Huston-Tillotson University Strategic Plan 2024-2034



GOAL #1.2: Expand and enhance strategic recruitment initiatives to improve the academic profile of incoming cohorts. 1.2.1 Expand on-campus student housing options by adding new modern residential facilities. 1.2.2 Promote online/distance education as a viable option to deliver graduate and undergraduate education to increase enrollment. 1.2.3 Expand Memorandum of Understanding with institutions within the Austin Community College District to increase enrollment. 1.2.4 Initiate the establishment of Memorandum of Understanding with California colleges and universities to gain access to thousands of students. 1.2.5 Strengthen recruitment networks (i.e., alumni associations, organizations, premier schools, business & industry, etc.). 1.2.6 Expand recruiting resources, events, training for recruitment staff, and include student, faculty, alumni and staff ambassadors. Create recruiting materials that appeal to diverse student groups/types. 1.2.7 Create recruitment pipelines via pre-college programs with premier/college prep high schools (i.e., collaborate with schools/ colleges). GOAL# 1.3: Elevate student success outcomes (retention, graduation rates, pass rates, etc.) to the high excellence range among peers and aspirational peers. 1.3.1 Increase competitiveness for high-performing students. Develop and implement a plan to increase need- and merit-based funding through private funding to increase access and ensure HT remains affordable to all students. Develop and enhance feeder opportunities with high schools and colleges across the country. Engage high-profile faculty and alumni to assist with the recruitment process. Showcase compelling student stories (i.e., securing high profile internships, undergraduate research, campus involvement, on multiple communication channels). Enhance school/college ambassadors’ responsibilities to assist with recruitment and communication activities to potential scholarly students. Increase student diversity by aligning recruitment plans to reflect state, national and global demographics to increase enrollment. Align scholarship practices with peer and peer institutions. 1.3.2 Increase the allocation of financial support to address unmet need. Prioritize scholarship/funding support for students (i.e., recruitment of FTF, transfer and offering both merit and needs-based). Establish a sophomore and junior scholarship for students who performed exceptionally and did not qualify for any prestigious scholarships as incoming students. Perform analysis to determine the best allocation of institutional funds for both need and merit based scenarios.

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