Summer 2021 curriuclum information

Computing Children will use spreadsheets to organise data into columns and rows to create their own data set. They are taught the importance of formatting data to support calculations, while also being introduced to formulas. They will apply formulas that include a range of cells and create graphs and charts. Later in the term, we will return to the topic of ‘coding’ to design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals and solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts. As part of this unit of work, pupils will use sequence, selection and repetition in programs . Religious Education In the unit ‘What kind of king was Jesus?’ we will ask ‘what kind of world did Jesus want?’ The unit considers how Bible stories show the love that Jesus gave to others, and demonstrates what type of person he was. Children will compare the similarities and differences between Jesus and some of the leaders around the world today. The unit; ‘What impact do people’s beliefs have in their lives?’ covers Sikh, Muslim and Christian beliefs, looking at spiritualism; teaching children that being spiritual is about their own self. Children will consider beliefs and different forms of expression – art, architecture and music and link to their own lives. seexpression. Science Building on from Year 4 work’s on Electricity, the children will be making and drawing circuits with the appropriate scientific symbols, as well as analysing a range of circuits to ensure they work. Progressing from the work in Year 3, the children will be controlling the direction of light and investigating whether light can change direction without a mirror. To consolidate from previous years, factors that effect pitch will be explored. Decision trees, linked to Classification will be also looked at and the children will have the opportunity to create their own. English The Units of Writing will be linked, as much as is possible, to the ‘Crime and Punishment’ topic. Initially, we will look at a biography of James Cook. Consequently, the children will plan and write imaginary biographies of themselves. We shall look at formal letter writing with the idea of writing a letter of complaint from the perspective of an historical victim/s. After half-term, a unit on crime fiction writing will be undertaken – using a traditional fairy tale to create a different perspective. Another focus will be elements of story writing e.g. describing settings characters; creating tension; using dialogue to move a plot along and show characterisation.

Music As part of the preparation for our magnificent end of year show, year 6 will learn several songs as a whole year group. Some of the songs will split into 2 or more groups and different sections, allowing the children to explore singing in unison, a round and split part singing (all subject to COVID restrictions). In music lessons, glockenspiels or recorders will be used to follow sheet music. Within this unit, the children will learn riffs and use them as building blocks to make up their own tunes and to improvise around existing tunes such as the Loco- Motion, Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow, written by Carole King. Geography The children will revisit the geographical skills of grid references and reading longitude and latitude co- ordinates. This term they will be extending their knowledge on reading scales, scale drawings and the use of thematic maps. The “Great Train Robbery” will take them to Brazil - exploring its topical geographical issues and how these have changed over time. They will also look into its climate zones, vegetation belts and biomes. Children will also investigate the similarities and differences, both human and physical, between Brazil and the UK as well as comparing and describing economic activity and the distribution of natural resources. Mathematics During the summer term our focus in Maths will be on 2D and 3D shapes and also on reasoning and problem solving — tackling questions which may require a number of mathematical skills and the application of a wide range of learning from throughout the year. We will also be working on units designed to ensure a smooth transition into Year 7, focussing on using a variety of different mathematical skills when problem solving, identifying number patterns & sequences and using elements of maths to inspire art work. The starting point for much of this work will be the Fibonacci sequence of numbers and the concept of the ‘Golden Ratio’.

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 6 2020-2021 - Summer term For specific class information see For dates see

Our topic this term is “Crime and Punishment throughout the Ages”.

Nothing stirs the curiosity quite like crime and punishment through the ages. As a result, Year 6 will go on a journey through British history as they discover how this has changed through the centuries, from the Romans to the present day. Our learning will start by exploring how punishment has changed since the time of the Celts. We will look closely at famous crimes that took place in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries such as “The Great Train Robbery” and consolidate their understanding of how crime has changed by having a class debate to establish if there is more crime now than in the past. The children will be looking at a range of sources to understand the reasoning behind methods of punishments and the writing of laws. Out topic will also be linked to the Art and DT work that we will do this term with a focus on graffiti – is it art or is it a crime? To finish the year, we still intend to put on an end of year performance full of singing, dancing and joy (subject to COVID restrictions – of course!) The children will look at the world we live in and link it with our aim for The Rights Respecting Award looking at our rights: respect, tolerance, diversity and equality for all. .

History How have crimes changed over time? What punishments did they have in the past? What influenced the changes? As Historians, the children will be delving into the past to research how crimes and punishments have changed. They will be looking at different periods in history and research the most common crimes and punishments. The children will also be making historical enquiries in analysing sources of information for accuracy and comparing modern day crime prevention and detection methods with those from the past. “Is graffiti a crime or art?” This term will allow the children to be ‘independent artists’ where they can develop their own ideas in their individual sketchbooks. They will be studying street artists Banksy and Keith Harding exploring their work and producing their own artwork in their style.: stencilling and sculpture. The children will examine fingerprints to learn a basic skill in modern day forensic science. Art & Design

PE In athletics, pupils will develop their sprinting skills by combining sprinting with low hurdles. They will learn to throw accurately and refine their performance by analysing technique and body shape. Jumping skills will be developed by improving control in take-off and landings. During lessons, and sporting activities, pupils will compete with others and keep track of personal best performances, setting targets for improvement. In cricket, children will progress from their learning in Y4 by bowling, striking and fielding with increased accuracy and thought.

MFL – French Using their developing knowledge of this language, children will write longer text passages and have opportunities to listen, read and speak in French. They will be introduced to pronouns and how these change a verb. They will learn that verbs change depending on who and when an action is completed.

Design Technology With links to the street artist, Keith Harding, the children will be using a variety of sewing techniques to create a stuffed cartoon figure in the style of his work. Linking Science and DT, the children will also be given the opportunity to design and construct a vehicle powered by an electrical circuit. They will design, build and evaluate their creations before racing them against each other.

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