Summer 2021 curriuclum information

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Reception. 2020-2021 - Summer term For specific class information see For dates see Our topic is ‘Our World’ with a focus on ‘Marvellous Mini-beasts’ and ‘Zoom’. Through this topic we will be building on children’s previous knowledge of mini- beasts through discussions and finding out more about what they do and where they live. We will also discover more out about different modes of transport and how they work and talk about any journeys the children might have taken or might like to go on in the future. Your children will have the opportunity to dress up for 'An Ugly Bug Ball' to celebrate what they have been learning for our mini-beast topic and have a Summer party to enjoy at the end of term.

Personal, social and emotional development Children will participate in circle time and will explore different families, how to form positive relationships with friends and how to work in a team. There will be opportunities for problem-solving and being aware of consequences of right/wrong choices. They will learn about the impact of unkind words and bullying. They will also be given opportunities to learn calming strategies to support their own well-being and the importance of showing respect to others. Literacy During this term we will have a greater focus on non- fiction and poetry with a variety of reading and writing activities linked to them. There will still be lots of opportunities to hear and talk about stories related to the topics as well as discuss more specific language for mini-beasts and transport. A range of learning opportunities will be planned to encourage children to use their 'tricky words' and phonic knowledge to help them read/write in a range of styles e. g. for lists, sentences and fact files. Physical Development In P.E. children will use a story focus with opportunities to practise object control work and exercises to engage core muscles to develop more dynamic balance and weight transference, for example, a crouch to jump forwards. There will also be a greater focus on using skills within a team. They will continue to develop their fine motor skills through activities such as writing with more emphasis on correct letter formation, by manipulating a variety of materials and tools and independently changing for P.E. Communication and language Children will participate in circle time discussions about preparing for Year One, children will freely speak and listen to each other’s ideas, concerns and thoughts. This will be in small group and whole class situations. Children will use the role-play areas to develop a narrative in their play and express themselves confidently. Listening to stories each day will give children the opportunity to answer a variety of questions and to describe or comment on key events, characters and the story itself.

Phonics & early reading Children will be blending sounds in words, including digraphs e.g. ng in r-i-ng (2 letters making one sound) and trigraphs (3 letters making one sound e.g. igh in n- igh-t). They will be reading short sentences including a range of tricky words from phase 2 (I, no, go, to, into) and phase 3 (you, me, was, they, all, are, we, my, her, be, she). Children will learn new vocabulary by reading a range of texts and begin to read 2 syllable words (e.g. rocket). They will be able to comprehend short texts and answer a variety of comprehension questions.

Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences Children will explore cooking techniques and apparatus; they will then have the opportunity to learn how to make a sandwich independently. Children are aware of the importance of personal hygiene (e.g. hand washing) and dressing themselves (e.g. PE Sessions and Forest School). Children practise their leadership skills by taking the lead role in their play and taking charge of their learning. Children show an awareness of being a good team player, opportunities are provided in Reception through circle time, class games, group work and star of the week assemblies. Children will practise their communication skills during circle time, PSED lessons and role play activities. Children will experience an Ugly Bug Ball, Cooking, A Summer Party and Bug Hunting. All amazing opportunities to tick off their bucket list!

Characteristics of effective learning Children are encouraged to review their own progress and learning. Teachers talk in depth with children about what they are doing, what went well and what they would change next time. This gives children the opportunity to self-assess and think critically and provide opportunities for challenges to extend their learning. developing and adapting their own ideas in Art and Design using skills they have learnt in previous topics. This will include using a wide variety of materials and resources to build bug hotels, create boats and of course they will be developing their imagination in our role-play 'mini-beast gardens' and 'Zoom' areas. Expressive arts and design In music the children will be creating different rhythms and will choose their own ways to express their thoughts and feelings through movement and dance. There will be a greater emphasis on children

Mathematics Children will continue to develop a strong number recognition (1-20) and apply this consistently in their learning. They will double single digit numbers and halve amounts by sharing. They will use a range of mathematical resources to help add/subtract amounts, find 2 more/2 less of a given amount, explore repeated patterns, explore different money and add money. Children will be given challenges to problem solve using objects to group in 2s/5s and 10s. They will develop their mathematical vocabulary in learning. Understanding the world Children will be given opportunities to role play minibeasts and play in the bug garden. They will be given opportunities to explore minibeasts, go on bug hunts and discuss things they have observed including habitats. They will learn about different minibeasts and have opportunities to discuss the lifecycle of a butterfly. They will participate in the Ugly Bug Ball and read facts about different minibeasts.

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