travel on GOD'S HIGHWAY via VBS
All signs will point to a successful Vacation Bible School this summer if you build your program around Scrip ture Press’ timely new theme, “Traveling God's High way.” From first planning session to closing program, Scripture Press materials and planning aids help you make every precious second count. Here’s how . . .
CLQSING PROGRAM IDEAS are Included among the many helpful features in Scripture Press 1963 VBS Guidebook . . . a colorful, 24-page book available FREE to assist you in planning your 1963 Vacation Bible School program.
ACTUAL HANDCRAFT SAMPLES are included in this year's Scripture Press VBS sample k it... containing every thing the committee needs to evaluate tne course. Order now from your supplier or direct from Scripture Press these four VBS planning helps: VBS ROAD MAP . . . gives brief descriptions of all six 1963 Scripture Press VBS courses (Nursery, Beginner, Primary, Junior, Young Teen, and a series of Adult Electives) . . . along with pictures of all new handcraft items. This attractive, four-color, fold-out map is available FREE. VBS GUIDEBOOK . . . a 24-page book describ ing in detail the new “Traveling God’s High way” theme and all courses. It gives com plete “how-to” instructions on everything from initial planning to a colorful closing program built around the travel theme. It, too, is FREE. VBS SAMPLE PACKET . . . Here, in one attrac tive (and re-useable) container, is every
to a one week VBS, where this is desirable. The attractive pupils’ workbooks . . . and new, exciting handcraft . . . will keep your pupils coming day after day. Administrative helps like the new Travel Agent Contest designed to sharply increase VBS attendance and VBS Record Book will delight your VBS Director. And, best of all, the excellence, soundness, and correlation of this proven, Bible-based, Christ-centered material will have the en thusiastic endorsement of your pastor and Christian Ed committee. Everyone will like this “ Traveling God’s High- way” course . . . pupils, teachers, superin tendents, and pastors. Start your 1963 VBS travels down Cod’s highway now by send ing for any or all of the planning aids.
thing needed to evaluate the Scripture Press course . . . for the first time actual samples of all five new handcraft items, complete teachers’ and pupils’ manuals, and samples of all publicity items . . . $7.50 worth of material for only $5.50, plus postage. VBS FILMSTRIP . . .“Traveling God’s Highway” . . . unfolds an interesting storv in color and sound which will inspire workers and help sell the VBS ministry to your church. Avail able for either FREE showing or outright purchase at $3.50, plus postage. Built-in Teacher Training features in all teach ers’ manuals . . . correlated daily programs, clear, concise lesson aims, complete lists of materials needed, tips on how to catch and hold pupils’ interest, will instruct, inform, and inspire your teachers. Each teachers’ manual tells how the course can be adapted
(To avoid cutting cover, see coupon on page 27). \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCRIPTURE PRESS PUBLICATIONS, INC. / Wheaton, Illinois KBS13 A | Please send me the Vacation Bible School planning ■ information I have checked: j | FREE! Colorful, fold-out VBS Road Map "Traveling God's Highway." | □ FREE! 24-page 1963 VBS Guidebook. ■ O Complete VBS Planning Kit . . . containing all manuals, samples of all handcraft, sample publicity items . . . $5.50, plus 45 cents postage 1 and handling. , I O VBS filmstrip "Traveling God’s Highway"— 28 minutes, color, sound. I-"] Purchase at $3.50 per print, with LP record I I FREE showing on-------------------------------------or------------------------------------- 1 FIRST CHOICE DATE SECOND CHOICE DATE Name.
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For t hat TRI P OF A L I F E T I ME
T P l n e T C - i i - i g f s s * B u B i n e B © E S T A B L I S H E D 1 9 1 0 A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot S. H. Sutherland Ray A. Myers Chancellor President Chairman of the Board JANUARY, in the year of our Saviour Vol. 54, No. 1 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-three Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home ¡Mu AN AMERICAN CHALLENGE — J. Edgar Hoover .......................... 6 TIME IS RUNNING OUT — William Ward Ayer ...... - - 9 LORD, GIVE A VISION — J. O. Percy .................................................. 11 SUCCESSFUL SOUL W INN ING — Mark Davidson ............................... 12 THE EASY WAY OUT ................................................................................. 13 A NIGHT IN THE BUSH — Laura I. Barr ........................................... 14 . . AND WE ARE NOT MARRIED!" — Ellen McKay Trimmer .... 16 DEAR FRIEND OF MISSIONARIES — Jean M . Allen ....................... 18 THE FIRST MESSIANIC PROPHECY — John C. Whitcomb, Jr......... 22 PERFUME FROM RUBBISH — Marian Bishop Bower .......................... 36 IF THE TRUTH WERE KNOWN — Conrad S. Jensen ....................... 37 A HOME FOR THE ELDERLY ..................................................................... 40 CONVERTED: ONE RADIO STATION — Dorothy Grunbock Johnston .............................................................. 42 F e a t a DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot .......................... 20 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ...................................... 24 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ...................................... 25 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ........................................ ................... 26 THE CHRISTIAN SENTINEL — Nelson Dilworth ............................... 28 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ........................................ 30 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ................................. 31 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ....................................................... 33 THE CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Bayles ................................................ 34 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ....................... 35 ALUMNI NEWS — Inez McGahey ......................................................... 39 Column« PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ............................................................................... 4 READER REACTION ...................................................................................... 5 HOMILETICAL HELPS ............. 21 TOWN AND CAMPUS .................................................................................. 38 — All Rights Reserved —
t o . . . 1. Spring Holy Land 2. Summer Holy Land 3. Europe 4. South America 5. Scenic America 6. Fall Holy Land \ Write today for ) FREE BULLETIN / Specify which tour Experienced tour planning, details handled by tour leader, lectures en route, outstanding sights, places ot special interest to Christians, fine fellowship, new friends, annual tour reunion, happy memories for a lifetime. Address: Dr. Joseph P. Free W H E A T ON TOUR S BOX 468 Dept. K13 WHEATON, ILLINOIS we need 'Christian agents ords, scripture greet-^ ing cards, stationery,' table-prayer napkins, novelties, calendars, and plaques. Excellent earning opportunity if you qualify. Mailcouponforcompletedetails. ROYAL GREETINGS AND SUPPLIES I l f 34 Stinson,Minneapolis 13, Minn.. DeptKBl3J ... to sell Bibles^ books, sacred rec?
