Building Industry Hawaii - October 2023

“We didn’t invent the wheel with this P3,” says John Han, UHF vice president of Administration and CFO. “Following a request for propos - als, we contracted in 2017 with Hunt Development Group to finance and design-to-build student housing.” P3 AND TAX EVENT BONDS Instead of using taxpayers’ dollars, the P3 team of Hunt Development Group, UH and UHF raised funds and also issued a tax event bond for the Atherton project’s financing. Han says that Hunt was the obvi - ous choice for this project because it has the expertise, innovation, financ - ing and operating efficiencies — and the willingness to collaborate — to understand the university’s needs and goals. As developer, Hunt hired general contractor Moss & Associates to build the three-structure facility at the corner of University Avenue and Metcalf Street. Based on recom- mendations from Hunt for a student housing operator to manage the property, UHF contracted B.HOM, a private student housing operator with a presence throughout the U.S. IT HELPS TO KNOW THE ROPES Hunt is a regular in the P3 dance, having completed more than 200 P3 university housing and other social- infrastructure projects around the globe — adding exceptional value for public-sector partners throughout the design, construction, financing, operations and maintenance phases of projects. “Locally, Hunt — which has been in Hawai‘i for over three decades — has worked with the UH System in various capaci -

water, power and sewer that laid the groundwork for the higher education facility.” Matthew Jun, vice president at Moss & Associates, says that delays to the project included permit- ting, weather, resource manage- ment and design clarification, which he says are Matthew Jun

anticipated for typical construction projects. But this wasn’t a typical situation. “A hard completion date was required as resident students would be moving in on a specific date that could not be compromised,” Jun says. “Constant resequencing of work was done on the schedule to overcome this obstacle, which led to a lot of overtime work including weekend, holiday, and in some cases, double shifts for certain trades.”

Mahalo Moss & Associates UH RISE

ties including with Hawai‘i

Community College – Pālamanui,” says Mike Lam, senior vice president of development for Hunt Companies in Hawai‘i. “In

Lic. No. C-11540

“Over 100 years of Landscaping in Hawaii”

that project, Hunt contributed more than $20 million in construction and infrastructure improvements for Mike Lam | 19

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