King's Business - 1937-03


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Robert Jamieson, D. D. was Minister of St. Paul’s Church, Glasgow. A. R. Fausset belonged to the Evangelical School of the Church of England. He was Rector of St. Cuthbert’s, York. Widely known as the author of many commendable books. David Brown, D. D. was a renowned Presbyterian Minister and, later, Professor in t h e Seminary of Aberdeen. Widely known as a conservative. Author of “ Christ’s Second Com­ ing: Will It Be Premillennial?” and many other significant books. FOUR VOLUMES COMPLETE IN ONE—1350 Pages

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§ ZONDERVA3V PUBLISHING HOUSE Dept. KB, 815 Franklin Street, S.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Gentlemen: Enclosed find 95c as _first payment on Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown’s COMMENTARY ($4.95). I will remit balance as follow s: $1.00 in ............. .......................months $1.00 in ......................................months $1.00 in .................................... months $1.00 in .......... ........................... months (Please fill in time required) Postpaid for cash with order. Otherwise transportation is extra.

(Note delightfully clear large type.) CHAPTER X X V I I I .

Ver. 1-28. A bad conscience makes men timid; the righteous are alone truly bold (ch. 14. 26; Psalm 27. 1). 2. Anarchy producing contending rulers shortens the reign of each, but by a man . . . prolonged— or, “ by a man of understanding—t. e., a good ruler—he who knows or regards the right, e., a good citizen, shall prolong (his days).” Good rulers are a blessing to the people. Bad government as a punishment for evil is contrasted with good as blessing to the good. 3. A poor man . . . &c. — Published by ZONDERVAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Dept. KB 815 Franklin St. Grand Kaplds, Michigan

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