King's Business - 1937-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1937

fails to shake one’s belief,in the fact, the truth, and the love, of God’s revelation, he fails completely. II. T he A dmission of S in into the W orld (6) Satan could and did bring sin to the world; man is responsibile for sin’s being in the world. J. R. Jones said: “ In man’s moral life there is the powerlessness of Satan apart from man’s consent, and this is man’s final responsibility for his actions.” Man cannot say, “ I was overpowered in spite of myself.” This excuse is offered by modern believers in evolution, who would have us believe that the fall was a step up­ ward toward better things rather than a step down and away from God. In the three words, “ he did eat,” lies the explanation of entrance into sin (v. 6). First, in eating, man doubted God’s love; hence he denied God’s goodness, acted apart from God, and chose his own way, becom­ ing a sinner. A sinner is one who is out of God’s way; he may be in a very good way, one that appears right to other men, but it is not God’s way (cf. Prov. 16:25; Isa. 53:6). Second, in eating, man doubted God’s word ; hence he denied God’s truth, acted in spite of God’s prohibition, and broke God’s law, becoming a criminal (cf. 1 John 3:4). Third, in eating, man doubted God’s deity; hence he denied God’s author­ ity, acted in opposition to God, becoming a rebel in the universe (cf. Job 34:37; Rom. 5:10; Jas. 4:17). Sin, therefore, is doubt or unbelief—the sin of sins—the sin in which all other sins

as Saviour, and then to live in such a way that others will see Jesus in us. What kind of heart have you? Does it refuse Christ, or does it receive Him? Adam and Eve lost the image in the garden, but you and I find it again in Christ.

and are with their old associates, they for­ get about Christ. This wax heart is like people who please God. I press the cameo against it, and immediately it receives the impression and keeps it. God wants us to receive Christ

APRIL 11, 1937 THE SIN OF ADAM AND EVE G enesis 3:1 to 4:26

questioned the truth of the revelation: ’“ Ye shall not surely die” (v. 4). It was as though he would say, “ Granted that God has spoken, you have misunderstood Him. However sincere your belief that God has spoken, your interpretation of what He has said is altogether wrong.” Third, Satan questioned the love which caused the revela­ tion to be given. He insinuated that God was keeping some good from man, and therefore that what God had said could not have been prompted by love. Satan’s methods have not changed. If he BLACKBOARD LESSON

Lesson Text: Genesis 3:1-15. Golden Text: “The soul that sinneth, is shall die” (Ezek. 18:4). Outline and Exposition I. T he A ttack from S atan (1-5) I n this passage is shown the source of sin as far as man is concerned (v. 1). The attack of Satan; the “ serpent,” who is also called “ an angel of light” (cf. 2 Cor. 11:13-15; Rev. 12:9, 20:2), was directed upon the Word of God. Satan distorted the Word, led to doubt concerning it, and final­ ly boldly denied its truth. The history of the world depends upon man’s treatment of the Word of God. A. T . Pierson has said: “ History is merely His story, told out in an­ swer to man’s treatment of God’s Word.” First, Satan questioned the fact of a reve­ lation: “ Yea, hath God said . . . ?” (v. 1). The enemy implied-that it was unthinkable that the unseen and eternal God actually should have spoken words to a human be­ ing. This method of approach is often the beginning of Satan’s attack. Second, Satan

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BURT L. RICE, Editor 2430 N. Craig Ave., Pasadena, Calif.

BURT L. RICE Editor A Christian Business Man

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