism the fulfillment of those conditions described by the prophets as being preparatory to the rise of Antichrist. We are convinced of our obligation to inform men and women of approaching events which are clearly outlined in the prophetic word, that they may receive Christ as Saviour and escape the judgment of the unbelieving. V. C hrist ’ s R eturn We are determined to hold with joy “that blessed hope,” the promised return to earth of the Lord Jesus Christ. While we grieve over world conditions which produce poverty, hatred, crime, and warfare, we remind our own hearts of the fact— and we also call the attention of our fellow believ­ ers to it—that the “day of our redemption draweth nigh.” Having this assurance, we would “ rejoice evermore.”

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