The perfect pair for more rewarding Bible study and teaching . . . Broadman Comments, 1963 H. I. Hester and J. Winston Pearce A popular commentary and up-to-date appli cation of Bible passages on each International Sunday School Lesson for the whole year. (Regular Price, $2.95) Baker’s Bible Atlas Charles F. Pfeiffer A detailed reference volume containing 26 full-color maps, numerous black and white maps, and hundreds of photographs and illus trations. (Regular Price, $7.95) both for only $8.95 . . . YOU SAVE $1.95 Points for Emphasis, 1963 Ciiffon J. Allen Handy pocket-size commentary on the Inter national Sunday School Lessons. 95£ A t you r Bookseller BroadmanPres Nashville 3,
S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor
PAUL SCHWEPKER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager JEANNE SHARP: Advertising Manager
VIRGINIA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Felnberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith MEMMR EVANGELICALPREMASOCIATION
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.
SUBSCRIPTION. INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. W rite for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business."
a I appreciate STONY BROOK'S Christian Atmosphere” says Mark Hanchell Elgin, Illinois The ideals of the founders of Stony Brook enter generally into the lives of the students. The School motto is “ Character before Career.” In this atmosphere Christian deci sions are made, lives are given direction and purpose, and some are inspired to volunteer for a lifetime career of Christian service. Deputations of student speakers have done a vital service in meetings in churches on Long Island and elsewhere. The King’s Men, a choral group, makes regular concert tours each year. Christian Education at Stony Brook has real meaning. The atmosphere is wholesome without being pious. Boys are urged to live their lives in accordance with the will of God as set forth in Scripture. Bible Study is a major subject and is required of all students throughout the entire course. By maintaining a balance between reli gious, academic, and recreational activities,
Dr. Harold H. Etling was elected pres ident of the National Sunday School Association at the National Conven tion in Denver. Dr. Etling is Sunday School Board Director of the National Fellowship of Brethren Churches. He is the author of seven text books used in connection with the Christian Workers’ Training Course of Brethren Sunday Schools, and also lectures at Grace Theological Seminary in the field of Christian Education. Prior to assuming the office of president, Dr. Etling served as vice-president of NSSA. Scripture Press Publications, Inc.
PRICE. Others to follow were Dr. George Ford on Ecumenicity, and a FAITH AND FREEDOM AUDIO LI BRARY release with former Russian slave prisoner John Noble. Harvey C. Chrouser, director of physi cal education and athletics at Whea ton College and for many years head football coach, has been named Con ference Chairman for the first Inter national Convention of Christian Camps and Conferences Association scheduled for March of this year. The meetings will be held at Williams Bay, Wisconsin. Mr. Chrouser has di rected camps for more than twenty years and under his leadership the Wheaton College Honey Rock Camp has developed to handle 650 boys and girls each summer. This first conference of CCCA will help directors and managers of camps develop their programs and facilities during contemplated growth for the years ahead. Joseph Coughlin, founder of the Chris- tion Service Brigade, participated in the organization’s 25th anniversary rally last month, by telling “ The Story of the Torch” as he did at the first club meeting 25 years ago. The rally was 'held in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, the town in which the movement started as a single club in 1937. To day it has a membership of over 40,000 boys in churches throughout the United States and Canada. Bri gade serves to offset the usual exodus of teenage boys from the church. Rev. Raymond J. Davis, formerly As sociate General Director of the Sudan Interior Mission, has been appointed to the office of General Director, suc ceeding Rev. Albert D. Helser, who relinquished office in July under the SIM’s 65 year-age limit for executive officers. Mr. Davis has served with the SIM for 28 years, first in Ethiopia and then in ■Nigeria. As West African Field Director he played a major role in bringing into existence the Associa tion of Evangelical Churches of West Africa, a government-recognized, ful- ly-independent organization of over 500 churches of SIM origin. The SIM is the world’s largest interdenomina tional missionary society, having ap proximately 1300 missionaries serving among 71 tribes in ten African coun tries. Jack Shuler, well-known evangelist, died on Sunday, December 9, in Southern California. He was 44 years of age.
