King's Business - 1963-01

tury might mean the rediscovery of the practice of healing by faith.” He believes that healings must take place within the context of natural law, even though we might not understand the law at the present time. Doctors should become more religious, and ministers more scientific (p. 148). 159 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N. J.; $3.00. BOOK ENDS (A Review of Current Publications) THE BOOK OF JEREMIAH by K. Owen White, 101 pages; THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW by Fred D. Howard, 98 pages; THE EPISTLES TO THE THESSALONIANS by Charles M. Horne, 78 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.50 each. Three new titles in the Shield Bible Study Series, designed for making a survey of the books on the popular level. They are primarily for pastors and teachers in the church school. DtSCIPLESHIP, 90 pages; LIFE'S PROBLEMS, 93 pages; SIMPLE THINGS OF THE CHRISTIAN LIFE, 89 pages; all by G. Campbell Morgan. Paper; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J.; $.95 each. A new series called the ,G. Camp­ bell Morgan Pocket Library designed to give help and guidance in the living of the Christian life. CHALLENGES TO THE CROSS by Wayne Dehoney. 116 pages; paper; Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn.; $2.50. Nine messages-delivered^ as an antidote to "incipient moral rot and social decay." The author is pastor of First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Tenn. THE MYSTERY GIRL by Mildred Davis. 117 pages; paper; Zondervan; $1.95. This novel is the story of a girl who found herself living with her grandmother for a year while her parents went to Arabia. In an encounter with Christian friends, she entered into a struggle between her old life and the Christian challenge which resulted in a revolution within herself. ORCHIDS FOR ETTIE by Hazel Cochran. 144 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $2.50. A Christian novel involving ranch life, the raising of orchids, a missionary doctor from the Congo, and a romance. The gospel is presented faith­ fully. A THEOLOGICAL WORK BOOK OF THE BIBLE edited by Alan Richardson. 290 pages; paper; The Macmillan Co., New York; $1.95. A reissue in the Macmillan paperback series of an impor­ tant dictionary in Biblical theology. Two hundred thirty articles in alphabetical order deal with the key words of the Bible, such as Abomination, Access, Covenant, Judgment, Marriage, Repent, Sacrifice, Time, etc. Around thirty contributors participate, the majority o f whom are British, for the most part acceptable in doctrinal interpreta­ tion. With such a variety o f writers there is bound to be also a variety o f doctrinal positions, but there is a common attempt to discover the basic Biblical use of these words. BEYOND THE TANGLED MOUNTAIN by Doug­ las Percy. 158 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publish­ ing House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. A missionary novel revealing the faithfulness o f God in d iffi­ cult times, involving separation and sickness. The leading character Dr. Bill McAdams, was a missionary doctor. The author, a former mis­ sionary under the Sudan Interior Mission, has been editorial secretary for the Sudan Witness. QUARAN-TEEN by Warren Wiersbe. 64 pages; paper; Miracle Books, Wheaton, III.; no price listed. Twelve studies of typical teen-age spirit­ ual problems in humorous vein, and designed to provide material for as many youth meetings. The material first appeared in Youth for Christ Magazine. MY LIFE AND I by Paul Hutchens. 212 pages; paper over boards; Sugar Creek Press, Cascade, Colo.; $2.50. Many thousands of children have read the Sugar Creek Gang books, ana others from the pen of this prolific writer of juvenile Christian fiction. Now both the children and their parents can travel through an interesting and full life with the author as he unfolds his walk with God. This book will inspire faith- and works for the Lord. Recommended, books are available from the Biola Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descrip­ tive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.


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