Huston-Tillotson University Strategic Plan 2024-2034



With the endorsement, enthusiastic support, and collaborative input of the Huston-Tillotson Board of Trustees, President Melva K. Wallace brought forth this robust strategic planning process by engaging the campus community and the University’s various constituency groups in developing a ten-year strategic plan to launch on the eve of the university’s historic sesquicentennial year of 2025. As you will read, this plan outlines bold and aggressive goals to be achieved by 2035. This plan, which outlines bold and aggressive goals to be achieved by 2035, highlights the University strengths, while underscoring the importance of engaging with external organizations and agencies that share mutual goals. It surveyed the higher education landscape to determine current and foreseeable demographics, workforce trends, and critical needs throughout the Greater Austin metropolitan area, the nation, and the global community. From the outset, this 10-year roadmap involved a decidedly transparent and engaging process. Accordingly, President Wallace introduced this planning initiative to the University community in January 2023 and, by March 2023, appointed a Strategic Planning Steering Committee. The committee comprises faculty, students, staff, administrators, deans, and representatives from the local community. The immediate charge of the Steering Committee was to reexamine the University’s vision, mission, and core values to ensure their alignment with the future aspirations and mandates of the institution. The Committee developed and executed a structured and systematic planning process. Project tasks, milestones, and deliverables were identified and approved. The scope of work is to conduct internal environmental scans to determine the current state of the University and collect and interpret data/surveys from various internal and external constituents about the current and foreseeable direction of the campus. The committee further conducted focus groups and town hall meetings with internal and external constituents, including members of the Board of Trustees. After naming Dr. Beverly Downing as committee chair, President Wallace solicited the support of a national consultant organization that provided demographic information, student outcome data, and sufficient quantitative benchmarks to permit the measurement of the committee’s proposed goals and objectives. Subcommittees and task team assignments drove the committee’s work. Subcommittees integrated strategies and scrutinized their results. Their respective efforts included identifying preliminary goals and implementing strategies, developing metrics, and monitoring procedures, drafting the report, and incorporating feedback. STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS AT HUSTON-TILLOTSON

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