King's Business - 1937-03


March, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Christ Jesus . . . by grace”. (Eph. 2:6, 8). T o be seated with Christ in the heaven- lies is to be ready to be done with all self- will, all self-seeking, all self-effort; to rest in His finished work. It is to be willing to be done with sin in every form; not in the sense that one cannot sin, for there is no such state in this world, but to be willing from the heart to be separated from every form of sin, holding to nothing that we know is wrong or displeasing to Him. No one who is holding to or tampering with known sin can expect the life in the heaven- lies to become a reality.—From Union with Christ by L. L. Legters. APRIL 12 What if There Be No Road? “ Go ye . . . and preach the gospel” (Mk. 16:15). , It is said that a certain society in South Africa once wrote to Livingstone, “Have you found a good road to where you are ? We want to know how to send on other men to join you.” Livingstone replied, “ If you have men who will come only if they know there is a good road, I don’t want them. I want men to come who will come if there is no road.” —My Pocket Companion for 1937. Put any burden on me; only sustain me. Send me anywhere, only go with me. Sever every tie but this tie which binds me to Thy service and to Thy heart.— S elected . “ Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?” (Gal. 3:3). May God give us grace to realize the dangers of living the Christian life on the natural plane. May God help us all that we may live our life henceforth on the supernatural plane, with God the Holy APRIL 13 Continuing in the Spirit

Spirit seated on the throne of our hearts, and living in us, causing us through faith in Him, through faith in the cross of Cal­ vary, to live the life victorious, the “life . . . hid'with Christ in God.” — E . L . L an gston . APRIL 14 H ie Cross in Daily Experience “Follow thou me” (John 21:22). Who is there who can always see the shadow of the cross falling upon his bank­ ing account? Who is there who has the mark of the nails and the print of the spear in his plans and life, his love and devotion and daily program of intercession? Who is there who has heard the word of Jesus and is quietly, obediently, every day, as He has told you and me, taking up his cross to follow Him?— S a m u e l M. Z w e m e r . Discipleship is a practical matter—and not only is it practical, but painful to the flesh as well. Does your daily life exhibit the marks of crucifixion ?—A. A. D. “ Thy word is a lamp unto my feet . . . give me understanding according to thy word” (Psa. 119:105, 169). Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace Our path when wont to stray; Stream from the fount of heavenly grace, Brook by the traveller’s way. Bread of our soul, whereon we feed, True manna from on high; Our guide and chart, wherein we read Of realms beyond the sky. Lord, grant that we aright may learn The wisdom it imparts, And to its heavenly teaching turn With simple, childlike hearts. — B ernard B arton . APRIL 16 Pleading the Blood “ Ye . . . are made nigh by the blood of Christ’ (Eph. 2:13). Let our range of intelligence be ever so wide, our fund of experience ever so rich, our tone of devotion ever so elevated, we shall always have to fall back upon the one simple, divine, unalterable, soul-sustain­ ing doctrine of the blood.— Christ Life. Working amid coal dust, the only part of a coal pitman’s body that is kept clean is his eyes, owing to the constant flow of the tear ducts. Thus the precious blood keeps clean the trusting soul.— R obert L ee . APRIL 17 Listening for His Voice “Hear ye the word which the Lord speak- eth unto you” (Jer. 10:1). Prayer is vital, and the true Christian will find that the indwelling Holy Spirit draws the heart to God in prayer. Early in the morning, especially, we should find ourselves alone with God. Do not think, however, that by multiplying prayer meet­ ings you are going to find the sanctifying power of God in your own life. I have found that it is prayer with the open Bible APRIL 15 The All-Sufficient Word

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STATEMENT FROM DR. ROR JONES Well-Known Evangelist and Founder and President o f the BOB JONES COLLEGE, CLEVELAND, TENNESSEE “ Sometime ago I met a father who had sent his only daughter off to what was supposed to be a good college. In the class room the daugh­ ter came under the influence of an atheistic instructor who robbed her o f her Christian faith. She returned to her father and mother with a behavioristic, rationalistic, “ do as you please” philosophy of life. The girl went to ruin. In a moment e f despair and in a fit of temper, she blew out her. brains. The gun she used to commit suicide was loaded with a philosophy o f despair which she had learned in college. “ Going to college is serious business. In my work which has taken me into every state in the Union and into a number of foreign lands, I have met hundreds of wrecked men and women who were ruined by the philosophy which was taught them in college.” Y ou w ill play a safe gam e educationally, socially, and spiritually if you attend the BOB JONES COLLEGE, which is located in the heart of the South at C leveland. Tennessee. THE BOB JONES COLLEGE believes the Bible and stands lot the Christian philosophy of life. The institution is only ten years old, but its graduates are leaders in the business and professional world. I f you wish literature, write the BOB JONES COLLEGE, CLEVELAND, TENNESSEE

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