Kappa Journal (Philanthropy Issue)


More than 1700 Brothers Are Reclaimed

I n ancient Greece, in times of war the Polemarch served as the supreme leader of the army “trumping” the

Jesus once said, “The harvest is plenti- ful, but the workers are few.” We have a playbook in Guide Right and Kappa League that can change the trajec- tory of our entire race. If that sounds far-fetched imagine 100,000 achievers contributing to Guide Right. A Guide Right Chairman of one can touch five to 10 boys, but what if a Guide Right Chairman had a committee of five to 10 brothers? That same com- mittee could then reach 20 to 30 young men. And although there are some amazing chapters with Kappa Leagues of 40-plus, if there is one boy we do not reach we must strive to do more. Guide Right is one of if not the most important reason for reclamation. Every active brother in Kappa is a member of the Reclamation Committee and should also seek to contribute to Guide Right. Guide Right should give inactive broth- ers a renewed purpose for coming home to Kappa. There are inactive members whose professions could positively affect the trajectory of so many coming home to Kappa. Inactive brothers may not have the time to join the chapter or serve the com- mittee, but maybe the brother will be willing to sponsor an event, buy a pizza, or send a Kappa Leaguer to camp. Thank you to all the brothers toiling the fields to harvest young minds, but let’s challenge our inactive brothers to join the fight and help turn the tide for a brighter tomorrow.

Below are the brothers who assisted with reclamation this past fraternal year along with the reclamation totals by Province. The Vice Chairmen of the National Reclamation Committee are T. Eugene Connaway, who also serves as Outreach Chairman and Henry Jacobs. Byron Scott (228) Middle Eastern Henry Jacobs (135) Western Samuel Gibbs (71) Northern William Doxie (70) Middle Western Frank Smith (67) Southeastern Lawrence Davis (179) South Central Terence Tunstall (137) North Central Keith Baker (118) East Central Arthur R. Ward Jr. (43) Southwestern Ronald Lockett (356) Northeastern Joseph Cordero 116) William "Bill" Bayne- Leagues of 40-plus, if there is one boy we do not reach we must strive to do more .” Province Reclamation Chairmen: Eastern Paul Robinson (120) Southern “A Guide Right Chairman of one can touch five to 10 boys, but what if a Guide Right Chairman had a committee of five to 10 brothers? That same committee could then reach 20 to 30 young men. And although there are some amazing chapters with Kappa

authority of the King. In Kappa Alpha

Psi ® , we have the Grand Polemarch, Province Polemarchs, and Chapter Po- lemarchs who lead their respective areas and communities. During my time as Polemarch of Dulles- Leesburg (VA) Alumni Chapter I walked with an air of confidence as a leader of men in the best fraternity on Earth. But there were also times that two nagging questions weighed heavily on my heart. Are we at war? And if we are at war, how strong is Kappa’s army? I submit to you that our community has long been at war. Young men and boys are confronted daily with poverty, drop- ping out of high school, drugs, and lack of strong male role models. To put it frankly, it is a matter of life and death. Kappa Alpha Psi ® through Guide Right has led—and continues to lead the way impacting the lives of young men. For close to a century, Guide Right has men- tored young men, helped them to choose careers, and sent boys to college. The Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation and alumni chapter foundations have given millions of dollars in scholarships to both achievers and those in need who otherwise may not have gone to school. But I ask you again, “How strong is Kappa’s army?” What does this have to do with Kappa and Reclamation?

Grand Chapter (64)

The total number of brothers reclaimed is 1704. Here's to Kappa Alpha Psi ® !

Yours in the Bond,

Paul Robinson National Reclamation Chairman

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