Summer 2021 curriuclum information

Personal, social and emotional development The children will be encouraged to continue to share and take turns, they will be asked to talk about how they think the characters are feeling in the books that we read. We will be preparing the children for Reception through lots of group discussions, stories and transition days. Literacy We will continue to encourage the children to recognise and have a go at writing their own name. We will be starting the ‘Talk 4 Writing’ approach which will encourage the children to learn a short story off by heart through actions. This will provide them with a visual and kinaesthetic prompt for writing. We will be writing about the very hungry caterpillar. We will also be describing minibeasts, labelling parts of their bodies, talking about their habitats and reading lots of non-fiction texts. Physical Development We continue to have a weekly visit from Mrs Sanderson & Miss Hinton, who provide the children with a short Physical development session. The session encourages movement to a simple story, focusing on the basic gross movements such as stretching, marching, skipping, jumping and more complex movements such as cross-over marching and slithering. Good gross motor control has a positive impact on writing and fine motor skills. Children also practice holding a pencil correctly and develop the skills of using scissors. and discuss the stories which we have read. Staff will encourage the children to develop listening skills through a range of opportunities such as games and circle time in family groups. The children will be expected to use more complex sentences and questions, they will also be building on their vocabulary and making their needs clearly known. Communication and language Children will continue to talk about what they see, hear and feel. We will talk about our experiences

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year Nursery 2020-21 - Summer term For specific class information see For dates see Our topic is ‘Our World’ with a focus on ‘Marvellous Mini-beasts’ and ‘Zoom’. Through this topic we will be building on children’s previous knowledge of mini-beasts through discussions and finding out more about what they do and where they live. We will also discover more out about different modes of transport and how they work and talk about any journeys the children might have taken or might like to go on in the future. Your children will have the opportunity to dress up for 'An Ugly Bug Ball' to celebrate what they have been learning for our mini-beast topic and have a Summer party to enjoy at the end of term.

Phonics & early reading We will build on the children’s listening skills through listening and memory games to promote concentration. Children will begin to learn Phonics- the sound that the letters make and the alphabet name. Children will continue to build on their understanding of rhythm and rhyme through stories, nursery rhymes and activities. Children who show they are ready will begin to sound out and read simple CV and CVC words.

Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences Children will explore cooking techniques and apparatus; they will then have the opportunity to learn how to make a sandwich independently. Children practise their leadership skills by taking the lead role in their play and taking charge of their learning. Children show an awareness of being a good team player, opportunities are provided through circle time, class games, group work and CIL. Children will experience an Ugly Bug Ball, Cooking, a Summer Party and Bug Hunting. All amazing opportunities to tick off their bucket list!

Mathematics We will continue to recognise 2D shapes, colours and numbers. We will provide opportunities for number recognition, counting and number rhymes daily. Children will be measuring, comparing length, weight and height and capacity. The children will be encouraged to start recording numbers and will practise number formation. We will introduce number of the week, during which we find different ways to represent a number– using our fingers, numicon, counters and number fans. Understanding the world Children will develop their ICT skills through appropriate activities using the computer and iPads. We will be encouraging the children to be observant, ask questions, explore their surroundings and take care of living things. We will go on a minibeast hunt, we will be watching the changes that occur within the natural world, such as changes in weather, nature and learning about the life cycle of a butterfly.

Characteristics of effective learning Children are encouraged to review their own progress and learning. Teachers talk in depth with children about what they are doing, what went well and what they would change next time. This gives children the opportunity to self-assess and think critically. All children are encouraged to have their own ideas, find ways to solve problems and not give up when faced with a challenge. Expressive arts and design Children will continue to build a repertoire of songs and dances through opportunities for music and dance. They will develop their imagination through role play opportunities. Children will use a variety of materials and resources to make minibeast masks, bug hotels. They will be travelling far and wide on all sorts of transport, we may even go on a trip to the Moon or on a magic carpet ride! The children will explore colour mixing in the creative area. We will also explore musical instruments and explore how sounds can be changed.

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Reception. 2020-2021 - Summer term For specific class information see For dates see Our topic is ‘Our World’ with a focus on ‘Marvellous Mini-beasts’ and ‘Zoom’. Through this topic we will be building on children’s previous knowledge of mini- beasts through discussions and finding out more about what they do and where they live. We will also discover more out about different modes of transport and how they work and talk about any journeys the children might have taken or might like to go on in the future. Your children will have the opportunity to dress up for 'An Ugly Bug Ball' to celebrate what they have been learning for our mini-beast topic and have a Summer party to enjoy at the end of term.

