Huston-Tillotson University Strategic Plan 2024-2034



GOAL# 2.2: Regularly review academic program curricula to identify and eliminate barriers to timely degree completion. 2.2.1 Assess, enhance, and expand academic programs and offerings. Create template and evaluation tool/report process to facilitate academic program reviews. Continue semi-annual assessment of academic and non-academic programs. Use enrollment data to project and prioritize offering of courses to prevent delays in progression (i.e., sufficient offering of courses in sequence). GOAL# 2.3: Nurture the professional development of faculty and staff across the career span and across disciplines to create a culture of sustainable excellence and investment in research. 2.3.1 Strengthen faculty and staff development programs. Increase full-time faculty engagement. Evaluate incentives for faculty and staff development. Identify avenues for faculty and staff development particularly relative to enhancing research proficiency. Develop an annual professional development learning plan for faculty, staff and administrators. Develop and promote opportunities for education abroad. 2.3.2 Enhance the development of pedagogy that improves the teaching and learning of undergraduate research. Assess the market to identify training content for pedagogical best practices. 2.3.3 Establish a structure that fosters sustained faculty and staff excellence and promotes research. Develop approaches to incentivize faculty and staff excellence at all stages of career journey (i.e., rewards, staff/support, compensation, conferences, leadership development opportunities, succession plan, cultural environment). Implement a sustained system of support for faculty research, scholarship, professional development, and active engagement in professional organizations. 2.3.4. Build capacity and infrastructure to attract, retain and incentivize world class faculty and staff Identify competitive solutions (i.e., start-up packages) to attract and hire new faculty and staff. Develop a compensation approach to incentivize faculty research activities. Provide additional resources for work environment/space, equipment, resources for faculty and staff. Establish pre-award teams within each unit to support principal investigators. HT STRATEGIC PRIORITY#3: INNOVATION, COMMUNITY, AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP • Expand the capacity and infrastructure of the Center for Academic Innovation & Transformation through a transformational investment. • By 2026 establish a platform and resources to support students’ attainment of licenses, inventions, and/or startups. • No less than 850 students will be placed in internships or formally engaged with community organizations. • Conduct community needs assessment beginning in 2025 and thereafter every two years to define programming and the effectiveness of collaborative initiatives. • Develop a Philanthropy Center to educate the socially conscious student, volunteer, and practitioners in the field of Philanthropy. • Partner with external organizations that help community focused, Black-led organizations scale in order to uplift the community.

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