■ recently added two I new staff men to ■ their expanding op- I erations. P a u l T. Hanson becomes Ad- vertising Art Direc- tor. A native of England, he was educated their schools with a di- ploma in Mechani cal Engineering. He C. Douglas becomes Printing Production Operator for Scrip ture Press. Prior to this he attended Ithaca College in N e w York a n d owned h i s o w n commercial p r in t- ing business. David L. Carlson, Director of Public
¿aM k
the School aims at a harmony of purpose. By intelligent applica tion of this Christian program, in both administration and teach ing, Stony Brook is making a dis tinctive contribution to American education. D r . F r a n k E . G a e b e l e in ' Headmaster For Catalogue and Information, write Director of Admissions, Dept. 80
Mr. Hanson
also holds a diploma from Moody Bi ble Institute of Chicago. Mr. Hanson had experience as an artist with two firms in this country before his appointment at Scripture Press. Hugh
THE STONY BROOK SCHOOL Stony Brook, Long Island * New York
Improve your knowledge j of the Bible with KEITHL.BROOKS TEACH YOURSELF THE BIBLE SERIES Proven question and answer method. You build your own commentary through cross reference study—comparing scripture with scripture. „ Also excellent for class use 5 Newly Revised Courses Now Available Romans $1.00 Practical Bible Doctrine $1.00 Basic Bible Study for New Christians 600 Christian Character Course 600 How to Pray 600 14 additional courses and other Keith L. Brooks books, charts and tracts available A t Your Religious Bookstore, or write /jJ X m o o d y p r e s s CHICAGO 10 , ILLINOIS
Mr. Douglas
Relations for the Audio Bible Society of America Inc. of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, has announced the re lease of the first Talking Book records (16 2/3 rpm) in the Christian field. Secular companies have recorded classical literature on the ultra-long- playing speed, but never before have Christian artists or literature been recorded for popular use on “ the 4th speed.” The new releases are designed for use by churches, study groups, and particularly for home and family groups. Well-known Christian per sonalities have recorded their works in their own voices, on the Audio Bi ble Society label. The first to record a digest of her most popular books was Eugenia Price, under the general title THE BEST OF EUGENIA
Homeless Korean Orphans
"OR AM I CONFUSED?" Your July and August issues have been the best yet in my opinion. The article by Dr. Don Hillis in the August issue en title “ Or Am I Confused?” has really been a blessing to me. I was beginning to feel that I must indeed have a cold, hard heart concerning these various “ causes.” Instead, I find that the Holy Spirit has been instructing me all along, and I’ve quit fighting Him. Thank you for such articles. Mrs. George Winchell, San Diego, California JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS Please do not skip one month of Jr. King’s Business. These stories and object lessons are so great a help to children’s workers. We have always enjoyed this Jr. page, and have appreciated Mrs. Hook er’s work for so many years. Thank you. Mrs. Thomas Roth, Dallas, Texas. LAUGHING W ITH CHILDREN “ Under the Parsonage Roof” is always the first thing I turn to. The column has been a blessing to me. I followed it all the time Mrs. Miller’s son was so ill . . . The last article hit me hard, especially the question: “ How long is it since you’ve had a good laugh with your children?” Yes, how long is it? For a missionary it’s a long time. W e left our 12-year-old son eleven years ago and we didn’t have a laugh for four years. Then we had a year of bliss with him again. Four years, and we saw him for two months, and after our year’s furlough was up, we left him again, but this time the cut went deeper. We also left our 15-year-old daughter. Yes, it’s a long, long time since we’ve had a laugh with our children. People sometimes think that we mission aries are special people who get used to these situations. W e never do. I know hundreds, yea, thousands of missionaries who have done the same thing, but that fact doesn’t make it easier. God has mar velously taken care of our children . . . Our earthly reward has been the hundreds of children in the faith whom God has given from a dark, supersitious, pagan people. Mrs. Beckett, Sudan Interior Mission, N. Nigeria, West Africa R E WA R D Our printer wishes to recover any December magazines which may have been erroneously assembled. Please check your copy to see if page 18 is followed by page 3. If so, mail it to them at P.O. Box 551, Glendale, Calif. They will send you a new magazine and $1.00 as a reward.
 Unless help comes from people like you, many Korean children will have to beg for food, spend long and cruel nights sleeping in doorways, alleys and under bridges this winter. Their tattered clothing will give scant protection against the cold. Some will lose limbs because of gangrene which follows severe exposure. The little fellow shown here, we are happy, to say, is now safe from winter’s rigors. He lives in one of our orphanages. His sponsor provides him with food, shelter, clothing?* tuition—and the assurance of Christian love and care.
Yvng Soon (F-l)
Mon Soo (F-2)
For only $10* a month you may become a sponsor and give an orphan the necessities of life, supervised by dedicated Christians. Also, you will have the thrill of a direct, personal contact with a grateful orphan child, whose letters will warm your heart. We will send you the child’s name, address, photograph and life story. Your letters will be answered in English. If your child is too young to write, a staff member will do so. ______________ New Meaning to Lives ______________ Mrs. Irene Ketel of Evergreen Park, 111., writes, “ The joy o f being able to see Kawk Ok Soon changed from a helpless, lonely and forgotten youngster to a happy and secure child, has brought a new and real meaning to our lives. It is a gratifying privilege to be her American mother." But what about the other children whose photographs appear on this page? They are praying for a sponsor who will be their Mommy or Daddy, Big Brother or Sister. And there are thousands more in desperate need of help. Still others will be brought to our homes because inadequate, unlicensed orphanages are being closed. We must have many more sponsors to care for these.
Yung Jn (F-3)
Myung Jo (F-4)
Koo Dong (F-5)
Our new name—COMPASSION In sharing this ministry with us, you show genu ine COM PA SS ION , which is the new name of this work, known for 10 years as the Everett Swanson Evangelistic Association. We believe our new name is more descriptive o f the spirit and nature of the work.
