Huston-Tillotson University Strategic Plan 2024-2034



Goal #5.1 Achieve Competitive Long-Term Investment Performance for the University Endowment 5.3.1 Through prudent and professional active management, the University Endowment should achieve competitive long-term investment returns consistent with a globally diversified portfolio comprised of both public and private market investments. 5.3.2 From December 27, 2018 through March 31, 2024 the average annual return for the University Endowment Fund was 8.5% net of all management, administrative, and custodial fees and expenses. 5.3.3 Based upon forecasts for various asset class returns over the next 10 years, it is reasonable to expect that a diversified investment portfolio comprised of 60% growth assets (represented by the MSCI All Country World Index return of 8.0%) and 40% income assets (represented by the Bloomberg Aggregate Bond Index return of 5.0%) could produce an average annual return of 6.8% over the next 10 years.

In summary, we thank all who participated in and contributed to formulating this strategic plan. The plan constitutes a blend of vital inputs from various individual shareholders and constituent groups who have generously given their time and expertise to produce this blueprint for the strategic advancement of Huston-Tillotson University. The execution of this plan will require our best energy and an unwavering determination to fully express our longstanding reputation of advancing academic excellence. Yet, as a practical matter, the fulfillment of this plan is mainly resource contingent. That said, we must embrace a well-coordinated and shared approach to institutional advancement to significantly expand our human and monetary resource base and reinforce our financial solvency in the years ahead. A favorable climate for accomplishing this plan is improving our private sector fundraising efforts and securing additional research and training grants that meet pressing human development and workforce needs. Ideally, this will entail the acquisition of more impactful and transformational gifts that enhance our capacities and meaningfully convey the unique dividends we bring to the broader corporate and philanthropic community. Through this multidimensional plan, we affirm a culture of continuous improvement and accountability even more. In that vein, we are proud to present to you “From First to Foremost”, the 2024-2034 Strategic Plan of Huston-Tillotson University.

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