King's Business - 1963-01

NEW WAV TO RAISE *50B ANDMORE! IT’SEAST,FAST! F o r Y o u r C l u b or G r o u p Your group can raise allthe money it needs, easily, quickly,without lc costto you! I’ll advance. Exquisite designs and prayertexts set agraceful,thankful mood at meals. Have 10 members each sell 20packages; keep $50for your treasury, send me balance of proceeds. Never Spend lc of Your Own Money Take up to 60 days; we give credit on napkins. E T p E 'P You risk nothing to try my amazing tested ■ plan, used by over50,000groups. Rush your name andaddress now for de- ■ ■ tails of my Plan which brings you fast FREE SAMPLES! cash, or valuable equipment for your RIICII NAMF Z group, sent free, no.obligation. Write to .nnnrpp uniui AnnaElizabethWade, 41OHA, Lynchburg,Ya. ADPRESS N0Wf_ E. M. C. I. All Independent, Conservative,, Pastors and Churches, are invited to inquire about 'ordination and membership requirements. Write to: send yourgroup a supplyofmyassorted luxurious Prayer Grace Napkins in

n ew s g r am s by James O. Henry Chairman, History Department, Biola College several cases, actresses have turned to the Screen Actors Guild for help and the union has forced the produc­ er to employ them and to delete the objectionable scene from the script. “The producers did not fight us,” said George Chandler, president of the Guild, “ they know they are wrong. They are not asking the actress to act any more than if they ask her to jump from a high building. So far we have won every case. We have clearly set a precedent, and we will not give in.” Paris Official Would Bar Kissing in Automobiles Couples who “ pet” in cars should be barred from driving for up to six months, Paris City Councilor Pierre Giraud suggested recently. Mr. Giraud said in the city’s municipal bulletin that courting couples caught kissing in cars should be supplied with a complete list of “ squares” in Paris -— “ there they won’t harm anyone.” Soviet Periodical Hits Baptist Gains Resurgence of religious activity in the Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan has been noted with some disgruntlement by the Russian Magazine Agitator, according to a bulletin broadcast by Radio Liberation. As a result, the Communist publication said, the num­ ber of believers has doubled in some areas. In the city of Djambul, the Bap­ tist Society is reported to have “ dou­ bled its membership during the past five years and under the very noses of party and Komsomol organiza­ tions.” Agitator stated that Baptists “fight persistently for every man,” adding that the group “ is luring into their sect not only older people but younger ones as well.” “Mullahs, priests, propagators of religion . . . use all means to hold to the believ­ ers” in Kazakhstan, the publication said. “ Not sparing any expenses, they renovated temples and expanded church choirs.” Not even Communist party members or government work­ ers are immune to the call of religion, as put forth by these groups. Radio iberation reported there was cause to believe that the increase in religious sentiment had resulted in direct per­ secution of the believers.

Liberian Schools Resume Whipping

Corporal punishment is being rein­ troduced in Liberian schools. The re­ turn to whipping was suggested by President William V. S. Tubman. He quoted the sayings, “ Spare the rod and spoil the child,” and “ The rod is made for the back of the fool.” He also quoted the scripture “ Chas­ ten thy son while there is hope and let not thy soul spare him for his cry­ ing.” President Tubman said these admonitions were practiced in Liberia from 1847 until recent years, “ when, having an apparent desire to emulate modern educational practices of other countries, we abandoned this tried educational system, with the result that we are beginning to have on rur hands unruly criminally-minded and delinquent young people.” He ap­ pealed to the nation’s parents and clergymen to support teachers who administer punishment when neces­ sary. Corporal punishment is to be administered for the following offens­ es: Delibérate disrespect to school au­ thorities and willful violation of school rules and regulations, consis­ tent vulgarism and repeated profan­ ity; truancy and running away from school premises or leaving school grounds before the end of the day without permission; drinking, and smoking. Union Opposing Nudity in Films Some American movie producers are demanding that actresses, as a condition of employment, appear be­ fore the camera in the nude. This de­ velopment, which is being fought by the Screen Actors Guild, is an attempt to meet the competition of sexy for­ eign movies. The American producers who ask actresses to perform in the nude are making films for a mass market. They insert a short nude se­ quence that is used purely as audi­ ence bait, rather than for artistic rea­ sons. The situation is more serious than the activities of fly-by-night pro­ ducers, some of them unemployed cameramen, who make cheap films that deal with little else but nudity. The so-called “nudies” use photo­ grapher’s models and not actresses. In


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