Personal, social and emotional development Children will participate in circle time and will explore different families, how to form positive relationships with friends and how to work in a team. There will be opportunities for problem-solving and being aware of consequences of right/wrong choices. They will learn about the impact of unkind words and bullying. They will also be given opportunities to learn calming strategies to support their own well-being and the importance of showing respect to others. Literacy During this term we will have a greater focus on non- fiction and poetry with a variety of reading and writing activities linked to them. There will still be lots of opportunities to hear and talk about stories related to the topics as well as discuss more specific language for mini-beasts and transport. A range of learning opportunities will be planned to encourage children to use their 'tricky words' and phonic knowledge to help them read/write in a range of styles e. g. for lists, sentences and fact files. Physical Development In P.E. children will use a story focus with opportunities to practise object control work and exercises to engage core muscles to develop more dynamic balance and weight transference, for example, a crouch to jump forwards. There will also be a greater focus on using skills within a team. They will continue to develop their fine motor skills through activities such as writing with more emphasis on correct letter formation, by manipulating a variety of materials and tools and independently changing for P.E. Communication and language Children will participate in circle time discussions about preparing for Year One, children will freely speak and listen to each other’s ideas, concerns and thoughts. This will be in small group and whole class situations. Children will use the role-play areas to develop a narrative in their play and express themselves confidently. Listening to stories each day will give children the opportunity to answer a variety of questions and to describe or comment on key events, characters and the story itself.

Phonics & early reading Children will be blending sounds in words, including digraphs e.g. ng in r-i-ng (2 letters making one sound) and trigraphs (3 letters making one sound e.g. igh in n- igh-t). They will be reading short sentences including a range of tricky words from phase 2 (I, no, go, to, into) and phase 3 (you, me, was, they, all, are, we, my, her, be, she). Children will learn new vocabulary by reading a range of texts and begin to read 2 syllable words (e.g. rocket). They will be able to comprehend short texts and answer a variety of comprehension questions.

Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences Children will explore cooking techniques and apparatus; they will then have the opportunity to learn how to make a sandwich independently. Children are aware of the importance of personal hygiene (e.g. hand washing) and dressing themselves (e.g. PE Sessions and Forest School). Children practise their leadership skills by taking the lead role in their play and taking charge of their learning. Children show an awareness of being a good team player, opportunities are provided in Reception through circle time, class games, group work and star of the week assemblies. Children will practise their communication skills during circle time, PSED lessons and role play activities. Children will experience an Ugly Bug Ball, Cooking, A Summer Party and Bug Hunting. All amazing opportunities to tick off their bucket list!

Characteristics of effective learning Children are encouraged to review their own progress and learning. Teachers talk in depth with children about what they are doing, what went well and what they would change next time. This gives children the opportunity to self-assess and think critically and provide opportunities for challenges to extend their learning. developing and adapting their own ideas in Art and Design using skills they have learnt in previous topics. This will include using a wide variety of materials and resources to build bug hotels, create boats and of course they will be developing their imagination in our role-play 'mini-beast gardens' and 'Zoom' areas. Expressive arts and design In music the children will be creating different rhythms and will choose their own ways to express their thoughts and feelings through movement and dance. There will be a greater emphasis on children

Mathematics Children will continue to develop a strong number recognition (1-20) and apply this consistently in their learning. They will double single digit numbers and halve amounts by sharing. They will use a range of mathematical resources to help add/subtract amounts, find 2 more/2 less of a given amount, explore repeated patterns, explore different money and add money. Children will be given challenges to problem solve using objects to group in 2s/5s and 10s. They will develop their mathematical vocabulary in learning. Understanding the world Children will be given opportunities to role play minibeasts and play in the bug garden. They will be given opportunities to explore minibeasts, go on bug hunts and discuss things they have observed including habitats. They will learn about different minibeasts and have opportunities to discuss the lifecycle of a butterfly. They will participate in the Ugly Bug Ball and read facts about different minibeasts.

Maths During the summer term the children will revisit the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and will use arrays and number lines to help them. They will move onto doubling single digit numbers e.g. double 4. This will lead them nicely onto division where the children will need to share an amount equally to find the answer. Fractions will follow after which we will support the children when learning position and direction as well as time. The children will be looking at halves and quarters in order to be able to ‘move a quarter turn’ or read a clock to ‘the hour’ or ‘half an hour’. The term will end with money where the children will learn about coins and notes, their appearance and value. They will be comparing the value of coins and notes as well as adding them together. Music Summer 1 focuses on children using their imagination. Each lesson begins with children appraising a variety of music Warm-up games help children to develop their understanding of ‘pulse’, ‘rhythm’ and ‘pitch’. Children learn the song ‘Your Imagination’ over the course of the half term, adding glockenspiels to accompany the song. Summer 2 , ‘Reflect, Rewind and Replay’, consolidates the learning that has occurred during the year. Children will have the opportunity to listen to and use instruments to play along to all of their favourite songs, with a more in-depth understanding of the composition of music. Geography Children will learn the four countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom as well as the surrounding seas. They will use maps and atlases to support their learning and will look at how they can produce a simple key to provide information. Through the use of pictures and field work, the children will compare and contrast local landscapes with other areas of Britain, widening their geographical vocabulary of physical and human features. Through our ‘Fur, Feather and Fins’ topic, the children will learn about animal habitats and how they provide for the animals that live there.

