King's Business - 1949-09

this is not the case and tobacco, liquor, cards, movies, and comic magazines prevail, we find trouble, lack of love, lack of courtesy, and the increase of lawlessness and hateful dispositions. The home should be the sweetest place on earth where love reigns and each one loves to serve the others. Society Is Full of Romance 2 Tim. 2:4 Our relationships with one another outside the family should be filled with delightfully interesting conditions and situations. As bees love to live and work together, as ants love to serve one another, so it should be in the lives of people as we live in our com­ munities. The joy of bearing one an­ other’s burdens and of sharing one another’s victories is part of the sweet experience x>f community life. How de­ lightful is a good neighbor! How essen­ tial it is that we care for one another’s comforts and blessings. Thus each day is filled with the joy and the romance of living. to fill these many positions. This should be a work of faith and labor of love. Hearts should be devoted to the blessed business of building up the Sunday school both in numbers and in spiritual­ ity. Consecrated teachers are needed to win souls for Christ. There Are Opportunities In Christian Business . Rom. 12:11 Not all can go to the mission field but all can give so that the necessary funds may be supplied. The church goes forward on two legs — GO and GIVE. A few can go and do go. Many can give and do give. There are those who do both. Let us seek to operate every business to the glory of God. God gives Christian men the ability to make money in order that the financial needs of the church may be met. This is just as much a ministry for God as any other. Let us use it for God. There Are Opportunities In Literature Hab. 2:2 God greatly blesses the pen in the hand of His child. It has been proved that the pen is, indeed, mightier than the implements of warfare. What men have written has influenced multitudes. There is room for great developments in literature for children, for lost men, for Christian living. There is need for plain, simple literature in regard to the evil doctrines of the day and the evil practices of so-called religious organi­ zations. Satan’s tricks need to be un­ veiled by able writers. Let those who are able seek this ministry. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

wherea Christian Faculty Builds Christian Lives The men and women of Multnomah faculty are consecrated to their task. As living ex­ amples of devotion to the Bible and Chris­ tian Service their teaching carries convic­ tion which students sense and accept. FREE tuition. Three-Year Bible Course. Ask for catalog. Interesting M onthly Sent Free to A ll Inquirers M ULTNOMAH School of the BIBLE Willard M. Aldrich, Th.D., President John G. Mitchell,O.D., Vice Pres., B. B.Sutcliffe, D.D., Chm. Trustees 6 3 2 N . E. H o lla da y S». Portland 14, O regon WESTERN BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE 528 33rd St. OAKLAND 9, C A LIF. H. O. Van Gilder, D. D., President Three-year intensive Bible Course in Mis­ sions, Pastoral, Chr. Ed., Music. Approved for Veterans. Write for Catalog. M Y L I F E IN T H E CONVEN T A BOOK OF FACTS A detailed description of black nunnery in Bristol. Twenty-four great chapters. Margaret Shepherd, escaped nun, describes in detail the terrible ex­ periences of helpless and defenseless "girls within the high stone walls of Bristol convent. The most terrible revelations ever recorded.............................. OYER 6,000,000 COPIES PRINTED The most extensively read book on the papal curse. No book like this in print! Read this frightful, heart-breaking story and learn the truth concern­ ing convent life. 258 burning pages. Postpaid only $1.50. The edition is limited . . . so order at once. Gospel Art Shoppe, Dept. KB-9, Rowan, Iowa SACRED PIANO SOLOS “ There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” “ Blessed Be the Fountain” “ Safe in the Arms of Jesus” Classical arrangements. Original introductions. Rich harmonies. Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations, Chimes, Suitable for radio performance. Each 35c. ALL THREE $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope Street Los Angeles 13, Calif.

God’s Work Is Full of Romance Psa. 100:2

The Lord keeps a balance between evaporation, precipitation, and gravita­ tion. For this reason, the sea is never full and the lakes never overflow. God controls the wind, the sunshine, and the rain. Too much of any of these or too little produces dearth, drouth, and despair. All the elements are regulated by our wonderful and loving God. He puts life germs into plants and ani­ mals so they may reproduce themselves and thus we have the continuation of life. . The Home Is Full of Romance Prov. 18:22 Those who observe life in the home will be impressed with the fact that where the Word of God is loved, hon­ ored, and obeyed, the parents live in happy fellowship — the children are courteous and kind — and that home bears the fragrance of heaven. Where Life is most interesting where there is a purpose, a plan and a goal. This is true in the service of our great King or in scientific research, financial pur­ suits, military development, or educa­ tional aims. It is because men have had visions and ambition that we have the railroad, the airplane, the telephone, and great missionary enterprises in dark lands. It was a vision of the need that led Livingstone to open Africa to God’s gospel. Let us seek to have godly visions for God’s glory. There Are Opportunities In Missions Matt. 28:19 When our Lord came back from the grave, He said nothing about finances, transportation, education, science or pleasure. He did have much to say about missions. In each of the four Gospels, He urges His followers to car­ ry the message. Today the fields are white and ripe. There are calls to the West Indies, to Alaska, to Brazil, and to Greenland. Let those who are young and vigorous seek to see the need of the harvest field and the sufliciency of God to meet that need through them. There Are Opportunities In Sunday School Work Matt. 19:13 This great field of work among young people calls for godly men and women with constructive ideas true to the Word of God and stirred by the need of the classes to hear the pure gospel. Churches are calling for intelligent, spiritual, godly leadership in their Sun­ day schools. There are few applicants

October 30, 1949 THEY CAUGHT A VISION Acts 16:6-10; 26:19

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