King's Business - 1963-01

Hoover (continued) sive weapon to rally the support of misguided, ill-informed and naive in­ dividuals. Foremost among their tar­ gets have been America’s young peo­ ple, for the aim of communism is world youth and the capture and corruption of that youth. Much has been done by the govern­ ment’s internal security programs; by investigation, arrest and prosecution of Party functionaries. Let us not forget that whenever we have stood firm, communism has re­ treated. We must assemble our strength — the moral strength en­ dowed upon us by our Creator, the Author of Liberty. We must reaffirm our determination — the God-inspired determination to protect our freedoms and safeguard our democratic heri­ tage at all costs. In the heat of an all-out struggle with an alien godless ideology, this Nation needs all the prayers it can get. Prayer and devo­ tion to our Creator are basic to Amer­ ican strength and courage. There is a vast difference between Americanism and communism. One teaches morality; the other, expedi­ ency. One follows the Law of God; the other, no law. One is founded upon spiritual values; the other is complete secularism. One is characterized by deep religious conviction; the other, by ruthless, atheistic materialism. The communist world is a world of walls, searchlights, and guards — a prison for the heart, mind and soul. We cannot defeat communism with socialism, nor with secularism, nor with pacifism, nor with appeasement or accommodation. W e can only de­ feat communism with true Ameri­ canism. The fight against crime and communism can be won, and it will be won with, but only with, the help of every decent American citizen. No individual in this great land of ours should underestimate the importance of his or her role. Let us all work that there may be a rebirth of freedom under God in our nation. As Astro­ naut John H. Glenn, Jr., said, “ Free­ dom, devotion to God and country are not things of the past. They will nev­ er become old-fashioned.” Every strong nation in history has lived by an ideal and had died when its ideals were dissipated. We can be destroyed only by our own gulli­ bility. If we are ready, we shall neither be Dead nor Red! It is what a nation has in its heart, rather than what it has in its hand, that makes it strong. The nation which honors God is protected and strengthened by Him. We are a God-loving people. This is our greatest strength. Let our national motto always be, “ In God we trust.”

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