Building Industry Hawaii - October 2023

And at Kalaeloa Barbers Point Harbor, Kapolei Harborside — a 360-acre development by the James Campbell Company — is providing new infrastruc- ture, roadways and warehouses. MATSON INC. As part of a global push to sharply reduce carbon emissions by 2030, Matson is converting the Daniel K. Inouye , its fastest Aloha Class contain- ership, to operate primarily on liqui- fied natural gas (LNG). The ship will also have “flexibility to use low-sulfur marine fuel or other alternative marine fuels, such as biofu- els, when they become more avail- able,” says Len Isotoff, Matson senior vice president, Pacific. Matson’s Maunalei containership is currently servicing the carrier’s Hawaii/ China/Long Beach Express (CLX) route, which the Daniel K. Inouye will resume when conversion is complete, possibly by the end of the year. Three new Matson Aloha Class containerships, the largest contain- erships ever built in America, are also in progress at Philly Shipyard

Daniel K. Inouye , Matson’s fastest containership, approaches Honolulu Harbor. The vessel’s engine is currently being converted to run primarily on liquified natural gas. PHOTOS COURTESY MATSON INC.

in Pennsylvania. Like the Daniel K. Inouye , all have LNG-capable, dual- fuel engines. The first vessel is sched- uled for Hawai‘i delivery in the fourth quarter of 2026. Matson currently has nine contain- erships in constant rotation that trans- port cargo from the Asia-Pacific and the mainland. The ships call on Sand Island three times a week.

A third tank of liquified natural gas is installed on the Daniel K. Inouye .

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