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 1 2020-21 - Summer term For specific class information see For dates see Our topic for Summer 1 is entitled ‘Home and Away’. Summer 2 makes way for our topic of ‘Fur, Feather and Fins’. Through these topics we will be linking our Science, Art and Geography. Our Summer 1 focus is about developing knowledge and understanding of the United Kingdom and the children’s own locality. Through this they will also learn and use vocabulary related to human and physical features. ‘Fur, Feather and Fins’, is all about knowing and understanding common animals. The children will be naming, identifying, grouping and classifying and through our Geography lessons, will learn about animal habitats. Our trip to Clent Hills will provide the children with valuable first hand observation which will enhance their geographical knowledge and understanding. A visit from the animal man will be a super kick-start to our ‘Fur, Feather and Fins’ topic and a trip to ‘All Things Wild’ near Evesham will be a great visit to boost and consolidate the children’s learning. We will be holding a design inspired session for parents/carers to attend. In Summer 2, as part of our learning around animals we would like to invite parents to a creative sewing session. Children will work with their adult to sew and decorate a felt fish, using their own design.

Science Summer 1- Children will be exploring the parts of the human body and the five different senses. Children will be able to identify which body part relates to which sense. Summer 2- In this half term, the children will be introduced to categorising animals into the groups they belong to as well as describing and comparing common animals. The children will have an understanding of scientific vocabulary surrounding the diet of the animals such as herbivore, omnivore and carnivores. In addition, children will be able to match the animal to their habitats. questioning them about what they have read. There are lots of useful links on our class page to support your child’s learning in phonics, and when they are writing words, do remember to quiz them on whether they have used the correct spelling e.g. Have they used the correct ‘ie’ spelling in ‘time’? English Our Units of Writing will be based on ‘The Rainbow Fish’, a story of friendship; an information text entitled ‘My Dog Joe’ and a tale called ‘Lost and Found’. Toolkits for each unit will be created with the children so that they are familiar with the structure of each text type. We will continue including 2A sentences in our writing and sentences that use ‘because’, ‘or’, ‘but’, and ‘so’. We will look at using more ambitious sentence starters and will revisit the punctuation associated with speech, question and exclamation sentences. In Summer 2 we will introduce the use of similes and the use of sub-headings when writing an information text. We will also look at adding the suffixes ‘ed’, ‘ing, ‘er’ and ‘est’ to words, and ‘s’ and ‘es’ when spelling plurals. Please continue to keep up the spelling practise and try to read regularly with your child,

PE In PE this term our areas of learning are athletics and games. They will be practising their throwing, catching and aiming skills, whilst also looking how to send and receive, with control, different equipment in different ways, such as rolling, hitting, throwing and kicking. The children will be playing small group and whole class games. Through these they will be developing their partner work and teamwork and will use them as an opportunity to implement and practise simple tactics. The children will be i ntroduced to the terms ‘opponent’ and ‘team-mate’

History As our History skills have been taught through our Autumn and Spring topics, Geography will be our main focus for the summer term. Art & Design We will begin with a focus on further developing the children’s drawing skills. They will look at how using a grid can help them to draw from observation and through this will look at line, shape and adding tone, using graded pencils. They will experiment with applying different pressures to achieve bold or soft lines. Father’s Day cards will be made using pencil and crayon to create effects, along with tearing, scrunching and rolling of tissue/crepe paper for a mixed-media effect. We will move on to using wire and beads to create a fish sculpture. A clay stand will be made so that the children can proudly present their sculpture. To complete our art, the children will apply their painting, colour mixing and mark-making skills to paint an animal linked to our ‘Fur, Feather and Fins’ topic. Throughout our art sessions, we will be encouraging the children to become independent artists, by being able to recall the equipment they will need, along with helping to prepare and clear away their area.

