Revive Us
By Rev. Dr. Tony C. Evans, Sr. National Chaplain
T he came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it hand of the Lord
some ways are a familiar picture of the fraternity. They represent all the broken- ness, all the fears, all the hopelessness and confusion. They represent all the sickness and diseases of humanity. But all hope is not lost. We have to awaken the conditions of “Dry Bone” syndrome that has entered in the lives of some brothers. I am sharing this message, not to criti- cize the fraternity that I have proudly been active and committed to for 44 years, but I came to prophesy to those dry broken places, I came to release the power of God into the fraternity’s valley places, and I came to tell you that there is a dry bone specialist in the fraternity. You don’t have to stay in the condition you are in now. There is a next level! A level that is in alignment with achieve- ment in every field of human endeavor. “Good enough” is never a statement of a Great Kappa Man. It is time to revive us! As the great- est fraternity known to mankind, this is our challenge. Brothers aligning together behind our 33 rd Grand Pole- march Thomas L. Battles, Jr.’s charge of Rebirth, Reclaim, and Recommit by Leaving no Brother Behind. Making our spirituality known through our ac- tions. Making our spirituality visible in all we do! Revive us, through education, revive us through Guide Right; revive us through the Kappa Foundation. As I close, Brothers, I’m telling you, there is a wind blowing, there is a fire falling, there is a resurrection power surfacing. That power is God! God will raise us. He’s the God of the resurrec- tion, He is the God of revival.
tor, Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Pleasant- ville, New Jersey, delivered powerful messages to a full house for the three nights. The remarkable accomplish- ment of this spiritual filled worship and praise service was the inclusion of other members of the Divine Nine: the Alpha Kappa Alpha “Singing Pearls,” the Alpha Phi Alpha Ensemble, the Delta Sigma Theta Chorus and the Huntsville Alumni Kappa Chorus. This was quite a difference from “Wine, Women, and Song.” I congratulate Polemarch Carlen J. Chestang, Jr. and the brothers of Huntsville Alumni. Well done! The spirit of the Lord is here…. The brothers of Huntsville Alumni have begun a movement that is captured in the scriptural text found in Ezekiel 37:1- 10 “Can these bones live?” Let me bring the point directly home to Kappa: “Can Kappa Live?” The reason of my focus on revival is to bring to light the awesome omnipotent resurrection power of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost produces revival. In the Book of Ezekiel, we see the awesome power of God, resurrect- ing, healing and restoring. We see God putting broken things back together again. We see hope coming into hope- less situations. We see that there is no problem, no situation, no condition too hard, or too big for God. My message to you today is to tell you similar to the bones talked about in Ezekiel: Kappa will live again! Our existence has been hampered and threatened by isolated acts of hazing, suspensions, charters re- voked, brothers falling into non-financial status, and acts that are not in align- ment with our Founders (10 God fearing Christian Men) views and purpose of this great fraternity. It’s time for a Kappa Revival!
was full of bones. Then caused me to pass by them all around and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and indeed they were very dry. And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” So I answered, “O Lord God, You know. ” – Ezekiel 37:1-3. We are “Men of Achievement” in every field of human endeavor. Down through the years, since our inception, Kappa Men have been connected to achieve- ment. But it is in times like these, that we need to re-engage in our fundamen- tal purpose, to be re-energized using our God-given gifts and talents, to heighten our spirituality in claiming victories over the many challenges, that lie in front of us. The Word of God is very clear in giving us a starting point. In Matthew 6:33, Seek Ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things will be added unto you . Brothers, this is a simple formula for Achievement. My message for you in this issue, while focusing on “Education, Guide Right and the Foundation,” is “Revive Us.” We can do all things through Christ that strengthens us. (AL) Alumni Chapter after hosting their “6 th Interdenominational Spring Revival” held at the First Missionary Baptist Church, where Rev. Dr. Julius R. Scruggs serves as Pastor. It was an overwhelming success. Brother Rev. Willie Dwayne Francois III, Senior Pas- This past spring, I received some great and exciting news from the Huntsville
To God be the Glory!
Ezekiel looks at this valley of bones— dried, broken and scattered, and in
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