Huston-Tillotson University Strategic Plan 2024-2034



HT STRATEGIC PRIORITY #1: ENROLLMENT AND STUDENT SUCCESS • Increase enrollment annually over the next 10 years (3% for 2 years (1087); 5% for 5 years (1388), 7% for 3 years (1700). • Maintain 70% or higher first-to-second year retention rate. • Reach 50% or higher six-year graduation rate by 2034. • Increase by 100% institutional funds allocated to support need-based and merit grants/scholarships. GOAL #1.1 Increase the enrollment of domestic and international students while providing access to quality academic offerings and student success preparation to undergraduate, graduate, and adult learners. 1.1 Develop and implement comprehensive Enrollment Management Plans that include the following components: HUSTON-TILLOTSON STRATEGIC PRIORITIES, BENCHMARKS AND GOALS 2024-2034 • Secure and invest incrementally endowed funding year-over-year to increase the endowment value by $30.0 million dollars through 2034. • By 2034, HT will establish a minimum of eight (8) endowed professorships to recruit, attract and retain leading faculty in the country. • HT will establish a federal identification classification and achieve federal contractor status by 2026.

• A detailed Recruitment and Retention Plan • A detailed Financial Aid Plan

• A detailed Marketing and Communication Plan • A detailed Student Engagement/Campus Life Plan • A detailed Academic Advisement and Mentorship Plan

1.2 Expand the recruitment of traditional students first-time full-time students (18 - 24 years). 1.3 Expand the recruitment of non-traditional students – adult learners (25 years and above). 1.4 Expand the recruitment of transfer students by developing articulation agreements with community colleges. 1.5 Increase the re-admission of students who have completed courses but exited prior to completion (earning a credential or degree).

1.6 Increase the recruitment of first-generation students. 1.7 Increase the recruitment of international students. 1.8 Increase the recruitment of graduate students. 1.9 Increase the recruitment of homeschool students. 1.10 Increase the dual enrollment program.

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