Computing Children will make comparisons between audio stories and paper-based books. They will choose a Traditional Tale as a focus for their work. Sound effects can often enhance an audio story, so children will work together to create and record their own sound effects using their voices, instruments and even their bodies! They will then explore how to use recording equipment and will learn top tips on how to make a good recording. Children will understand how to save and retrieve their sounds, to add to their traditional story. Finally, they will record themselves reading their chosen Traditional Tale, enhanced with their own sound effects. Religious Education We will start with a focus on learning about the Islamic faith. Children will understand the importance of the Prophet Muhammed for Muslims and how this guides their beliefs and actions. We will then move on to Christianity, learning about the Gospel of Jesus meaning ‘good news’. Time will be spent looking at what some Bible stories mean to Christians and how forgiveness, peace and friendship are key values. Both studies will provide the children with opportunities to compare and make connections to stories and beliefs from other religions.

Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences Life Skills Fasten buttons Holding and using a knife and fork properly Knowing first line of address Making toast Bucket List Walk up a hill to have a picnic. Visit from animal man Trip to a zoo Soft Skills Creativity, problem solving, teamwork, making decisions, leadership skills, communication, accepting responsibility

Design Technology Design and technology skills will be addressed through some of our art activities. This includes the rolling, folding and tearing of paper to create effect, and making structures more stable so they are freestanding, such as the use of a clay base for their fish sculptures. Children will create their own fish design on paper. This design will then be used during the ‘inspire day’, where adults will be working with their child to sew and decorate a felt fish.

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 2 2020-21- Summer term For specific class information see For dates see Our topic is Healthy Living Through this topic we will be linking our Science, History, Art and Design and Technology This topic is about knowing and understanding how to live a healthy lifestyle and how people throughout our history have helped us develop this healthy living. Our end of year celebration visit will be to the cinema and bowling alley, as this will provide children with the opportunity to celebrate completing their journey in the Infant School and a lovely send off to the Junior School (dependant on COVID restrictions). We will be holding a ‘Picnic in the playground’ for parents/carers to attend where children will have prepared a selection of healthy treats for parents to purchase and enjoy.

Computing Children will learn how to enter data into a spreadsheet using a program in Purple Mash called 2Calculate. This will enable them to create bar graphs from data collected within the class. This will consolidate their learning about data handling studied in Maths earlier in the year. Children will then continue to develop their skills in coding, following on from the Autumn term. They will be able to create a program using simple algorithms. The SMART message will be reinforced throughout the term. Religious Education Children will be learning about how and why some books are holy. They will be understanding the importance of these books through stories from the Qur’an, the Bible and the Guru Granth Sahib. Children will begin to find and understand the ‘hidden’ messages in these stories. Following on from this the children will then look at Questions that puzzle us: what can we learn from deep thinking? They will build on the ‘hidden messages’ found in faith stories and identify a religious story that answers a ‘big life question’. Science During the first half term the children will identify the different food groups, give examples of food that fit the different food groups and explain why these are important. This will lead on to the children learning about what makes a healthy diet as well as learning why exercise and hygiene is important for humans. Over the second half term, the children will learn about the basic needs humans require in order to survive. The children will look at the changes humans go through as they grow up. They will also compare similarities and differences of a baby to a child. They then move on to comparing an adult to child and how a child may resemble their parents in many features. English The children will begin the term by writing a ‘folk tale’ using the story called ‘Baba Yaga’ as a text model. The children will discuss the features of the story and the different sentence types that are included in the story. They will also create a toolkit to organise their ideas to help them write their own ‘folk tale.’ The children will then move on to a unit of poetry where they will use their knowledge of adverbs to create their own adverb poem. In the second half term, the children will look at the features that make an effective adventure story to help them write their own. The spelling focus for the term will involve the common suffixes and homophones.

Maths During the Summer term we will start with a focus on simple fractions, finding halves and quarters of shapes and amounts. The children will then move on to revising their written methods, now being able to choose the most efficient method to solve word problems. This will be followed by learning how to tell the time to the hour, half hour, quarter to, quarter past and some will look at telling the time to five minutes. They will learn how to read a timetable and how long an event lasts, using these timetables. Following on from this, children will be looking at position and direction. Children will use a variety of SATS materials throughout the term, with practice papers, to inform our assessment. Music All musical learning will happen around The Friendship Song by Joanna Mangona and Pete Readman. The children will also have the opportunity to listen to and appraise other friendship related songs: Count On Me by Bruno Mars and We Go Together (from Grease soundtrack). The children will continue to develop their ability to play the glockenspiel and other percussion instruments whilst beginning to compose and improvise. Design Technology Throughout this term, the children will be learning all of the skills in order to put on an event – Picnic in the Playground. They will learn how to choose the correct tool to grate, chop and peel, as well as using and reading weighing scales to measure out ingredients accurately. Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences Life Skills Map reading, budgeting, cooking, computer skills, making an emergency call, folding clothes, making a bed and performing. Bucket List Hold an event Perform in an end of year production Class trip to the cinema and bowling Frank Chapman residential Soft Skills Decision making, communication, accepting responsibility, teamwork, leadership and creativity.

