King's Business - 1937-03



March, 1937

to death. As the stones were falling upon him, before he became unconscious, he said, “ He that loves not, lives not, and he that lives by the Life never dies.”— S elected . APRIL 25, 1937 THE GOOD CHURCH-MEMBER IS WORLD-VISIONED M a tth e w 28:16-20; J ohn 4:35 Meditation on the Lesson Christ’s vision for young people is a world vision. Matthew 28:18-20, ordinarily known as the “ Great Commission,” has been called also “ The Church’s Marching Orders.” That ringing “ Go” of our blessed Lord is still being heard by many of our young people who are within calling distance. Every Christian who is following closely, and not “ afar off,” is “world-visioned.” It cannot be otherwise if one is obedient to Him. The Lord Jesus Christ said: “Lift up your eyes, and look.” Two distinct commands are here, both of which the church in many places has seemingly forgotten. First, Christ said: “Lift up your eyes.” Sometimes the plea is given, “ Oh, we have so much need at home.” But the Lord said, “Lift up your eyes.” Then, after that, what? “Look on the fields.” See the world lost in sin, a world for whom Christ died, a suffering world, fields “white . . . to harvest.” Christ wants you to take His love to them. Oh, the “fields” ! Take just one look at China. China has 1,558 walled cities in eighteen provinces. Only about 400 of these walled cities have resident missionaries, leaving more than 1,100 without such workers, and

III. T he T est of L ove 1.

0 4 Beautiful Gifts From China Hand embroidered linen. Made by the children o f the Home o f Onesiphorus, Taian, Shantung, China, one o f the largest Christian orphanages in the Orient. Perfect workmanship; every stitch a p rayer; prices low. Your pur­ chases help support this faith work. Millions are destitute in war torn China. Help us save all we can fo r Christ. Meaning of the Chinese Characters “ Tai-Shan-Jaw-Yang-Yuan” — Great-Moun- tain-Teach-Feed Home. Thus the Chinese describe our work. Write for circular of dresser scarfs, handker­ chiefs, luncheon seta, etc. Also free booklet, ''Helping China's Helpless" sent on request. Address: g , H O M E O F O N ES IPH O RU S Drawer IS Chicago» Ilk K American Office 2811 N. Racine Ave. (5mn\unionWareofQuaHl^ BestM 'O rt'IsJ tg Ê S Ê fâ S S fri FINEST W orkmans *!? ALUMINUM or SILVER PLATE Individual / C la sses Lowest P rices. Sena fo r Illustrated Catalog INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE CO. Room 356 1701'■'1703 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,Ra

Knowing who the dear Lord was, the society to which He was accustomed in heaven, its sweetness and purity, beauty and intelligence, I wonder many times how He could endure the disciples who clustered so closely around Him. I have sat in a boat on a warm day with Galilean fishermen on the Sea of Galilee. And they were no sweeter, nor any cleaner two thousand years ago than they are today. I don’t think our blessed Lord liked them any better than I did. But, then, He “loved” them, which is quite different. You cannot force yoursejf to “ like” disagreeable people. But you can love them—dearly. For that is a command, and it is easy for a Christian to obey. It isn’t for any one else; no. That is one of the tests of Christianity.—R. J. B urdette . 2 . The happiness of love is in action; its test is what one is willing to do for others. — L e w W allace . 3. Raymond Lull was a brilliant student iij the University of Montpelier in the thir­ teenth century and became a professor there. He turned his back on his splendid pros­ pects and flung his life into the task of pro­ claiming Christ to the Mohammedan world in the period when to preach Christ was to court death. A year and a half he was imprisoned in a dungeon. Twice he was banished from the shores of North Africa. At last, taken beyond a wall, he was stoned

Send for E A S TE R C A T A LO G of Church and Sunday School Supplies, also fo r free samples o f tw o entirely new designs^ of Palm Sunday and Easter Folders for printing and mimeographing. Central Publishing House 2969-75 W . 25th Street, Cleveland, Ohio

A V aca tion W ith a Purpose An announcement to all who need to plan early for a vacation Summer Bible Conference at Pacific Palisades

Tent Houses at the Conference Grounds T HE third annual Summer Bible Conference of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and the Church of the Open Door will be held at the Pacific Palisades from August 28 to September 6, 1937. It will be a time of recreation which truly re-creates. Nationally known Bible teachers will be there, fresh inspiration will be received, new Bible truths will be explained, old truths will be made to live again, rich fellowship will be appreciated, lifelong friendships will be formed, and wholesome fun and exercise will be enjoyed. There will be swimming in the cool Pacific, hiking in the wooded glens of the Santa Monica mountains. In conference surroundings that seem far more remote than their scant twenty miles from the heart of Los Angeles, there will be sports of various kinds for all ages, and there will be time for rest. Life is becoming more strenuous every year. Every one needs the oppor­ tunity to draw apart for a time to renew health and strength. The conference from August 28 to September 6 is the answer to this need. Prices for the entire period range from $20.00 for tents with complete housekeeping equipment for four people, to the more elaborate cabins at $33.00 with complete accommodations for four people. Rates are less for smaller groups. For further information write to : The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Picnic Ground Oaks, Pacific Palisades

Extension Department

558 S. Hope St.

Los Angeles, Calif.

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