►OUR RESPONSIBILITY... To care for more than 16,000 Korean orphans. To maintain 154 orphanages, super vised and staffed by Bible-believing Christians. To serve more than 20,000,000 meals each year.
A w ard ed highest recognition by Korean government. CUP AND MAIL T O :---------------------------------------------------------- EVERETT SWANSON, Founder and Director Name ________________________________________ Address— ____________________________________ City _________________ Zone ___ State ____________
greatly Increased Korean living costs, it is neces< raise sponsorships from $8 to $10 a month,
G Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice is Number If this child has already been chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a sim ilar child. I prefer □ Boy, □ Girl. With God's help I will send $10 a month. Please send my child's name, picture, ad dress and FULL PARTICULARS. I understand I may continue as long as I wish. Enclosed is support fo r □ firs t month, □ one year. □ I cannot sponsor a child now but want to help a child by giving $ ___________ □ Please send folder, ‘‘Inform ation About Sponsoring Korean O rphans."
Gifts of any amount are welcome. All gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. COM PA S S ION ( The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Assn., Inc.) An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation
D ept. K 1 3
7774 Irving Park Road
Chicago 34, III.
“ Bible Foundation Course” ............................$ 3.00 “ Chapter Summary” ............................................. 5.00 “ Child Evangelism” ............................................... 5.50 “ Christ in The Tabernacle” (Talbot) ...... 6.50 “ Fundamental Doctrines” (Torrey) ........... 6.50 “ God’s Plan of the Ages” (Talbot) ........... 5.00 “ Minor Prophets” (5 Units) Feinberg ...... 16.50 “ Practical Bible Training” .............................. 2.50 “ Prophecies of Daniel” (Talbot) ................... 6.50 “ Studies for New Christians” ......................... 1.00 “ Studies in Romans” (Talbot) ....................... 5.50 “ Studies in the Gospels” ................................... 6.50 “ The Book of Acts” ............................................. 3.50 “ The Book of Ephesians” (Talbot) ........... 5.50 “ The Book of Revelation” (Talbot) ......... 6.50 “ The Cults” (Talbot) .......................................... 6.50 Evangelical Teacher Training Course: 6 Units, Preliminary Certifícate ....................... $17.00 6 Units (plus 6 Units
Preliminary Course) Advanced Certifícate Course ................................. 17.00 All New Bible Geography Course featuring Baker’s Bible Atlas, Study guides closely following Biblical narrative $ 10.00
W e are an idealistic nation — a nation ruled by laws, not by men. Yet each year shows new record peaks of crime and lawlessness. What has happened to the time-honored precepts of hard work and fair play which influenced the American scene, during the all- important formative years of this great Republic? Where is the faith in God which fortified us through our past trials? Have our national pride, our moral conscience, our sensitivity to filth and degradation, grown so weak that they no longer react to assaults upon our proud heritage of freedom? Crime and subversion are formidable problems in the United States today because, and only because, there is a dangerous flaw in our nation’s moral armor. Self-indulgence — the principle of pleas ure before duty — is practiced across the length and breadth of land. It is undermining those attributes of personal responsibility and self- discipline which are essential to our national survival. It is creating citizens who reach maturity with a warped sense of values and an undeveloped conscience. Since 1946, our national crime totals have more than doubled. Over the past five years, since 1957, these crimes have risen five times as fast as our growing population. Nowhere has this increase been more pronounced than among America’s youth. Last year, persons under 18 years of age were involved in 43 per cent of all arrests for serious crimes. They ac counted for 22 per cent of the robbery arrests, nearly one half of the burglaries and larcenies, and well over half of the automobile thefts throughout the United States. There is a moral breakdown among young people in the United States. The crime rate is outdistancing the population increase; pornography is flourishing; and there is a quest for status at the expense of morality. The heavy toll of crime, both juvenile and
THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 558 KB I S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. Enroll me in Course ...........................r............................ Find fee enclosed $........................................................... Send me free brochure of all courses offered ................................................................ Name ............................................ ............................................... Address ...................................................................................... City........................................ Zone......... State.....................
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Land Time Forgot
Family That Changed World
Write for Catalogue BI0LA FILMS LA HABRA, CALIF.