History During the first half term, the children will be comparing nursing from the past to the current day and how this has evolved over time. The children will look at the impact of positive female role models, such as Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, and how these women changed the views of females in society. They will show their understanding by writing the events of their lives in chronological order and in a fact file. The children will learn about how and why these people are still seen as model examples today. The children will also get the opportunity to interview a modern nurse, using the knowledge they have gathered about nurses through a variety of sources to inform their questioning. This will enable them to recognise the similarities and differences between life during a time in the past and life today. Art & Design The children will start the term by completing observational drawings of fruit using graded pencils. They will also experiment with using gridding technique to help with proportion and accuracy. They will then start to study the cross sections of fruit, using printing, mark making and pastels. Leading up to the end of year performances, the children will also be making a range of props, using and applying various skills from throughout the year.

Geography Children will complete a short Geography unit looking at creating their own maps, using objects initially, then develop these skills by transferring this onto paper, with the addition of a key. Children will need to create symbols to represent places and objects within their map. PE In preparation for Sports Day children will focus on their running skills. They will develop skills in short burst sprinting and also learn how to conserve their energy to be able to complete a long distance run. Children will then develop a range of throwing techniques, including under arm and over arm and throwing with accuracy to hit a target or cover a distance. They will also look at the technique needed to complete jumping in a number of ways: the standing long jump and the speed bounce. In the Games Unit of PE, the children will then develop their tactical skills when using rolling, hitting, running, jumping, catching and kicking skills in combination. • Lead others when appropriate.

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 3. 2020-21 - Summer term For specific class information see For dates see Ancient Greece Through this topic we will be linking to Greek study. This topic is about knowing and understanding the impact of Ancient Greeks on us today as well as everyday life from Ancient Greece. To inspire the children at the start of the topic we will use ‘Now Press Play’. They will be finding out about the geography of Greece and howModern Greece differs fromAncient Greece. Their historical understanding will also be developed through Art and Design, looking at Greek pots, mosaics and Greek theatre masks. We will be holding a Greek Day at the end of the term as a celebration of their learning where the children will be showcasing their togas, Greek theatrical masks and clay pots. Bucket list and Life skills opportunities include designing and creating their own Greek toga where the children will be developing their sewing skills. Soft skills continue with decision making, creative thinking and teamwork.

Computing Children will be building on their skill of recording a video from Year 1. Children will collaborate in a group to record an activity which will then be edited using iMovie for the first time. Children will record an athletic activity, then edit by adding sound. This further develops the audio recording skills from Year 1. Religious Education The children will identify and explain Jewish beliefs about family, Synagogue celebrations and the Torah. Children will explore the links between the story of the Exodus and Jewish beliefs about God and his relationship with the Jewish people. In Summer 2, we explore the Trinity and why it is important for Christians. Children will be taught about the Gospel and look in more detail at stories from the Gospels, their meaning and what they mean to Christians today. Science Building on from previous knowledge, children will explore and sort a range of leaves. The children are introduced to the different parts of a plant focussing on the role and function of the leaf, stem, root and the flower through investigations and observing changes over time. The children will investigate how water is transported through a plant. They will be looking at how flowers enable a plant to reproduce, and how seeds are dispersed. They will also be looking at how plants, like animals, have adapted to their environment. We will be investigating the important role of bees in plant reproduction. descriptions, emotive sentences and time conjunctions. Poetry features include looking at different types of poetry rhythm, rhyme metaphor and similes. The features of suspense will include how to build suspense and tension through different sentence types. English English in Year 3 is based around the topics we are studying. We will continue to use the Talk for Writing (T4W) strategy which is based on children’s speaking and listening. They are delivered through 3 week blocks. ‘Ancient Greeks’ is the topic which will inspire this term’s texts. The genres to be covered are: Myths and Legends, Poetry and Suspense. In Myths and Legends we will focus on character


Due to covid -19 restrictions this year where we unfortunately not be able to include singing sessions in class. However we will be following the Year 3 music curriculum where our unit focuses on children using correct pitch and metre, looking at understanding pulse and rhythm, exploring 4,2,3 and 6 beats in a bar and recognising time signatures. The children will then move on to learning about timbre, understanding body percussion basics and exploring different sounds. French This term, the children will gain an understanding of key French words relating to musical instruments. Children will have a scaffold to help them to read and write simple phrases within the lessons. The children will have the opportunity to write using a close procedure activity, progressing onto writing their own simple sentences. We will also be looking at Little Red Riding Hood. Through this story we will be looking at the masculine, feminine and plural categories.

