Summer 2021 curriuclum information

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 2 2020-21- Summer term For specific class information see For dates see Our topic is Healthy Living Through this topic we will be linking our Science, History, Art and Design and Technology This topic is about knowing and understanding how to live a healthy lifestyle and how people throughout our history have helped us develop this healthy living. Our end of year celebration visit will be to the cinema and bowling alley, as this will provide children with the opportunity to celebrate completing their journey in the Infant School and a lovely send off to the Junior School (dependant on COVID restrictions). We will be holding a ‘Picnic in the playground’ for parents/carers to attend where children will have prepared a selection of healthy treats for parents to purchase and enjoy.

Computing Children will learn how to enter data into a spreadsheet using a program in Purple Mash called 2Calculate. This will enable them to create bar graphs from data collected within the class. This will consolidate their learning about data handling studied in Maths earlier in the year. Children will then continue to develop their skills in coding, following on from the Autumn term. They will be able to create a program using simple algorithms. The SMART message will be reinforced throughout the term. Religious Education Children will be learning about how and why some books are holy. They will be understanding the importance of these books through stories from the Qur’an, the Bible and the Guru Granth Sahib. Children will begin to find and understand the ‘hidden’ messages in these stories. Following on from this the children will then look at Questions that puzzle us: what can we learn from deep thinking? They will build on the ‘hidden messages’ found in faith stories and identify a religious story that answers a ‘big life question’. Science During the first half term the children will identify the different food groups, give examples of food that fit the different food groups and explain why these are important. This will lead on to the children learning about what makes a healthy diet as well as learning why exercise and hygiene is important for humans. Over the second half term, the children will learn about the basic needs humans require in order to survive. The children will look at the changes humans go through as they grow up. They will also compare similarities and differences of a baby to a child. They then move on to comparing an adult to child and how a child may resemble their parents in many features. English The children will begin the term by writing a ‘folk tale’ using the story called ‘Baba Yaga’ as a text model. The children will discuss the features of the story and the different sentence types that are included in the story. They will also create a toolkit to organise their ideas to help them write their own ‘folk tale.’ The children will then move on to a unit of poetry where they will use their knowledge of adverbs to create their own adverb poem. In the second half term, the children will look at the features that make an effective adventure story to help them write their own. The spelling focus for the term will involve the common suffixes and homophones.

Maths During the Summer term we will start with a focus on simple fractions, finding halves and quarters of shapes and amounts. The children will then move on to revising their written methods, now being able to choose the most efficient method to solve word problems. This will be followed by learning how to tell the time to the hour, half hour, quarter to, quarter past and some will look at telling the time to five minutes. They will learn how to read a timetable and how long an event lasts, using these timetables. Following on from this, children will be looking at position and direction. Children will use a variety of SATS materials throughout the term, with practice papers, to inform our assessment. Music All musical learning will happen around The Friendship Song by Joanna Mangona and Pete Readman. The children will also have the opportunity to listen to and appraise other friendship related songs: Count On Me by Bruno Mars and We Go Together (from Grease soundtrack). The children will continue to develop their ability to play the glockenspiel and other percussion instruments whilst beginning to compose and improvise. Design Technology Throughout this term, the children will be learning all of the skills in order to put on an event – Picnic in the Playground. They will learn how to choose the correct tool to grate, chop and peel, as well as using and reading weighing scales to measure out ingredients accurately. Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences Life Skills Map reading, budgeting, cooking, computer skills, making an emergency call, folding clothes, making a bed and performing. Bucket List Hold an event Perform in an end of year production Class trip to the cinema and bowling Frank Chapman residential Soft Skills Decision making, communication, accepting responsibility, teamwork, leadership and creativity.

History During the first half term, the children will be comparing nursing from the past to the current day and how this has evolved over time. The children will look at the impact of positive female role models, such as Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, and how these women changed the views of females in society. They will show their understanding by writing the events of their lives in chronological order and in a fact file. The children will learn about how and why these people are still seen as model examples today. The children will also get the opportunity to interview a modern nurse, using the knowledge they have gathered about nurses through a variety of sources to inform their questioning. This will enable them to recognise the similarities and differences between life during a time in the past and life today. Art & Design The children will start the term by completing observational drawings of fruit using graded pencils. They will also experiment with using gridding technique to help with proportion and accuracy. They will then start to study the cross sections of fruit, using printing, mark making and pastels. Leading up to the end of year performances, the children will also be making a range of props, using and applying various skills from throughout the year.

Geography Children will complete a short Geography unit looking at creating their own maps, using objects initially, then develop these skills by transferring this onto paper, with the addition of a key. Children will need to create symbols to represent places and objects within their map. PE In preparation for Sports Day children will focus on their running skills. They will develop skills in short burst sprinting and also learn how to conserve their energy to be able to complete a long distance run. Children will then develop a range of throwing techniques, including under arm and over arm and throwing with accuracy to hit a target or cover a distance. They will also look at the technique needed to complete jumping in a number of ways: the standing long jump and the speed bounce. In the Games Unit of PE, the children will then develop their tactical skills when using rolling, hitting, running, jumping, catching and kicking skills in combination. • Lead others when appropriate.

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