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by Nelson S, Dilworth California Sfate Senator, Retired T h e m o s t s ig n if ic a n t yardstick by which to measure a civilization is the security afforded to women and children. In this regard atheism and Communism have produced nothing in any way comparable with Chris tianity in America and Western Eu rope. The nature of human relations is such that men as a group cannot rise much above the morality and protec tion afforded for the mothers and chil dren of their community. Mother love, given the opportunity and power, will insist on better things for their daugh ters and sons than they themselves have experienced. This operates most effectively when inspired by the Christian Gospel of a God who loves mankind and gave us His Son a Sav iour for all who w ill accept Him. The book of Luke in the sacred Scriptures has done more to raise the moral, the social, the spiritual, yes, and the material place of women and children than any other document this world has ever known. Atheism has nothing to take the place of the Christian standards of family life. Nothing of human origin can ever compare with the example and teachings of Jesus. Forever match less and supreme will be His “ Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God” (Luke 18:16). Is it not hard to realize that to teach this verse to youth under eigh teen in Socialist lands is a crime, punishable by long years in forced labor camps, which few survive? There are no Sunday schools for Bible study by children in the lands of socialistic countries and children are forbidden to attend churches or religious organizations. All through their youthful years they are drilled in atheism in government schools, and have no light for their formative years. Small wonder that abortion has been legalized there. Why should mothers raise children for a govern ment to compel them to accept the ideas of atheism, to become subservi ent robots, without the knowledge of God or training in family affection and Christian love? How alert we should be to preserve our Christian freedom in the United States!
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