PE During Summer 1 children will be focusing on Athletics. They will be using running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination. They will be developing flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance through Athletics. In Summer 2 we will be concentrating on striking and fielding games in particular Rounders. The children will be playing competitive games and applying basic principles suitable for attacking and defending. There will be opportunities during the term to use and apply the children’s learning in a range of different contexts and representations. Mathematics We will continue to work on developing the recall of x tables. The expectation is that, by the end of Year 3 pupils should be able to recall 2,5,10 x tables as well as 4,8,3 x tables and their division facts quickly. Other topics to be covered will be fractions, time, shape, mass and capacity, length and perimeter and number which will be consolidating mental strategies and written methods.

History Children will conduct a study of the Ancient Greeks. They will develop their historical enquiry skills through examining a range of sources and choosing reliable sources that support their ideas (now press play, internet searches and book work). The children will use their knowledge to give reasons as to why they think things have happened. They will learn about culture and everyday life in Ancient Greece and consider the impact of the Ancient Greeks on our life today. Learning will culminate in a Greek day celebration . Art & Design Year 3 move on from year 2’s sculpting, by using clay to create a Greek pot using the coil technique, involving using the score and slip methods. They explore examples, study appropriate colours and patterns before designing their own. They will be studying Greek mosaics and creating their own mosaic pictures and patterns. They will be creating their own Greek masks and looking at the importance and influence of Greek theatre.

Design Technology Our history lesson will focus on the everyday lives of the Ancient Greeks. The children will be given the opportunity to design and create their own Ancient Greek outfits. DT skills will be developed through planning, designing and sewing. See also the links to Art and Design, creating Greek pots, mosaics and theatre masks. Geography This unit will further develop their understanding of another European country and how the mapping of this area has changed compared to modern maps. The children will have a first look at how land use affects trades and how settlements interact sometimes harmoniously and sometimes resulting in conflict and suggest geographical reasons for these i.e benefits of different lands. The children will look at modern Greece and infer based on the geographical locational knowledge why people may want to visit this area and routes they may take. The children will also examine and draw relief maps of ancient Greece.

Computing Children will be learning how to be weather reporters. They are going to gather and collect the information using equipment and data sheets, then using this information, the children will create a weather report using computer software, they will then report this to each other and we will video the report too. There will be lessons on internet safety, encouraging home links. The children identify different types of teeth and their functions. There is a focus on how to keep the teeth healthy and investigate decay and enamel through practical work. There is also an introduction to the digestive system, the names of the different parts and their functions. Religious Education L2.10 For Christians, what was the impact of Pentecost? Recall learning from Unit L2 about belief in Jesus’ death and resurrection of Jesus. Make links between the story of Pentecost and Christian beliefs about the ‘Kingdom of God’ on earth. L2.6 Values: What matters most to Christians and Humanists? Links are made to previous learning about Christian beliefs that we are made in the image of God and also sinful . Reflect on the question ‘why do people do good things and bad things?’ Sound: The children identify how sound travels through the air and different objects. They move on to the pitch and volume of sound and how this can be changed and affected, Part of this unit is linked through the use of musical instruments. Teeth: Reading: In comprehension, we will be looking at a range of text types to improve inference and deducing skills. SPAG: Imperative verbs, powerful adjectives, identifying superlatives, pronouns, compound adjectives, apostrophes for possession and contraction. Science English The Units of Writing will be newspaper, persuasive writing, explanation text and poetry. Sentence + toolkits: de:de, superlatives, 2A sentence, verbing (-ing and –ly), ‘when’ sentence, adverbs, similes, alliteration, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia, rhyme, many questions sentence and a dash sentence.

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 4. 2020-21 - Summer term For specific class information see For dates see

Mathematics During the summer term children will be developing their reasoning, thinking, explaining and problem solving. Areas of coverage are: Decimals/Money - comparing, ordering and rounding decimals. Dividing by 10 and a 100.Knowing what 0.1 and 0.01 mean. Understand fraction and decimal equivalence. Know pounds and pence. Geometry- Identify, compare and order different angles. Recognise regular and irregular shapes. Classify triangles, quadrilaterals and identify lines of symmetry. Understand quadrants and coordinates. French During this term, the children will continue to develop their understanding of the French language, through a unit called ‘Les Romains’ all about The Romans, they will be exposed to short texts and they will continue to develop their key vocabulary. The children will be provided with opportunities to copy and repeat phrases and to write sentences from memory. They will progress onto writing full sentences independently using key vocabulary that has been learnt.

