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proach through events, person, and ideas, at each level of approach, and (5) a method of testing results in Biblical preaching. Thus the ambition of the author is acknowledged to be rather engaging. Since he teaches Bib lical studies at Bethany Biblical Sem inary in Chicago, he is at home in his subject, and approaches it with a practical eye. “ The eternal God confronts mod ern man through, and by means of, his revelation to biblical man. This revelation is to be understood and evaluated in the light of the totality of Christ and vitalized and made ac tive by God’s Holy Spirit in the life of each modern man as the revela tion is mediated to him through the consecrated work of the minister” (p. 16-17). A chart illustrates this idea, which is basic to the author’s ap proach. He is on the right track in proceeding from the large to the small, from the whole to the parts. There is some evidence of the in ductive method of Bible study, where the author speaks of paragraphs and sentences as over against chapters and verses. Stress is put on the title and its connection to the outline. This pleases the expository homilectician. One can learn some useful tech niques from this volume. They need to be used in a context of good basic theological foundations in order to make the Bible speak the language of God to needy men. 198 pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashville; $3.50. Faith Healing: Fact or Fiction? By John Pitts Past and present factors in spiritual healing are discussed by an author who himself ministers from a wheel chair. He is thus cautious about heal ings. The essence of the book can be summed up in a paragraph appearing on page 150: “ . . . There is ample reason to hold that ‘miraculous’ cures do take place; and this, to many peo ple, is justification for urging that Protestantism recover its lost heritage and add to the preaching of the Gos pel the healing of the sick — the sick in body and mind, as well as the sick in soul. The Reformation in the six teenth century meant the rediscovery of the doctrine of justification by faith; a like genuine revival of spir itual religion in this twentieth cen- THE KING'S BUSINESS
Called Unto Holiness By Timothy L. Smith
Here is a full-length history of the formative years of The Church of the Nazarene. The fiftieth anniversary of the Church is approaching, and it is only natural both from the stand point of the time elapsed and the up coming commemoration, that the his tory of the first half-century be issued. A Church History Commission was appointed in 1955 by the Board of General Superintendents, and thus this has the official encouragement of the Church. In 1858 a great revival swept the nation. Prominent in it was an em phasis on holiness, which issued in a stream of literature and movements that have strongly influenced the American church down to the present day. In the Methodist Church it was an effort to restore the Wesleyan ex perience to its proper place. Schools which emphasized this doctrine, came into being and magazines sprang up. Around the turn of the century, things began to crystalize into denomina tional organization and an Association of Pentecostal Churches. It was Phin- eas F. Bresee who took the leading role in the formation of the Nazarene Church, Southern California being the scene of much of this activity. In addition to the essential details concerning the origin and half-cen tury development of this Church, the book contains a good deal of ancillary material on the development of evan gelical Christianity during the same period. This is only one of the reac tions against liberalism in theology and ecclesiastical "authoritarianism. But the story will be of interest to all who have participated in the straggle. There are extensive bibliographic notes and there is a good index. — 413 pages; cloth; Nazarene Publishing House, Kansas City, Mo.; $4.95. A Guide to Biblical Preaching By Chalmer E. Faw This volume seeks to supply five, lacks in books on Biblical preaching. These are: (1) an attempt to de fine “ preaching value,” (2) a thor ough-going system of Biblical preach ing; (3) a contextual order for study ing scriptural passages and discover ing their homiletic riches, (4) an ap
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