adult, is a direct product of self-indulgence and irresponsibility. There is a pattern of flight from responsibility. It is utterly tragic that many otherwise intelligent people develop a blind spot with regard to the conduct of their own children. Until there comes about a greater degree of parental understanding — real interest, affection and concern — we will witness a continued upsurge in juvenile crime. There must be a moral reawakening in every home of our coun try. Disrespect for law and order is a tragic moral illness. As Benjamin Franklin said, "Nothing is of more importance for the public weal, than to . . . train . . . youth in wisdom and virtue. Wise and good men are, in my opinion, the strength of a state; much more so than riches or arms . . .” Crime is a community as well as a national problem. It will not be abolished by ignoring it. Perhaps it is sometimes oversensation alized; its gory details undoubtedly are distasteful to many people. But if the public is to be aroused to take needed action against what appears to be an epidemic of criminal activity, even sensationalism perhaps may be justified. W e are paying dearly and in cold cash for these indulgences. Crime now costs the American people more than $60 million a day. But this figure does not take into account the human factors — the personal grief, the broken homes, the physical and mental suf fering. Nor can a price be placed on the loss of American prestige in the community of nations, or the eroding influence upon our heritage, which are by-products of the continuing growth of un derworld activity. Crime has a sinister partner in promoting the breakdown of our moral standards. This partner is international communism — an aggressive and atheistic force which today controls one third of the world’s population and one fourth of her land surface. The barbaric communist empire now stretches from the Wall of Berlin to the China Sea, from Asia’s Mekong River to the Escambray Mountains of Cuba. In our country, this international conspiracy is represented by a bold and defiant Communist Party — fanatically dedicated to the destruction of our form of free government. The Communist Party, U .S.A., is an alien force, an agency of a foreign power — the Soviet Russian government. Today, it is en gaged in an intensive campaign to openly defy the law and destroy public confidence in our entire system of justice. Throughout thé past year, the Party has deliberately and flagrantly refused to com ply with a United States Supreme Court ruling which requires it to register with the Attorney General as an agent of the Soviet Union. In furtherance of this campaign, front groups have been formed, propaganda leaflets circulated, agitational meetings held — all for the purpose of attacking American laws and undermining faith in our democratic institutions. We must be aware of these tactics to sabotage our basic heritage of freedom. The communists are experts in the practice of treachery and deceit. They have used this program of blatant defiance as an oflfen- (continued on page 19)
JOIN NOW! Save on Gospel Records
Take advantage of this money-saving, “ buy-direct” opportunity. These are top quality recordings from RCA, Cap itol, Singspiration, Word, Supreme and many others —featuring many leading Christian Artists. Record Li br ar y Club 1816 Quail N. . Dept. KB-13 Minneapolis 22, Minnesota Lr i SEND FOR FREE W ithout obligation L please send free record lists and details on Club membership. Namp RECORD LISTS Addrpss AND DETAILS Pity 7.nnp Stat.p $
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This 75 year old mission has enjoyed the confi dence of many Christians throughput the world, and the blessing of God throughout its years of service to the Jews. W e make no dramatic appeal, we merely ask for the privilege of presenting this history and pres ent program of our Christian Witness to Israel. ', A M E R IC A N M E S SIA N IC FELLO W SH IP j Archie A. MacKinney, Director 7446 North Damen, Chicago, Illinois I am interested in the AMF Annuity Plan and other information of AM Fellowship. CUP THE COUPON BELOW.
Reach Children!
6 posat — 3 color* 50 for $1.00 PMtpoM 1000 hr 017.50 paatpaM CHURCH PRESS |M SSI Clangala, California
TROUBLE 1 — a tract for i h BOYS AND 4 GIRLS^fl
Dr. Herbert Henry Ehrenstein Bible Study Hour & Eternity Magazine Philadelphia, Pa.
Dr. Ralph Keiper Director of Research Evangelical Foundation Philadelphia, Pa.
Dr. Louis T. Talbot Chancellor Bible Institute of L.A., Inc.
Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland President Bible Institute of L.A., Inc.
Dr. David D. Allen Pastor, Calvary Bap. Church Hazel Park, Mich.
The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., in cooperation with out standing Evangelical Churches of Southern California presents . . . Torrey Memorial B I B L E C O N F E R E J A N U A R Y 2 7 - FE B R U y 2 8 t h a n n u a l
t h e
Dr. William F. Kerr Pastor Cazenovia Park Bap. Church Buffalo, New Yoilc
Dr. Ernest G. Malyon Extension Staff Moody Bible Institute Chicago, III.
Dr. John Hess McComb Pastor No'west Presbyterian Church Dallas, Texas
Dr. Woodrow Rood
Dr. W. Robert Smith Professor Bethel College Saint Paul, Minnesota
Dr. J. O. Percy Bible Conf. Speaker Hackensack, N. J.
Melrose Baptist Church Oakland, Calif.