Our topic is Italy

Through this topic we will be linking our history knowledge of the Romans, to our art work and DT work. We will be creating Roman shields in art and looking at Italian food. Children will also be participating in a Italian day where they will experience Italian food. This topic is about knowing and understanding what it was like in Roman Britain. How it felt for the Roman soldiers and British tribes. How the Romans fitted into the British history time line. What the Romans legacy was and how we still use some of their ideas today. Our educational visit will be to ‘The Lunt’ a Roman Fort (TBC Covid permitting) This will provide children with the opportunity to recognise and understand what life was like for a Roman soldier. They will have opportunity to explore the Roman Fort and do drills. The children have been doing some sewing this year and they have explored different stitches. They will be sharing their expertise to make a book mark.

Music In this unit, the children will look at the history of The Beatles and learn one of their songs about civil rights called ‘Blackbird’. The children will listen to and appreciate other music by The Beatles. Use the music explorer composition tool for the children to create some of their own musical compositions. Use some of these and play them, using a 3 note set (C, D and E) how their rule impacted on British people. The children will learn about Boudicca and her influence on the world today. Through their study of the Romans the children see the legacy of the Romans on Britain today. History Children will look at the chronology of the Romans and develop an understanding that the Romans had a significant impact on British history. They will learn about the Roman Empire and

PE Children will be developing their athletic skills in running and throwing. The children will develop their sprinting techniques and aiming for effective 60m sprints and more sustained running technique over longer distances. Children will explore different throwing techniques to improve shot, discus and javelin distances.

Design Technology The children will be using the TinkerCAD app to design their own bookmarks. By this point in the year, they should be reasonably confident when sewing and will make their own bookmark applying their skills using a variety of stitches. This term the children will be focussing on cooking. As their topic is the Romans, the food will be mainly Italian – healthy pasta dishes and pizza (including making the base). Geography Through the topic of Romans, the children will explore the historic land use of Britain and the impact that Roman roads have on the land in Britain today. Children build on their map making skills by mapping out Roman roads. They examine the Roman invasion path looking at wider Europe and how this has changed over time. The children will discover different settlements and why the Romans settled where they did. They will also develop an understanding of volcanoes which will be linked to Pompeii.

Swimming will restart Early May 2021 – details to follow.

Art & Design Children will explore brush and paint techniques. The children will use inspiration from Roman shields, Gods and Goddesses symbols and colours to design and create a Roman shield for their personality. The children will experiment with different paint types and brushes to create a Roman shield.

Our topic is Rainforests. Through this Topic we will be linking our History, Geography, Art & Design, D&T and Computing to our Topic. This topic is about knowing and understanding the different Rainforests around the world and their locations as well as a look into what species of animals and tribes live there. We will discuss the current issues that surround Rainforests such as: deforestation, endangered species and Palm oil. Our educational visit will hopefully be to Chester Zoo (dependant on COVID-19 guidance) as this will provide children with the opportunity to take part in a Rainforest workshop with zookeepers. This will include discussions and activities based on the major threats to the Rainforests, how the Rainforests help us survive and what it would feel like to be in a Rainforest. Children will also get the opportunity to see animals and plant species in the Rainforest enclosure at Chester zoo as well as other animals from around the world. Later on in the term, we will have our annual visit from ‘Rainforest Dave,’ who will bring along artefacts, photos and even his own animals from the Rainforests, for the children to hold and experience. Depending on current COVID restriction, we will be holding a Rainforest Inspire workshop for parents/carers to attend which involves an Art & Design activity. The soft skills we will be promoting throughout this term are: communication, leadership, team work and creativity. Our bucket list opportunities this term are: the visit to Chester Zoo and Rainforest Dave’s Road show. Particularly in D&T this term we are working on the following life skills: Awareness of health and safety, DIY and tackling a project. The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 5. 2020-21 - Summer term For specific class information see For dates see

Computing In computing, the children will be designing and creating their own game using the 2DIY programme. Each week, they will be researching and designing a different aspect of their game. (This unit of work will continue to be developed from our Spring term unit). The children will then create a website linked to their topic of Rainforests. In each lesson, we will continue to understand the importance of internet safety. They will be able to distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources and looking at the impact of false information. Religious Education This term we are learning how prayer is important in different faiths and why prayers are important to different religions. We question whether all prayers follow the same theme and explore the similarities and differences across a range of prayers. We also look closely into different prayers and interpret what they mean. After half term, we then look at what happens inside places of worship in different faiths. We explore further into the similarities and differences between each place of worship. Science This term, the children will learn how to measure the level of friction using scientific equipment (Newton meters) and what materials affect the amount of friction, through practical investigations. There is also a focus on gravity and how particular objects fall through the air. The children will be able to carry out their own experiments exploring the drag forces such as air resistance, water resistance and up thrust. We will discuss and explore the importance of levers, gears and pulleys. We will find out how force can be transferred through these devices and how they allow a smaller force to have a greater effect. In another practical investigation, we will find out how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating. will learn how to make their writing appropriate to their target audience by using the correct style e.g. formal language, first person and appropriate layout. Throughout each writing unit we will focus on certain sentence types and features including: figurative language, parenthesis, short sentences to create tension and direct speech along with a range of Alan Peat sentence types. Reading will be promoted through daily Guided Reading sessions and Story time as well as weekly comprehension lessons, which focus on inference and using evidence from the text to support their answers. English The units of writing will be: narrative, alternative fairy tales, letter writing for a purpose and poetry. The narrative will focus on creating tension through setting and character descriptions. The alternative fairy tales will be based on the children altering existing fairy tales and being creative with their ideas and writing. At the end of this unit, they will have the opportunity to read their fairy tale to the Infant children. The formal letter of complaint will be based on the current issues of Palm Oil and deforestation. During this unit, children Spelling if appropriate

