Every brother should accept responsibility for supporting the [Senior Kappa] Endowment. This is all about Kappa commitment, the future of us and generations of yet unborn Kappas to follow. Give to your endowment my brothers!
and the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation’s website. Some of these initiatives are relatively new such as our partnership with The Smithsonian National Afri- can American Museum of History and Culture, located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., which opened in September 2016. As a founding and contributing donor, we are helping the museum showcase many unknown as well as widely familiar African American contributions to our nation’s greatness. The museum has evolved into a prime locale for public ceremonies and perfor- mances while serving as a highly desired exhibition space for representing Black history and culture. I’ve been delighted with the overwhelm- ingly positive response from brothers about Kappa’s renewed support of the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and its “Sunday of Hope” initiative. Since the start of the 33 rd Administra- tion in 2015, Kappa has raised more than $2 million for St. Jude, becoming its leading African American fundraising organization. Surely this news is good for our brand, but, brothers, the chil- dren St. Jude cares for continue to have dire needs. African Americans exceed 40 percent of the patient total. Lastly, let’s not forget The Piney Woods School, which, by the way, is 109 years old! Kappa continues to raise funds to fulfill a commitment to the Mississippi- based school, which was established to
educate the children of former slaves. Today, due to the rash of school shoot- ings, we know and feel the need for children to be trained in a safe environ- ment. In 1909, Piney Woods addressed that need by providing a safe place for African Americans to learn and serve as a cultural and academic retreat. Cur- rently, Piney Woods students mainly come from lower to middle-income families, but most of these youth attend on scholarship. The good news is that support from Kappa and other donors has helped Piney Woods achieve a 98 percent rate of college-bound graduat- ing seniors. We also partner with our Silhouettes to further the cause of educating others on infant safe sleep measures. We spon- sor classes, raise money, and purchase and donate safe cribs so every infant we encounter can live and have a chance at life. The First Lady of Kappa reminds us in Safe Sleep to “Change the Tradition by Changing the Position.” I believe we can Preach from that message right to the Brotherhood. Some chapters have also worked with our Silhouettes to help our victims of domestic violence by donating re- sources, both financial and otherwise, to centers that offer assistance to this vulnerable group of brothers and sisters. Nationwide, our Health and Wellness Committees reach masses of people with their Healthy Kappa’s/Healthy
Communities initiatives. They perform free health screenings, and oftentimes the information they provide saves lives. Finally, I must take this opportunity to thank all of our brothers who have committed to the Senior Kappa En- dowment. Every brother should accept responsibility for supporting the endow- ment. This is all about Kappa commit- ment, the future of us and generations of yet unborn Kappas to follow. Give to your endowment my brothers! Other philanthropic programs worthy of your gifts include the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation, 1911 Mobile Cause, iKare Disaster Relief and Kappa Kamp. Kappa makes a difference through our philanthropy! Again, summertime brings the time and opportunity to give through monetary donations, visits to the charitable institutions the fraternity supports, and hands-on, grassroots vol- unteerism. I charge you to participate in Kappa through these types of philan- thropic options. Each brother himself is a gift to be shared with others in this respect, so please let it not remain unopened or little used.
Yours in the Bond,
Thomas L. Battles Jr. Grand Polemarch
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