King's Business - 1937-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1937

lieved God and entered the ark were the members of Noah’s own family. I am go­ ing to take these eight pins that represent Noah and his family, and I shall put them inside this cork. The Bible tells us that when Noah and his family were inside the ark, God shut them in. (Replace the cork door.) We will drop several other pins into this glass bowl, reminding us of the people who did not enter the ark. Soon after Noah and his family had entered the ark, the flood came. As I pour this muddy water into the bowl, the loose pins are covered, but the cork rises and the eight pins on the inside of it are not touched by the water. Did you know that Noah’s ark was like Christ? Here is another cork with a cross. The cross is red, reminding us of the blood of Christ which cleanses from all sin. I am going to place some of these pins in­ side the cross, representing those who have accepted Christ as Saviour. I want to be hidden in the cross of Christ, my Saviour, when judgment comes upon this world, don’t you? We will let these other pins fall into the bowl, to represent those who have never accepted Christ as Saviour. When the muddy water, which now represents not a flood, but God’s eternal judgment for sin, is poured into the bowl, the pins that are in the cross are carried above the water.

and did righteously. This man was Noah, and when God decided to destroy the wicked people,. He planned how He should save this righteous family. God told Noah that He was going to send a flood upon the whole earth. Then He gave Noah directions for building a ship, called an “ ark.” It was to be three stories high. It was to have a window and a door. It was to be large enough to hold Noah and his wife and* his three sons and their wives and two each of all of the animals in the earth. This boat was to be Noah’s way of escape, his salvation. Noah be­ lieved God, and he an

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Object Lesson C hrist an d th e A rk

O b j e c t s : Two large corks, several straight pins, a pitcher of muddy water, and two glass bowls. (Cut in one side of one cork a hole the shape of a door, and in the other cork the shape of a cross, re­ moving the cork carefully from the holes so that it may be replaced. Color the inside of the cross red.) Lesson: This large cork reminds me of Noah’s ark, for many reasons. Notice that it has a door in the side, and that it always floats. These pins that I hold in my hand are like the people who lived in Noah’s day. You remember that God told Noah to build the ark because there was coming a terri­ ble flood which would destroy “ every living thing from off the face of the ground.” The Bible tells us' that Noah was “ a preacher of righteousness” (2 Pet. 2:5), but we find that the only ones who be­

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