Huston-Tillotson University Strategic Plan 2024-2034



Of a preliminary nature, the Steering Committee took stock of a number of notable institutional strengths that point to opportunities for sustainable growth. These strengths provide competitive advantages that can and should be effectively leveraged over the next ten years. STRENGTHS 1. Strong reputation as a producer of high performing students who are critical thinkers. 2. Growing diverse student body and a welcoming inclusive environment. 3. Geographic location (Urban-Vibrant Austin, TX metropolitan region, East Austin). 4. Small private Liberal Arts institution. 5. Faith-based affiliation with The United Methodist Church and the United Church of Christ. 6. Diverse, dedicated, and expert faculty, administrators, and staff. 7. Healthy shared governance process, constituent engagement, and broad-based support. 8. Comprehensive and individualized support structure that transforms students of every background to excel and overcome difficult socio-economic barriers. 9. Emphasis on student life and engagement fostering leadership potential. 10. Large and growing international-student population. 11. Strong, visionary executive leadership and management team. 12. A continuous focus on improving student success including retention and graduation. 13. Research capabilities and business/industry relationships. 14. Great financial value for the quality of education received. 15. Competitive. 16. Spirit of collaboration. WEAKNESS 1. Aged campus infrastructure and buildings. 2. Limitations and competitiveness for unrestricted dollars. 3. Limited campus space for growth. 4. Technology 5. Capacity to retain talent in the Austin, TX market. 6. HT’s total first-time student application pool has fluctuated greatly since 2018 resulting in unstable enrollment projections. 7. Ninety-two percent of HT students depend on financial aid signaling a need for increased institutional support. 8. Some curricular offerings and majors are suffering from persistent low enrollment, possibly due to low demand from students (and potentially the workforce). 9. Facilities asset value per student is not compatible with peer institutions. STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNITIES, AND THREATS (SWOT ANALYSIS)

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