King's Business - 1949-09

October 16, 1949 SHALL WE FOLLOW THE FASHIONS? Rom. 12:1, 2; 1 Pet. 1:13-21


Association brings conformity. The de­ sire to be like others leads God’s people sometimes to dress and to walk as the world does. Sometimes this is commend­ able. Who wants to see a man without a necktie or a woman whose hair is stringing down her neck and around her face? There are some things in which ,we must conform to others. In these cases the things which others are doing must be correct and commendable. The test always is whether the matter will glorify God, honor the Lord, and en­ hance our Christian testimony. We Follow Fashion to Avoid Criticism Psa. 31:20 When the little girls in school wear dresses that hardly come below the hips, the Christian child objects to wearing dresses that come to the knees and real­ ly hide the body. The other children crit­ icize and are cruel. When a person uses excellent English in an office where slang and carelessness in speech prevail, then this one is held up to ridicule for being so precise. The preacher who adheres to the teaching of the Scripture both in precept and practice is ridiculed by mod­ ernists who insist on worldly ways to accomplish God’s purposes. Let us not be afraid of adverse criticism when we are doing the right thing. We Follow the Fashion Because The manufacturers in New York set the styles. We are supposed to accept their decisions and they certainly seek to make it edsy for us to do so. Proper clothing is withdrawn from the market and the only thing available is what the mer­ chants offer. We follow the worldly methods of ex­ pression because others do so and it is Our lives may be made most inter­ esting if we are observant and seek always to be on the search for the won­ derful works of God in nature, in hu­ manity, and in the Bible. The heavens declare in a marvelous way the story of the life of Christ as revealed in the zodiac. The earth reveals in a most in­ teresting way the power, the wisdom, and the loveliness and thoughtfulness of God which we may observe in the animal kingdom, the vegetable king­ dom, and the mineral kingdom. In the Word of God we find the marvelous revelation of God’s love to sinful man. S E P T E M B E R , 1 9 4 9 It Is Easier 1 Cor. 15:33

easy to conform to their manner of speaking. It is easier to read what is offered on the newsstands than to go to the li­ brary and obtain books that are worth­ while. It is easier to follow the world’s ways in the church than to follow God’s ways. So we do it. We Follow Fashion Because of Indifference Amos 6:6 Many of God’s people care very little about God’s thoughts and the teaching of the Scriptures in regard to daily liv­ ing. This refers to ways in business, in the home, in society, and in the church. There is little desire on the part of some of us to look into the Word of God for instruction concerning every day life. There is indifference as to the effect one’s life has on others. The person who should be interested in do­ ing all possible to' help others finds it easier to follow the ways of the world and live a fruitless life. We Follow the Fashion Because There Is No Goal Phil. 1:27 The Christian’s goal should be to grow in grace, to learn God’s Word, to be useful in the harvest field, and to be conformed as nearly as possible to our Lord Jesus Christ. Where no such goal exists, the life is aimless and with­ out point. We simply live from day to day indifferently and inefficiently. We do what others do and think as others think. If,, however, the heart and life are aiming at the “Well Done” of tin. Master and success in .service for the King, then we shall not be like others. We shall do more than others and thus honor our Lord.


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October 23, 1949 THE ROMANCE OF LIVING Heb. ll:32—12i:2

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Nature Is Full of Romance Psa. 104:16-26

The owl has eyes that cannot move but the chameleon has eyes that oper­ ate entirely independent of each other. The black cow eats green grass which makes white milk and chums into yel­ low butter to make red hair on the baby. The penguin lays eggs that are sharp-pointed like the quail egg. It needs no nest to hold them for they roll in circles and cannot roll off the rock. Salt is formed in perfectly square cubes. Thus the accuracy and detail of God’s power is revealed.

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