Mathematics We will continue to develop the children’s knowledge of decimals by adding, subtracting and multiplying/dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. We will look at the properties of 2d and 3d shapes and strengthen the children’s reasoning on shape, including regular and irregular polygons. The children will be using protractors to measure angles, in shapes and around a point. They will be able to draw and identify parallel and perpendicular lines and then move on to reflecting and translating shapes with co-ordinates. We will also be converting between imperial and metric units of measurements. The children will continue to develop their fluency with daily fluency sessions, regular access to TT Rock stars, and weekly arithmetic tests as well as developing their concept of telling the time and time duration. Reasoning skills will continue to develop during every Maths lesson, through written responses and mathematical (White Rose) challenges. French Our topic is ‘Les Jeux Olympiques’ (The Olympics). The children will be able to say the nouns for the Sports in the current Olympics and what they like/ don’t like to play. They will also be able to tell somebody about the key facts of the history of the Olympics. When reading longer extracts of texts, they will be able to look out for cognates (a word that resembles the equivalent English word) and highlight key words to show an understanding of the texts. They will continue to develop knowledge of adjectival agreement and understand the concept of de la, de l’ and du. Music Our Music focus is ‘Dancing in the Street’ by Martha and the Vandellas. The children will explore the cultural context of Motown music by listening to, and appraising a variety of Motown songs. We will play instruments alongside this song. They will develop their knowledge of musical notation and will be reading and composing their own music to play along with the track. Throughout the unit, children will be focusing on rhythm, tempo and pulse through a range of musical activities. We will also be teaching key points from our prior ‘hip-hop’ unit which we were unable to cover due to COVID-19. P.E In athletics, the children will be able to sprint and combine hurdles up to 60m. When throwing, they will be able to analyse their technique and body positions to improve their performance and when jumping the children will know how to show control when taking off and landing. The children will be encouraged to compete with others and keep track of their personal best performances while also setting targets for improvement. After half term, we will be playing Rounders where the children will be able to field, bat and use tactical awareness when fielding. They will learn the rules of the game and be able to communicate and work cooperatively in teams.

History This term, our focus will be on the Ancient Maya civilisation. The children will develop their understanding of who they were, where they lived and what their life was like. They will be researching and learning about the culture, rituals and symbolic beliefs of this early civilisation. We will discuss what caused the Maya civilisation to end, making links to deforestation, war and droughts. The children will be given the opportunity to discuss each area and form their own opinions and conclusions. Throughout the topic, we will also take a look at how different Tribes have survived over time and what dangers they have faced over the years. Within this lesson, we make comparisons across various tribes. Art & Design The children will be researching Henri Rousseau and using his work as inspiration to create a Rainforest scene, which involves using water colours and oil pastels. The children will learn how to use soft and hard lines to create depth using background, mid-ground and a foreground whilst also focusing on shadows. In another unit of work, we will be using the gridding method to create detailed observational drawings and working co- operatively as a class to produce a large scale drawing.

Design Technology This term, we will be designing, making and evaluating bird boxes. We will begin by evaluating existing designs and researching the species of local birds, their habitats and the logistics of a bird box. The children will use a range of tools and equipment such as: saws, hammers, screwdrivers and different types of wood. They will learn how to make an effective join, measure equipment accurately and cut to a specific angle/measurement. They will then appropriately decorate their bird box to suit the bird’s habitat and surroundings. focus on North and South America and identify the features of these lands, in particular the Amazon rain forest. The children will develop an understanding of the structure of the rainforest examining the layers within. They also will examine the tribes that live within the area and gain an understanding of their lifestyles and culture. Geography Through the study of the Rainforest, the children will look at the human impact on the land discussing deforestation and the use of palm oil. They will explore the importance of Amazon’s tribes, animals and companies. They will further solidify the skills of using longitude and latitude to locate areas within the world ensuring an understanding of the key geographical language they have encountered so far. The children’s locational knowledge will have a

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