Huston-Tillotson University Strategic Plan 2024-2034




In the ever-changing realm of higher education where knowledge reigns supreme and innovation is cultivated, I am proud to remark about the venerable institution known as Huston-Tillotson University. This bastion of learning has stood tall for 150 years, with its roots entwined in the rich tapestry of academic excellence. In 2022, I was honored to be selected as the seventh President and CEO of the only historically Black institution of higher education in Central Texas. During my first year, I was asked more times than I can count to share my vision for HT. And today, I am pleased to share that vision, which I shaped with intentionality and garnered with a collaborative spirit. I present to you, “From First to Foremost,” a strategic plan that stands as a beacon of hope and a roadmap to the future for Huston-Tillotson University.

Much more than just words on paper, this plan represents a sacred pact — a covenant forged by the collective voices of the university’s diverse community and stakeholders. From the wise elders of the East Side and our alumni to the bright-eyed students, from the tireless faculty to the visionary trustees, all have joined hands in shaping the destiny of this esteemed institution. This is truly OUR PLAN – yours and mine. But what exactly does this grand plan entail? Well, dear reader, prepare to be energized! For at its heart lies a commitment to transformation – a bold vision where every corner of the university is in harmony towards a common goal. No stone is left unturned, as the new HT Austin pledges to nurture an environment where academic prowess meets real-world impact, where students’ dreams take flight and soar beyond the confines of the classroom. And how, you might wonder, will this magnificent journey unfold? How will we elevate ourselves from being known proudly as the first institution of higher learning in the city of Austin to the foremost institution for innovation? The answer: Through thoughtful strategies that will require your help and your infectious generosity. From the development of effective marketing and recruitment strategies to the enhancement of educational innovation, we are actively positioning ourselves for long-term success. And the adventure of going from first to foremost does not stop there. HT also vows to be a stalwart ally in the community, a beacon of inspiration for budding entrepreneurs and innovators, a welcoming haven for lifelong learners, while simultaneously building up our infrastructure to serve as the living room for learning and innovation in downtown Austin. Thus, as you embark on this epic odyssey with us, remember this: “From First to Foremost” is not merely a plan—it is our destiny writ large. With every step we take, every lesson we learn, and every dream we chase, we will shape our future; and in so doing, improve our economy in the state of Texas and beyond. Won’t you please join us? Together we shall chart a course that will lead Huston-Tillotson University from its humble beginnings to the very forefront of greatness.


Melva K. Wallace, Ph.D. President and CEO

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