King's Business - 1949-09

Oct. 16, 1949 GOD AND THE NATIONS Isa. 1:21-28; 19:19-25

Many world leaders today are prom­ ising peace to us, but those who believe God’s Word know that there cannot be peace until the Lord Jesus returns again and takes His children to be with Him. Soon after that, Satan will be bound forever and God and His Son will bring everlasting peace to the earth. Men with their meetings, their planning, and their .weapons can never bring world peace. Only our Saviour can do that, for He is the wonderful Prince of Peace. The world will not have peace at once, but individuals may have peace within their hearts and their minds the minute that they receive God’s Son, the Prince of Peace, as their Saviour. Do you have His peace within» or are you worried about your sins, things that are happen­ ing in the world, what your plans shall be, etc? If you are, you may have per­ fect peace today if you will receive God’s Son as your Saviour.

which Israel will enjoy. It is interesting to note that Egypt has survived all these centuries, doubtless waiting until God shall accomplish His purpose of grace with respect to her. God’s plans must all come to fruition.

Pointers on the Lesson God is interested in nations because they are made up of individual men and women whom He has created for a holy purpose. He is especially interested in those nations which seek to give God a place in their realm. “ Blessed is the na­ tion whose God is the Lord” (Psa. 33:12). These days there is a tremen­ dous lack in this respect but there will come a time when many nations of earth will walk in the light of God (Bev. 21:24). Insofar as nations do give God place in their life, they are blessed. Na­ tions that sin against the light given them from Gojd may expect a reckoning at His Hands. The Divine Lament Because of Faithlessness Isa. 1:21-24 The city of Jerusalem is primarily in the picture here but this city was the capital of the nation. What the capital was, the rest of the nation was likely to be. The stream rises no higher than its source. Jerusalem was the city of oppor­ tunity. It had experienced much of di­ vine revelation. God expected a great deal of it. But, alas, the actual situation was disappointing. The once faithful wife had become a harlot (v. 21). Judg­ ment had given place to violence and murder (v. 21). Their righteousness had become dross, a mixture of formal reli­ gion and vileness (v. 22). The leaders of the people had become perverse (v. 23). God said it was enough. He determined to do something about it. The Divine Promise of Better Things Isa. 1:25-28 Before there can be blessing in nation or individual, there must be a “ purge.” Sin must be put away. There is a prin­ ciple here that needs to be observed at any time or place. God’s benediction does not rest upon a sinning people. The “ dross” and “tin” must be taken away. The reference in this passage appears to point to a time still future. The “ afterward” of v. 26 looks forward to the Second Advent. Compare with Jere­ miah 33 :14-26. The “purge” of v. 25 har­ monizes with what other prophets tell us .about the tribulation of God’s people be­ fore they pass into their time of future glory and blessing. Cleansing, then blessing, is God’s order. The Divine Preview of Millennial Times Isa. 19:19-25 • The phrase “ in that day” occurs four times in this section. This phrase in Scripture has a two-fold aspect. Some­ times judgment is spoken of in connec­ tion with that day, at other times, it is blessing. In the instances before us the blessing aspect is emphasized. In con­ nection with Israel’s restoration other nations will be restored. Egypt will then be lifted out of the dust and receive a place :of blessing second only to that S E P T E M B E R , 1 9 4 9

Helps lor the Children When Nations Are Friends Isa. 19:19-25

Memory Verse: “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” (Isa. 2:4). In Isaiah’s day, many nations were warring with one another. Even the Is­ raelites were for a time divided into two groups because they could not all get along well together. Part of God’s mes­ sage through Isaiah told of a day "when nations should be friendly toward one another because their people loved God and served Him and one another. This message brought peace to the hearts of God’s people who loved peace and hated war—to those who wanted to live where love rather than hatred ruled. For many centuries God’s people have waited for Isaiah’s prophecy to become true that “nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”


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