First Baptist Church of DOWNEY 8348 Third Street Dr. Milton C. Gould Centinela Bible Church of HAWTHORNE 225 West 137th Street Rev. Richard L. Shook NORTH LONG BEACH Brethren Church 61st and Orange Dr. George O. Peek First Brethren Church of LONG BEACH 1925 East Fifth Street Dr. Charles W. Mayes Temple Baptist Church of ONTARIO 224 West California Boulevard Rev. Walter Scott Roger Williams Baptist Church of LOS ANGELES 1342 West Adams Boulevard Rev. William L. Ebling SAN GABRIEL Union Church Pine at Las Tunas Dr. Joseph Hemphill First Baptist Church of SAN BERNARDINO Tenth and G Streets Rev. Jay W. Schmidt Valley Bible Church of NORTHRIDGE
Dr. D. Wadsworth, Director Clostermuehle Bible School & Conference Center Obemhof Lahn, Germany
Dr. John C. Whitcomb, Jr. Professor • Grace Theo. Seminary Winona Lake, Indiana
8212 Louise Avenue Rev. Don Lamberson First Brethren Church of WHITTIER Milton and Bailey Rev. Lewis C. Hohenstein
Biola Campus Auditorium, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada
In youth life seems unending, but as the years pass, we become conscious of life’s inadequacy. We’ve not accomplished what we planned, not achieved what we had hoped, and doubtless never will. We learn that life is short and that for all of us there’s so little time! So much of life passes almost without notice, and suddenly we awaken somewhere in the middle years deeply conscious of life’s brevity. The masters of litera ture have penned majestic passages based on that realiza tion. Lord Byron, a very clever, if dissolute man, while still young in years but old in experience, wrote: “My days are in the yellow leaf; The flowers and fruits of love are gone; The worm, the canker and the grief Are mine alone.” Shakespeare has Macbeth, probably his most tragic character, say in defeat’s bitterness: “ To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of recorded time; And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.” Of course Macbeth was a pessimistic sinner. Life may be a brief candle, but it may also be a glorious flame. It depends on whether our lives are kindled by the Son of God. The 90th Psalm presents God’s wisdom on growing old. Moses says: “ Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations . . . For all our days are passed away in thy wrath: we spend our years as a tale that is told. The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” So little time! (continued on next page) 9
D r a m a t ic , t r a g ic 1962 is dying. With Tennyson we say: “ The year is dying in the night. Ring out, wild bells, and let it die.” But more than a year is dying. A whole era—an age— is dying. Many feel that we are in the closing minutes of the “ 11th hour” of our era. What is the world posi tion? Are the nations marching to Armageddon? Is man’s scientific genius to reap a harvest of worldwide destruc tion? There is feverish haste among the nations. Hurry, hurry! There are conferences, national trouble, slander, retaliation, charge and countercharge, till minds reel and a mild insanity grips all of us. Suddenly millions have awakened to the fact that there is very little time. The rumbling volcano of human hatred is erupting here and there, as in the Berlin con flict, the Cuban threat, Laos, Vietnam, the Congo. The main eruption is yet to come, and there seems to be so little time. Paul wrote to the Roman church (Romans 13:11-14): . . Knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us live and conduct ourselves honestly, as in the day; not in carousing and drunkenness, not in prostitution and debauchery, not in strife and envy. But clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its desires.” What an exhortation for our day when there is so little time! LEARN THE DIVINE PURPOSE Life itself is brief and world conditions should remind us to prepare fully for the hereafter. The Apostle chal lenges (James 4:13, 14): “Go to now, ye that say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and con tinue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” We think of its personal application. JANUARY. 1963
can save us with rockets to the moon, intercontinental missiles, speed, light, magic. God must be saying to us as He said to proud Babylon 2600 years ago (Isaiah 47:13): “ Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prog nosticators stand up and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee.” They had so little time! And America may have so little time — so little time! We boast the power of our almighty dollar among the nations, and grieve Almighty God that made us; but already our gold and silver is cankered and impotent, our currency devaluates in world markets, our hoard of gold disappears. Little pagan peoples defy us, trouble us and laugh at our international plight. Russia — athe istic. Russia (think of it!) — is saying to us, “You have so little time! Soon we’ll bury you!” We pray God will not permit it for the elect’s sake. But right now we have very little time for national re pentance. So little time! A CARANVANSARY LIFE But what about you? Paul says the time is now “high time” for you to awake out of your sleep, which can become the sleep of eternal death. A Persian pilgrim wandered one day by mistake into the king’s palace. Thinking he was in a hotel or a caranvansary (so called in. the East), he made himself at home. Finding a long gallery, he laid his carpet upon the floor and prepared to sleep. Soon he was discovered by the guards who asked him what he was doing in that place. The pilgrim said he intended to take his night’s lodg ing in the caranvansary. The guards told him angrily that the place was not a caranvansary but the king’s palace. It happened that the king himself passed through the gallery during this debate, and smiling at the mistake of the pilgrim, asked how he could possibly be so dull as not to distinguish a palace from a caravansary. “ Sir,” said the pilgrim, “ give me leave to ask your Majesty a question or two. Who are the persons who lodged in this house when it was built?” The king re plied, “M y ancestory lodged here.” “And who was the last person who lodged here?” “My father,” the king replied. “ And who lodges here at present?” The king said, “Myself.” “And who will lodge here after you?” “ The young prince, my son.” “Ah, sir,” said the pilgrim, “ a house that changes its inhabitants so often and receives such a perpetual succession of guests is not after all a palace but a cara vansary!” Plainly, this world is not a home; it’s a hotel. We live here briefly, and there is so little time. While we are here we must prepare for a larger life, a fuller life, for certainly if this life is not a preparation for a better one, then it is largely a mockery. How ridiculous are our greed and ambitions when we contemplate life’s brevity! The changing year sternly reminds us of the brevity of our lives. What about the afterglow when you look back and think of the journey of life? W ill there be the satisfaction of years of service for Him, and a glorious anticipation of seeing Him face to face, the One whom we have served through a busy life? So little time! Prepare for the hereafter because the hereafter is not short. It’s endless. Jesus talked about ever lasting life. “He that hath the Son hath life . . . Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life”— endless, undying, unceasing life.
