Huston-Tillotson University Strategic Plan 2024-2034




The Steering Committee was comprised of faculty, students, staff, administrators, deans and representatives from the local community. The immediate charge of the Steering Committee was to reexamine the University’s vision, mission and core values to ensure their alignment with the future aspirations and mandates of the institution. Hence, the committee developed and executed a structured and methodical planning process. Project tasks, milestones and deliverables were identified and approved. This entailed conducting internal environmental scans to determine the current state of the University and collecting and interpreting data/surveys from various internal and external constituents with regard to the current and foreseeable direction of the campus. STEERING COMMITTEE CHAIR(S)

Dr. Melva K. Wallace Dr. Beverly Downing

President and CEO

Associate Provost & Interim Director, Office of Institutional Planning, Research and Assessment (Chair)


Dr. Archibald W. Vanderpuye Ms. Dawn Cassanova Dr. Kenneth R. Crawford Dr. Shaquille K. Dillon Ms. Linda Y. Jackson

Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs Associate Vice President for Finance Executive Associate to the President and CEO

Vice President for Marketing, Strategy, Impact, & Innovation Vice President for Institutional Advancement Special Assistant to the President for Corporate Relations

Dr. Jennifer Miles Ms. Quinika Qualls Mr. Jorge Sousa Dr. Jonas O. Vanderbilt

Director of Human Resources

Vice President for Enrollment Management Vice President for Student Affairs

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