King's Business - 1937-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

March. 1937

WHAT STUDENTS SAY— B ible study has taken on a new charm and fascination for me since I enrolled in the Biola Evening School. I have come to know Him, the Living Word, better; in the secret place o f prayer, His presence is more of a living reality. O ur vision is enlarged, our faith strengthened, and our zeal for His service increased, as we study God’s Word. L et this school show you your responsibility in giving out the Word o f God to others. From among many testi­ monies, the comments in the column at the le ft have been gleaned c o n c e r n in g spiritual e n r i c h m e n t re­ ceived through the Biola Evening School.

A s the assistant superintendent o f the Sunday-school in my church, I have received training for which I am very grateful. E vening School has been a real help to me. If more knew what a blessing it brings, they would make every effort to come. V ery grateful am I, as superintendent of a large metropolitan Sunday-school, for training received in the Evening School. E asier distinguishing between the true and false doctrines of today is one of the advantages of this study. N ever before have I been so used by the Lord to lead precibus souls to the foot o f the cross. I T [Evening School attendance] is worth any sacrifice, because it prepares us to be better servants for Him. N ever have I been in any other place since Northfield in Moody’s time, where the teaching was o f such a high order. G o about it [the study o f God’ s Word] as systematically as you would any other branch o f knowledge; namely, go to school. S ome o f the most pleasant memories o f my life cluster around the years I spent as a student in the Evening School at Biola. C hild Evangelism as taught in the Evening School helps me in speaking to children as well as to adults about their souls. H ow I’ve seen that there is hidden treasure under my former surface study of the Bible! O UR notes on the lectures o f the Evening School instructors mean much, both now and for the future. O ur united prayer is that many hundreds of other students may receive the instruction and inspiration we have enjoyed. L ater if not now we shall be called upon to pass through dark places, and then we shall appreciate the value of the studies.

Enroll fo r either evening, or both: TUESDAY EVENINGS 6 :30— 9 :3 0 THURSDAY EVENINGS 6 :30— 9 :30 Fall and Spring Semesters Simultaneous with the Day School Credits Acceptable in the Day School, Subject fo r Subject, Hour fo r Hour Four Year Course, Thursday Evenings, Qualifies Students fo r the Diploma o f the Evang e l i ca l Teacher Training Association No tuition charge $ 2 .0 0 registration fee Same faculty as in Day School Write for information. Address: THE EVENING SCHOOL The Bible Institute o f Los

Angeles, Incorporated 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California

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