So Little Time (Continued) Let’s dare to look intelligently at this evaporating mist we call “life.” Admittedly, life is short — we must then leam its divine purpose. Too many people drift through life without compass, without any conscious port of des tination, and many times, sadly, without the true knowl edge of the journey. "What can be more tragic than that? God intends that we should prepare in childhood for life. That’s why He placed babes in mothers’ arms, and said, “ Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Parents, are you indifferent to the spiritual training of your children? They cannot make up in afterlife what you have neglected to give them in youth. You should talk to little children about life and' death, God and Christ, and eternal life, so that it is indelibly printed upon the plastic and impressionable consciousness of childhood. Little children should sometime be told about the fact and nature of death. When loved ones die, tell them the meaning of death and tell them about the afterlife. What is life’s meaning? Where does it lead? Is death the.end? Have you ever faced that question? You must! This generation has lived in a terrible time of dying; there has never been any other time in history when so many have died violent deaths and when people were so conscious of death’s reality as in the last forty years. Now we know about nuclear bombs that can blow millions into microscopic dust. The Communist date for world control is now 1970. W ill it be after nuclear des truction? So little time! However, we must think constructively. The chang ing year makes us retrospective. We look back at the path behind us that trails off into dimness and look forward to the future, with varied emotions—curiosity, wonder, an ticipation, terrible fear, unless we belong to the drunken sots who at New Year’s celebrate time’s passing with bleary eyes, dirty jest, meaningless toasts. OUR REPUBLIC DISINTEGRATING? As a nation, we seem to have so little time. Ours is a republic, and history reveals that republics have always had a short life and a quick death. Ancient Rome had a long history and died slowly; but there will be no leisurely and comfortable decay for America. The heavy footfall of bloody tyranny marches resistlessly, getting nearer and nearer our doors. So little time! Apostasy and Antichrist loom clearer and clearer on the religious horizon. How much time have we to tell the story? Christ asked, “When the Son of man cometh shall he find the faith (the true faith) in the earth?” Capable historians and serious sociologists are pessi mistic concerning the. near future; they are not optimis tic fools. They know that greater civilizations than ours have risen high in the world’s sunlight, then stumbled and plunged into the dust of oblivion. Archaeologists dig amid the ruins of Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, and wonder how such mighty civilizations could have passed away. If they would listen, they would hear the thundering voice of the Psalmist out of the misty past, crying, “ The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” The Almighty God told Babylon when she was still in the bloom of her world glory, “ Come down, and sit in the dust, 0 virgin daughter of Babylon . . . Thy nakedness shall be uncovered . . . I will take vengeance . . . Sit thou silent, and get thee into darkness.” Today she sits silent and has for thousands of years. Her mag nificent palaces are heaps of rubble. God made it so! She was mighty. She had her scientists, who boasted they could save her. Today, our scientists boast that they
Lord, Give A Vision
by Dr. J. O. Percy
S u r v e y in g t h e w o r l d s c e n e and all its desperate spir itual need produces an inevitable conclusion: the people of God have lost all initiative and have little or no vision of world need on the one hand or of the challenge of the Word of God on the other. A tragic lethargy seems to have settled like a pall over the church of the Living God, narrowing and beclouding vision, producing an indifference that is responsible for sending countless multitudes of precious souls into the blackness of darkness forever. Well has the hymn writer exhorted “ Lord give a vision, burning within, Of men and of women lost in their sin.” The prophet Isaiah gives us a message for this hour and. for this need. In the 6th chapter of his book we have a record of A vision of the Lord Jesus; A vision of world need; A vision of service. Isaiah had been preaching for at least two years before he penned this sixth chapter. One could imagine the great man of God pouring out his soul, earnestly be seeching men and women to return to God. But his mes sage lacked “punch” and it certainly did not produce results. Isaiah had to learn the lesson that every child of God must learn: a vision of the Son of God is imperative for service. NOTE FIRST, A VISION OF THE LORD. The Apos tle John tells us in John 12:41 that Isaiah saw the Lord Jesus. He had a vision of the Eternal Son of God and an indelible impression was made upon his heart and soul of Christ’s majesty, glory, and omnipotence. It was a vision so magnificent the very seraphim cried out, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord!” The glory so filled the temple that none could enter (2 Chron. 7:1-3)—a glory that completely changed one man so that the course of history was altered. Let me ask you: have you really seen Him? Does a vision of Him, transcending every other experience, fill your soul? May I suggest that your dis interest in the work of God and especially in the foreign mission field is largely the result of lack of vision of the Eternal Son of God. Until we see the Lord Jesus as Isaiah saw Him, there will never be a burden for missions, never a burden for souls, never a burden for the church, never a burden to see the Lord Jesus glorified in the hearts and lives of men. “ I saw the Lord” is basic and must precede every other spiritual experience in the life a believer. NOTE FURTHER, A VISION OF WORLD NEED. Seeing the Lord Jesus, Isaiah saw himself in all his own spiritual need. His unworthiness, his sinfulness, his “ un clean lips” were all adequately cared for by the living coals from off the altar. Then in the glory of his new found vision, Isaiah suddenly saw something he had not essentially seen before: a world, and not just Israel, in spiritual need. “ I dwell in the midst of a people of un
clean lips.” Seeing the Lord Jesus brings sin into its proper focus and the spiritual need of men and women of the world into its right perspective. Is it not amazing and even shocking that saved people can rub shoulders with unsaved men and women and never be moved with the thought that these are perishing souls? Without a vision of the Saviour, we can never have a vision of lost souls here in the homeland, not to speak of a vision of lost souls in India or Thailand or Ethiopia or Italy or some distant comer of the earth. In essence, Isaiah is saying, “ I have seen the King, the Lord Jesus, and this new vision of Him has revealed to me the lost condition of people everywhere!” Do we have such a vision? Or is it nothing to us that millions are dying? Care we not that multitudes perish for want of spiritual life? Know we not that Jesus died for them as much as He died for us? Are our hearts of stone that they cannot be moved? The world is in desperate spiritual need. Less than 3% of the world’s people of 3,100,000,000 souls could be con sidered to be born-again; 97 out of every 100 people walking the streets of our great cities are spiritually dead. Why can’t we see this? Why is our vision blurred, our hearts hard and our blood cold? As truly as a vision of the Lord Jesus revolutionized Isaiah’s heart, even so will a vision of the risen Son of God revolutionize our hearts and enable us to see the world as God sees it. NOTE LASTLY, A VISION OF SERVICE. Innumer able people say, “ God never called me into His service,” although they would find it hard to give evidence that He had called them to secular work, or to remain at home. God has called every believer to His service, but the things of this life have so beclouded vision that the believer is in no position to hear the voice of God. Isaiah saw the Lord Jesus; this brought a vision of world need and now he was able to hear the voice of God. “Whom shall I send and who will go for us?” brought the im mediate response “ Here am I, send me.” But it all be gan when he saw the Lord Jesus. Many of God’s people can never hear the voice of the Lord. The loud clangings of the world shout out His voice. Preoccupied with things that are of little account, there is little desire to bring men and women to Christ. But it can all change with a new vision of the Son of God, a new understanding of the purposes of God for this age, a new realization that the purposes of God involve every believer in the Lord Jesus and the staggering truth that without us it is virtually impossible for Him to accomplish His heart burden of drawing all men unto Himself. May we have in these days of amazing opportunity a new vision of the crucified, risen, ascended, soon-coming Son of God which will produce a vision of desperate world need, and a vision of service that will lead us to respond to God’s gracious invitation and then to hear Him say, “ Go”— everywhere—“ and tell this people.”
I a m c a l l in g t h is “A NEW TESTAMENT METHOD OF SOUL WINNING” and these and other Scriptures will support my claim. Acts 5:42 — “And daily in the temple and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.” II Tim. 2:2 — “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” Mark 3:14 — “And He ordained twelve that they should be with Him, and that He might send them forth to preach.” This method is different from regular visitation as most of us know it. First we find an opening for Bible Study. It could be a home of one of the parents of Sunday School children who do not regularly attend our services. It could be someone who has visited or is now attending church, or else someone who has been contacted through the calling program. When the opening has been secured, at your request, and the leading of the Holy Spirit •(this is most important as you are looking for someone vyith spiritual hunger), then you return to the same house every week. The same couple should return each week for the Bible Study. You have offered to help them to understand the Bible! Un derstanding the Bible may be likened unto learning to
Next time I will ask how many “ KNOWS” they have found in this book. Then I may ask them to read Psalm 119 and pointing out verses 9 and 11 as an example, I will ask them to go through the Psalm twice, once counting the number of verses where the WORD and the LAW are found. Then I ask them to read it again and tell me what the WORD (LAW ) is and what the WORD does for the Psalmist. “Thy Word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against Thee.” (Psalm 119:11). Here the Word keeps me from sin IF I memorize it. You see, this new Christian must just learn to love the Scripture or he will never grow up in the things of God! I must stick with him until he learns to feed on the Word by himself. If I don’t, he is going to fall by the way and he will not attend church or ever be more than an invalid in spiritual truth and life! In returning to a given home week after week, I am winning a friend and gaining confidence of that family. When the decision is made, it is based upon a solid foun dation of Scripture seed already sown. The habit of Bible study is already established. A spiritual parent has al ready been secured. This study approach may be used effectively with the unsaved but interested person. It may be used with the professing but unbaptized believer or with the weak and worldly Christian, or with a new
play tennis or golf, or doing mathematics. You need some one to guide you and help you who has himself already studied the Bible. It is important to know that you are following a plan and a plan that works. I may have a windfall which may not be repeated. But if I am following a plan, then I can expect it to continue to produce. THE MATERIALS: 1. “ Preparatory Bible Study.” This is a correspondence course in four lessons. All you need to use in these lessons is the Gospel of John. Order from Missionary Supply Lines, Kingsburg, California. 2. Les sons on Assurance. 3. “ Beginning with Christ—B-Rations.” Order these from Navigators, Colorado Springs, Colo. The questions may be answered briefly and to the point or you may go into detail. These materials provide tools and a working guide to less experienced workers. The purpose you have at all times is to make the Bible attractive and digestible to the converts. ASSIGNMENTS: My purpose in working with others in a Bible Study is to make the Bible interesting, to whet the appetite for the Bible. To accomplish this, I give out assignments. For example, I say, “ Please read the five brief chapters of the first Epistle of John and count the number of ‘KNOWS’ that you find. Underline in your Bible I John 5:13 and I John 3:14.
convert who needs to be trained and in turn win others. One of the men who consistently follows this method of personal soul-winning told me that he had to cancel his Bible study for the week because of being called out of town on business. “Why don’t you take someone with you, Bill, so that he can carry on in your absence? Train someone else.” It is important to get other Chris tians introduced to this type of ministry. Many of them are capable and perfectly able and willing to do tliis work if only they knew how. It is up to us to train and encourage others in the study of God’s Word! Let us stop inviting people to church and begin to offer to start a Bible study right in their home! “And daily in the temple and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ” (Acts 5:42). This will do more toward getting people to consistently attend church than anything else can do! Let me climax all that I have said by several facts regarding this New Testament Soul Winning Method. 1. It is a neglected work. It is harder to do than to preach a sermon in church. In church, I may preach without being interrupted by questions. People may dis agree, but they are polite enough to remain silent. How ever, in sitting down at the table with another person and attempting to teach and reach that one single person, I do run the risk of questions. Then, too, they may ask THE KING'S BUSINESS
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